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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Greg Romero's response to Tim Janakos-Kobayashi

"I am the Buddha from time without beginning" --  Tim Janakos-Kobayashi ["Energetic Emotional Healer"], SGI Senior Leader and graduate of Soka University of America

"healer, my question to you was what makes you think you are a buddha from time without beginning. i did not ask you about the potential to become a buddha. there is reality and then there is fantasy. tientai and nichiren concur that the true entity is one, but like everything else in this universe it has two potentials. they say; if the true entity encounters bad or evil influences, instead of manifesting enlightenment, it will instead manifest a deeper delusion. however, if it encounters good influences it will manifest enlightenment. here we are talking about the real world, not a fantasy or a potential to be realized someday. sgi turns its back on this passage and actually many more. nichiren, self-described, leader of the bodhisattvas of the earth and follower of the eternal shakyamuni said the good influences are namu myoho renge kyo (the essence of the lotus sutra), shakyamuni, and his teachings as well as those having the same mind as nichiren. the evil influences are those that go against or teach something other than what they taught. "rely on the law and not the person". both sgi and nst go completely against this. what made nichiren's enlightenment was who he followed (shakyamuni) and that he lived at the risk of his very life, believed in, and taught the lotus sutra 24/7. he didn't teach somebody else's version of the lotus sutra. nichiren says many times in his writings, "the correct teachings". as you may know, buddhism is faith, practice and study. not just any faith, correct faith. not just any practice, correct practice. not just any study, the study of real buddhism and not someone else's version. nichiren also says, "there is correct wisdom and there is perverse wisdom". correct wisdom is reality and is good , perverse wisdom is fantasy and is not good. nichiren taught; there is only one distinction in any persons daimoku. that distinction is whether one chants with correct faith or chants while cherishing something different in ones heart. this shows that it is not just the words but the faith. this is the nst and sgi which includes you as you seem to be attracted to them. today, both nst and sgi have turned their backs on what the lotus sutra and nichiren actually taught in favor of something else. most likely for profit and selfish gain. healer, what you have put forth is a potential that all life has, however, it takes a correct faith, practice and study to make it a reality. like many sgi, i'm sure you will pay no attention to what i say. those who won't listen to nichiren also won't listen to me. this i know. my hope for you is that you will leave the sgi, begin a real buddhist practice and enjoy the promise of the lotus sutra and nichiren. cheers." -- Greg Romero


  1. this is the first time that i have noticed you remove a comment it must have been a real shocker

    1. Any one who is forced to look in the mirror gets shocked especial when they realize their gonhonzon is nothing but a mirror and they are the only buddha that will ever exist and nothing outside them selves will ever save them. Most of my comments get deleted, because this is a monologue of hate, not a dialogue site.

    2. (1) "The Dharma body, or body of the Law (Skt dharma-kāya). This is the fundamental truth, or Law, to which a Buddha is enlightened.

      (2) The reward body (sambhoga-kāya), obtained as the reward of completing bodhisattva practices and acquiring the Buddha wisdom. Unlike the Dharma body, which is immaterial, the reward body is thought of as an actual body, although one that is transcendent and imperceptible to ordinary people.

      (3) The manifested body (nirmāna-kāya), or the physical form that a Buddha assumes in this world in order to save the people. Generally, a Buddha was held to possess one of the three bodies. In other words, the three bodies represented three different types of Buddhas—the Buddha of the Dharma body, the Buddha of the reward body, and the Buddha of the manifested body."

      The SGI thinks that the Dharma body is the Buddha of Kuon Ganjo and is the same as their true identity with the exclusion of the Reward body and the Manifest body. This is why they don't appreciate Shakyamuni,Nichiren and the Gohonzon

    3. Hi Noel. Could you cite some examples or teachings of SGI that lead you to this conclusion. I'm not sure i understand.

    4. Hi Mark, I have heard that there is a new SGI book called Kyogaku Nyumon / entrance to studying SGI Buddhism that was released last month in Japan there is probably no English translation as yet

      It suppresses the material aspect of phenomena in favor of the unseen aspect of phenomena. It is a furthering of the Zennification process of the Gakkai as an attempt to rid themselves of their Gohonzon headache

      Their attitude is in deep contrast to the comparison of what Nichiren said about the material object (Gohonzon/Treasure Tower) that was the reason for his advent in this world.

      The sutra reads: "Wherever one teaches the Lotus Sutra, this Treasure Tower of mine will rise and appear before him." Faith like yours is so extremely rare that I will inscribe the Treasure Tower especially for you.

      You should never transfer it to anyone but your son. You should never show it to others unless they have steadfast faith. This is the reason for my advent in this world." On the Treasure Tower

    5. Maybe because the material Ikeda is no more?

    6. They are in a state of panic, desperately and hastily searching for an identity that they are making up as they go along even if it doesn't make any sense at the time but that's ok because they can change whatever they want down the track in their own good time, because they are the great Soka Gakkai so they think ! or should I say the late great Soka Gakkai

    7. They can rewrite their own history and the history of others all they want but the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas know their heart.

    8. “Present effects are due to karmic causes from the past. However, future effects arise from the causes we make in the present. It is always the present that counts.” Ikeda

      It about time they took the advice of their mentor and that the mentor has walked the talk by his own example.

      In the Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra he said don't be afraid of death but rather be afraid of the bad karma that we take into our future lives

    9. He should be afraid of Avici.

    10. I never in my wildest dreams would of thought that it would come to this when I was under the Gakkai Spell

    11. From about the first year of my 19 years in the Gakkai, I already knew that something was rotten in Denmark but thought it was my bad karma that made me feel this way so I was conflicted and beat myself up for years. We really should give more attention to our intuition. More importantly, we really should give more attention to the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren.

    12. Many years ago shortly after I was influenced by a lovely lady into joining the SGI I felt their was something fishy going on when I compared what was coming out of the leaders mouths to what was written in the NST book called Fundamentals of Buddhism that constitute the core of Nichiren's teachings and that has much in common with other Nichiren Buddhist sects and Buddhist schools

      If you imagine the organisation as a fish, then I was focusing towards the end of the body - local and National leaders as the source of the problem rather than the head - the headquarters of Soka Gakkai leaders in Japan with Daisaku Ikeda at its centre.

      "There is a saying that "the fish rots from the head down"

      "The Turks have a homely proverb applied on such occasions: they say "the fish stinks first at the head", meaning, that if the servant is disorderly, it is because the master is so.

      The early date of this citation and the fact Porter was in a position to be authoritative on the Turkish custom, being as he was British ambassador to the Sublime Porte of the Ottoman Empire for 15 years in the second half of the 18th century, gives Turkey a strong claim to be the birthplace of this proverb.

      Of course, the proverb isn't a lesson in piscine biology. The phrase appears to have been used in Turkey in a metaphorical rather than literal sense from the outset. That's just as well as, in reality, it is the guts of fish that rot and stink before the head."

      The whole fish is now in such an advanced state of decomposition in that it is breaking down at such rapid rate that all that will soon remain is a skeleton

    13. Can you give some concrete examples and your experience?

    14. over 20 years ago during my first meeting with the National leader and his adoring youth group members I mentioned about the possibility of seeing the Gohonzon in a future lifetime and they all laughed at me saying that there is only NOW and that there is no individual that carries karma over to the next life and still continues and is more entrenched than ever before

      What I said before about the NST book called Fundamentals of Buddhism that constitute the core of Nichiren's teachings and that has much in common with other Nichiren Buddhist sects and Buddhist schools - also has some major differences that make all the difference that you would be very well aware of

      example of main stream Buddhism

      "Buddhism is a religion that teaches and emphasizes the importance of ending the revolving wheel of birth and death.

      “Buddhism is a religion that teaches people to end birth and death"…

      this can either mean individual extinction or residing in a pure land for all eternity

      This is very different from 9 consciousness concept in which the alaya consc carries individual karma throughout the eternal cycle of birth and death that Shakyamuni reveals in the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren confirms throughout his writing as it regularly appears as a major theme

  2. I won't allow Tim to promote the Soka Gakkai here. If he wants to address what Greg has written, I would have allowed his comment. I also won't allow ohgee to bring up points that have been refuted over and over, for example, his false assertion:

    “In all the Buddha’s lands of the universe there is but one supreme vehicle, not two or three, and it excludes the provisional teachings of the Buddha.”
    INCLUDES not excludes, yet one more forged teaching." -- ohgee

    "The World-honored One has long expounded his doctrines and now must reveal the truth." (Sutra of Infinite Meanings)

    ''In all the Buddha's lands of the universe there is but one supreme vehicle, not two or three, and it excludes the provisional teachings of the Buddha" (LS Chapter 2)

    "Honestly discarding the provisional teachings, I will expound the Supreme Law (Myoho)."(ibid chapter 2)

    "I have briefly described in this sutra (Myoho renge kyo) all the laws of the Buddha, all the invincible mystic powers of the buddha, all the secret storehouses of the Buddha, and all the profound practices of the Buddha." (Ibid, Chapter 21)

    "The scriptures I preach number in the countless millions. Among all those I have preached, now preach and will preach, this Lotus Sutra (Myoho renge kyo) is the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand." (ibid Chapter 11)

    "Among all the Sutras it (Myoho renge kyo) holds the highest place" (Ibid, Chapter 14)

    "If in future ages there should be one who accepts and upholds, reads and recites this sutra (Myoho renge kyo),...his wishes shall not be in vain, and he will receive his reward of good fortune in his present life." (Ibid, Chapter 28)

    1. You are the biggest promoter of SGI I know of Mr. ROGOW. You don't even know how much your site is proving everyday the greatness of all you hate. And you hatred is infection, thus causing more and more people to have the poison drum relationship to the greatest group you will ever promote.

  3. What physical actualization of the terminal and incurable lie of you not being the Buddha from time without beginning are you attempting to hold on to or make real, to try to make yourself right for walking out on the assembly at Eagle Peak when the Secret and Mystic Expedient Means were about to be revealed?

    1. Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the fairest Buddha of them all

      "One who supposes that ordinary human beings are the same as the Buddha is guilty of great shamelessness.” (Volume nine of The Annotations on “The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra)

      "One type of overbearing arrogance is the arrogance of clinging to the theory that ordinary human beings are the same as the Buddha, thus neglecting Buddhist practice and failing to attain Buddhahood. The other is the arrogance of refusing to believe in the teaching of the Lotus Sutra that ordinary human beings who are not free from greed, anger, and foolishness are capable of attaining Buddhahood in their present form."

    2. Nichiren was amazing. SGI not so much.

    3. Nichiren was amazing. SGI not so much.

    4. The psycho babble that is dribbled forth from the SGI when compared to the amazing Nichiren's clarity of mind and awareness, that are revealed in his writings are worlds apart

    5. SGI does not go beyond, I'm OK, you're OK,

    6. As long as you agree with them everything is OK but if you don't agree with them they usually have a knee jerk reaction and spit the dummy and threaten you at least this is what I have experienced on many occasions

    7. I have been the object of their anger on many occasions.

    8. Never heard the expression "spit the dummy before". Good one.

  4. “With regard to the transfer of teachings, it is divided into two categories: general and specific. If you confuse the general with the specific even in the slightest, you will never be able to attain Buddhahood and will wander in suffering through endless transmigrations of births and deaths.” — Nichiren Daishonin

  5. “But now this threefold world is all my domain, and the living beings in it are all my children. Now this place is beset by many pains and trials. I am the only person who can rescue and protect others, but though I teach and instruct them, they do not believe or accept my teachings.” — Lotus Sutra Chapter 3

    “This passage means that to us living beings the Thus Come One Shakyamuni is our parent, our teacher, and our sovereign.” — Nichiren Daishonin

    You hate the authentic teachings of Nichiren don't you Tim? You are the one filled with hatred and no ordinary hatred, a hatred towards Shakyamuni Buddha and the Supreme Votary of the Lotus Sutra. Frightful indeed!

  6. “In this manner the Buddha displayed the wonders of his ten supernatural powers, and in what is termed the transfer of the essence of the sutra, he extracted the core of the Lotus Sutra and transferred it to the four bodhisattvas. He fervently enjoined them to bestow it after his passing upon all living beings of the ten directions.” — Nichiren Daishonin

    “The essence of the “Entrustment” chapter of the Lotus Sutra is as follows: [Rising from his seat in the treasure tower,] the Buddha stood in open space and, in order to transfer the Lotus Sutra, patted no fewer than three times the heads of Bodhisattva Superior Practices and his followers, Manjushri and his followers, the great Brahma, Shakra, the gods of the sun and moon, the four heavenly kings, the dragon kings, the ten demon daughters, and others. They had clustered before the Buddha as thickly as dewdrops, crowding four hundred ten thousand million nayutas of worlds, like the grasses of Musashino Plain or the trees covering Mount Fuji. They knelt close to one another, bent their bodies so that their heads touched the ground, joined their palms together, and streamed sweat. Shakyamuni Buddha patted their heads just as a mother strokes the hair of her only child. Then Superior Practices, the gods of the sun and moon, and the others received the Buddha’s auspicious command and pledged to propagate the Lotus Sutra in the latter age.” — Nichiren Daishonin

    "The correct teaching of the time can be propagated only by a person of wisdom. This is why Shakyamuni Buddha, after expounding all the sutras, entrusted the Hinayana sutras to Ananda and the Mahayana sutras to Manjushri. Concerning the heart of the Lotus Sutra, however, the Buddha refused to transfer it to any of the voice-hearers [such as Ananda] or to bodhisattvas such as Manjushri. The Buddha instead summoned Bodhisattva Superior Practices and entrusted it to him.” — Nichiren Daishonin

    “When he was Prince Sattva in a previous existence, the Thus Come One Shakyamuni gained merit by feeding his body to a starving tigress, and when he was King Shibi, he gained merit by giving his flesh to a hawk in exchange for the life of a dove. And he declared in the presence of Many Treasures and the Buddhas of the ten directions that he would transfer this merit to those who believe in the Lotus Sutra as you do in the Latter Day of the Law.” — Nichiren Daishonin

    "The five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo were transferred from Shakyamuni and Many Treasures, the two Buddhas inside the treasure tower, to Bodhisattva Superior Practices, carrying on a heritage unbroken since the infinite past." — Nichiren Daishonin

    "The important point is to carry out your practice confident that Namu-myoho-renge-kyo alone is the heritage that was transferred from Shakyamuni and Many Treasures to Bodhisattva Superior Practices." — Nichiren Daishonin

    "Demonstrating ten supernatural powers, the Buddha transferred the five characters of Myoho- renge-kyo to the four great bodhisattvas: Superior Practices, Firmly Established Practices, Pure Practices, and Boundless Practices." — Nichiren Daishonin

    "Shakyamuni Buddha did not transmit the five characters of Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, the heart of the essential teaching of the Lotus Sutra, even to the bodhisattvas Manjushri and Medicine King, let alone to any lesser disciples. He summoned from beneath the earth the great bodhisattvas as numerous as the dust particles of a thousand worlds and, as he preached the eight chapters, transferred it solely to them." — Nichiren Daishonin


  7. "The Buddha first transferred the Lotus Sutra to the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, and then to the bodhisattvas taught by the Buddha in his transient status, the bodhisattvas of other worlds, Brahma, Shakra, the four heavenly kings, and others." — Nichiren Daishonin

    "Shakyamuni summoned these great bodhisattvas and transferred Myoho-renge-kyo to them." — Nichiren Daishonin

    "Instead he summoned forth the bodhisattvas Superior Practices, Boundless Practices, Pure Practices, and Firmly Established Practices and their followers from the great earth of Tranquil Light and transferred the five characters to them." — Nichiren Daishonin

    "In this manner the Buddha displayed the wonders of his ten supernatural powers, and in what is termed the transfer of the essence of the sutra, he extracted the core of the Lotus Sutra and transferred it to the four bodhisattvas." — Nichiren Daishonin

    And these blessings enjoyed by the Buddha can be transferred by him to people who put their faith in the Lotus Sutra. — Nichiren Daishonin

    "But the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo, the heart of the eighty thousand sacred teachings and the core of the Lotus Sutra, he neither entrusted to Mahakashyapa or Ananda, nor transferred to great bodhisattvas such as Manjushri, Universal Worthy, Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, Maitreya, Earth Repository, or Nagarjuna. Even though these great bodhisattvas hoped that he would do so and requested it of him, the Buddha would not consent. He summoned forth a venerable old man called Bodhisattva Superior Practices from the depths of the earth, and then, in the presence of the Buddha Many Treasures and the Buddhas of the ten directions, from within the tower adorned with the seven kinds of treasures, the Thus Come One Shakyamuni entrusted the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo to him." — Nichiren Daishonin

    "This is the teaching that was transferred to the bodhisattvas who had been the disciples of the Buddha since the remote past." — Nichiren Daishonin

    "Shakyamuni Buddha transferred this teaching to Bodhisattva Superior Practices, and now Nichiren propagates it in Japan." — Nichiren Daishonin

  8. Shakyamuni Buddha transferred the teachings to you and you spit in his face.

  9. You couldn't make it in the good ole USA Tim with your B or C level musical talent and your millions of truncated Daimoku, so you suck on the teat of the Soka Gakkai for your sustenance. How pitiful you are.

  10. PS are you selling your snake oil Emotional Energetic Healing to the Japanese because Americans are wise to your game?

  11. "Those people [the lay priest of Kawanobe and the others] are very important supporters of mine. But although I have prayed on their behalf so hard that my head was about to split, so far there has been no indication of my prayers being answered. It would seem that someone among them is wavering in faith. If one prays for a person who is not properly responsive in mind, it is like trying to light a fire on top of water, or to build a house in the empty air. Please convey these thoughts of mine to the four men. They should keep in mind that my prediction regarding the actions of the Mongol kingdom has come true. It will be no fault of Nichiren [if the prayer is not answered]."

    I fear it would be futile to pray for you too but i will try.

  12. healer(ha), you support those who work to destroy the buddha's dharma. things may be fine with you for now , but as nichiren says, there is no doubt your destination is the unrelenting hell. time to wake up traitor.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I only call what I do "magic," because most of the sleep walkers on this planet and on this blogspot are not yet willing to claim, own and acknowledge the super natural powers of the thus-come-one that all conscious beings are eternally endowed with. As soon as more of you sleep walkers start waking up, to who you truly be, I will no longer have to use such expedient means teachings. What in the face of total consciousness are you still unwilling to change, choose or institute, that would allow you to know who truly be and stop all the pretenses of being you are using to screw yourself out of total consciousness on a daily basis?

  15. You are a real Shijo diapers.

  16. Mark there's a question I would like to ask pls. When in the lotus sutra did Shakyamuni Buddha specifically states that after his demise, there will be a true Buddha of the latter day of the law?
