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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

They are all full of Soka Kaka

SGI Code of Conduct for SGI leaders or "Real Buddhas don't need no stinkin' code of conduct."

SGI-USA Code of Conduct for Leaders
In recognition of our shared commitment to spread the Mystic Law
throughout the world for the sake of peace and the happiness of all
humankind; to proudly carry out kosen-rufu activities based on the
spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple exemplified by the three
founding presidents of the Soka Gakkai; and to resolutely protect the
harmonious unity of the SGI; in recognition of the great opportunity
and responsibility to serve the precious Bodhisattvas of the Earth in
the SGI-USA; in recognition of my mission to nurture the faith of
those entrusted to my care on behalf of SGI President Ikeda; in
recognition of the impact, both positive and negative, that my
behavior can have on the faith and unity of my fellow practitioners; I
am determined to live up to the standards of leadership and highest
standards of conduct as described in the 2008 Leadership Manual, and
agree specifically to:

    * Contribute to harmonious unity based on dialogue and respecting
the opinions of others and, in particular, men respecting the opinions
of women;
    * Abide by the guidance and activity guidelines of the SGI and
participate in and promote the kosen-rufu activities of the SGI,
including, but not limited to, propagation, publications and
    * Study and apply the writings of Nichiren Daishonin and the
guidance of SGI President Ikeda to deepen my faith and understanding
of Nichiren Buddhism;
    * Respect the dignity of each person, neither condoning nor
engaging in discriminatory language and/or behavior toward any member
based on age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, political
views or any other distinction;
    * Refrain from using religious activities to involve the
organization or its members in political activities, recognizing that
I, as an individual, may freely engage in political activities;
    * Restrict my leadership role to my assigned organizational
responsibility—not giving direction in organizational matters to
members in other organizational units—and connect members to their
direct organizational leaders and never promote exclusive
relationships between members and any leader, including myself;
    * Not use my organizational relationships to promote any personal
business interests or engage in the borrowing or lending of money
among members;*
    * Not engage in or condone sexual misconduct;*
    * Not violate the privacy and confidentiality of members;* and
    * Not engage in any other behavior that disrupts the harmonious
unity of the SGI or disturbs the faith and practice of its members.*

SGI Vice Regional Leader Tim Janakos: "I never heard of the SGI Code of Conduct For Leaders"

Tim Janakos had to have signed it were he actually an SGI leader. But he claims he knew nothing of the Code of Conduct. What else is he lying about? Anyway, were he still a leader, by promoting Energetic Emotional Healing [or whatever is his latest bogus business venture]  to his fellow believers, he has broken his pledge and should be removed from any leadership responsibility. What about the SGI minstrals, Buster Williams, Herbie Hancock, and Wayne Shorter. They tirelessly promote their shtick to SGI members. They are all full of Soka Kaka.

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