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Saturday, August 9, 2014

"No, I would not recommend this university to a friend"

I worked at Soka University full-time
Pros – Students are quite focused on learning and not distracted by either intercollegiate sports or binge drinking. Facilities are quite new. Soka Bistro's food is excellent.
Cons – Non-Soka Gakkai (SGI) believers are shut out of believers' meetings where the most important decisions are made behind closed doors; it's sort of like a small theocracy or communist party ruled regime. University President more likely to eulogize SGI Great Leader Ikeda than to discuss issues of academic significance. Curriculum is very rigid with fewer electives for students to choose from. Students are required to live in on-campus dorms all 4 years: infantilization. A large proportion of students come from feeder SGI high schools, many in Japan; certain ideas such as doubts about the SGI doctrine are verboten.
Advice to Senior Management – Decide whether Soka University is in large part a religious monument to Founder Ikeda of Soka Gakkai International or whether it is a bona fide university that upholds free inquiry and true faculty governance. If SUA is indeed a monument to Mr. Ikeda, then do not claim that it is a non-sectarian university. If it is not, then outlaw on-campus meetings in which only SGI members are welcome to attend.
No, I would not recommend this university to a friend


  1. Here are some additional reviews of Soka University of America

    November 14, 2012
    This school is very average and to say it’s exceptional is a self-indulgent lie. One thing this school has more than enough of is PRIDE. It’s sickening. I was a student here. I watched people eat dinner, conforming and avoiding any criticism of this place. People responded like hungry wolves when one single article mentioned a tiny bit of doubt about the perfection of the school system. That’s how you spot weakness – cruel attempts to cover up your own flaws.
    2.45/5 stars

    Adriana Guerrero
    October 31, 2012
    Soka University of America (SUA) is an exceptional institution. Based on the belief that education is for the happiness of the learner, we have small classrooms (average 13 students per class), we live on campus with neighbors from all over the world, we have many extracurricular activities we can join, we have the opportunity to shape the curriculum with the guidance of professors and the deans, and we have multiple resources for financial aid and career services. I am currently a senior at SUA and I have loved 99% of being at SUA. The remaining 1% refers to the fact that there is no public transportation and, although there is a shuttle service every 30min provided by SUA, it would be wonderful if there was more accessibility to get out of Aliso Viejo and Orange County. I wish every person in the world could attend SUA, for it has really made a difference in how I look at life and how I take responsibility of the world issues. I am happy to have come to SUA.
    3.90/5 stars

    Yasuyuki Niimi
    October 16, 2012
    Dorm experience
    Students, in general, are very sociable. The campus has only around 450 students. Approximately 98% of students live on a dormitory. Students can naturally remember everyone’s faces. For homework, we have some group presentations, group papers. Since we live in a dorm, it’s very easy to get together to work on a group project. We can cultivate our group work skill.
    This school has many events such as peach gala, spirit festival, student festival, Halloween, winter formal and international festival. Student body is very small, 450 students, so students have many opportunities to get a leadership experience. For example, Halloween needs many leaders for planning, recruiting monsters, managing the budget of decorating the basement of a gym as a haunted house, dealing with tickets, advertising this event to the community, traffic control, making sure the safety in the haunted house. Thus, this university gives students various opportunities to learn leadership.
    Culturally diverse
    Our university is culturally diverse. There are Indian Dance club, Japanese Taiko club, Hawaiian dance club, Korean club and so forth. Besides, Performing Arts Center, which is the auditorium with 1034 seats and opened in 2010, had culturally diverse performances like Italian opera, Chinese acrobat. We appreciate diverse religions. In dormitories, there are two multifaith rooms where students can pray at any time for any religions.
    Financial Aid
    I’m confident that our school’s financial aid opportunities are one of the best. Every student whose parents’ income is less than $60,000 doesn’t have to pay tuition. Based on SAT scores, grades, etc, students have a chance to get respective free scholarship. In addition, 80% of students get some kinds of financial aids.
    4.81/5 stars

    September 27, 2012
    I love that these last few comments criticize a school that you have not attended. I believe most people would use the term “hater” for you guys. This school takes a humanistic approach to education by actually empowering individuals, along with a good education. They don’t just shove knowledge down your throat and say regurgitate. How can you be upset about studying abroad being a requirement? To me that already puts an individual ahead of other students because they have experienced things outside of our American box that most people never take the time to step out of. Open your mind before you disrespect this school.
    0/5 stars


  2. continued...Here are some additional reviews of Soka University of America

    June 26, 2012
    College should be about challenging yourself and ideals and struggling HARD in upper division classes and actually ACCOMPLISHING something. Not prancing around the world taking ridiculously east HS level classes and then thinking you are educated.
    2.90/5 stars

    May 6, 2012
    You can tell how brainless these students are when all they do is praise the school in their reviews. What other student body would think so highly of an institution that there is no room for criticism? These people have their heads in a cloud. They want to think that the school changed their life, but if you really observe these students they are no different from how they started out. If they came in as judgemental, phony, and unimaginitive students, they most likely have left in the same fashion.
    1/5 stars

    May 1, 2012
    This school is ridiculous. The people here are brainwashed by their religious leader and forever will be. I have never seen a such a massive group of people acting like one hypnotized team of proud egotistical maniacs. They have to do everything in unison because they are too weak to go it alone. Every thought is the same although they try hard to pretend they thought of it all on their own – they just had someone to “guide” them in the “right” direction. The school is getting better now that it is not completely composed of spoiled rich kids of elitist parents. I can only hope the wiser students stay strong and show everyone else what a real education is.
    Whatever the school brags about is bogus wrapped in a cute little ribbon. Even the study abroad programs are not all they are hyped up to be. Half of them are easy enough for a junior high student to get through, and everyone knows its actually a vacation for people to get wasted and say they actually accomplished something.
    Whenever a professor is lacking in ability, they come in and give an excuse wrapped up in another pretty ribbon – they say it’s the student’s opportunity/responsibility to foster the way for fellow students. What a brilliant way to spend $160,000.
    1.90/5 stars

    March 15, 2012
    Soka University tries its best to stick to its motto of “fostering a steady stream of global citizens.” However, I have left this school with the realization that it does not help people to become independent thinkers. Maybe that is a symptom of all schools, but I was really disappointed with how much the students here depend on their professors. I don’t know how they would survive in another school where they have to use their own mind and the books assigned to them.
    2.72/5 stars


    I would suggest that you only attend Soka University if you are not sure what you want to study and can afford it. As many reviews have stated, the course difficulty is very sporadic. Some courses will allow you to fly by without any effort. Others will be very demanding. This is the same for professors – some are exceptional and others will waste a whole hour talking about how brilliant they are. The worst courses will waste your time reviewing material you should have already read, and requiring you to listen to other students’ opinions which half the time are not relevant or insightful. Basically they just want you to talk so you can get your participation points out of the way. If that is your cup of tea then you will love it.
    2.54/5 stars
