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Sunday, July 20, 2014

For ohgee, the Lotus Sutra on observing the precepts

A passage from the Treasure Tower Chapter reads,

"This sutra is hard to uphold; 
if one can uphold it even for a short while
I will surely rejoice 
and so will the other Buddhas. 
A person who can do this 
wins the admiration of the Buddhas. 
This is what is meant by valor, 
this is what is meant by diligence. 
This is what is called observing the precepts 
and practicing dhuta" 


  1. Upholding this sutra is upholding the Great Vehicle. What is the Great Vehicle?

  2. The Buddha Vehicle is the Great Vehicle. The Three Vehicles are the vehicles of Learning or Sravaka, Self Realization or Pratyekabuddha, and Bodhisattva.
