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Friday, July 4, 2014

Editorial: Soka Gakkai's flip flops are not slight

Professor Daniel Metraux, a follower of the Eagle Peak blog, wrote in Religion, Politics, and Constitutional reform in Japan: How the Soka Gakkai and Komeito Have Thwarted Conservative Attempts to Revise the 1947 Constitution: "...Ikeda Daisaku regards the preservation of Article 9 in its current form as a sacred article of faith."

Despite SGI leader and member rhetotic about "absolute pacificism", they are at best, "conditional pacifists", as pointed out by professor Metraux. Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin themselves were conditional pacifists. We must ask ourselves why Soka Gakkai members lie and why they are embarrased by the stance of the Buddha, Nichiren, and their true disciples?

Nichiren argues that if a faithless drunk were to try and kill your parents, would you not do everything in your power to try and stop him? He further argues that all people were at one time or another our father and mother. Therefore, shouldn't we do everything in our power to stop evil people, such as the Jihadists, from harming innocents? Of course we should! We are mandated by the Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin, and common decency to do everything in our power to stop them.


  1. The Jihadists are drunk on the cheap liquor known as Q'uran.

  2. Of course, we must also let it be known that we will not tolerate the United State's or any country's armed forces killing children or innocents.

  3. Bridges, not children, are collateral damages.
