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Sunday, August 10, 2014

"Shakyamuni Buddha of the perfect teachings is here in this world"

The Gohonzon is the Lotus Sutra of the Latter Age, the Original Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni who resides here.

"Above all, be sure to follow your original teacher so that you are able to attain  BuddhahoodShakyamuni Buddha is the original teacher for all people, and moreover, he is endowed with the virtues of sovereign and parent. Because I have expounded this teaching, I have been exiled and almost killed. As the saying goes, “Good advice grates on the ear.” But still I am not discouraged. The Lotus Sutra is like the seed, the Buddha like the sower, and the people like the field. If you deviate from these principles, not even I can save you in your next life." 

Have you ever heard the SGI mentor teach that Shakyamuni Buddha is our original teacher? What about the Nichiren Shoshu priests? If you have, why do they befog Nichiren's clear words with, "Nichiren said that but means this" [follow me rather than the Gohonzon, the original Buddha in this defiled age]? The answer is clear. Only on the Eagle Peak blog will you find the authentic teachings of Nichiren without the fetters of overweening pride and self-serving interests.

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