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Saturday, August 9, 2014

What a boring religion is Ikedaism

Really? Then why don't you provide some quotes that state that he isn't the foremost mentor candidate, yea, the ONLY candidate worthy of being a mentor? That's how we have a discussion - by sourcing and documenting our claims, not by just whipping off a "Untrue. You're a liar." That is not how to have a dialogue - and isn't "dialogue" one of the most important things, according to Ikeda and the SGI??
From the SGI's official site:
"The practice of dialogue expresses a central tenet of Buddhism--faith in human beings, in their limitless dignity and potential as possessors and embodiments of universal truth. In the Buddhist tradition, dialogue--open and respect-based human interaction--has played a central part in the quest to discover and identify common or universal values that would allow human beings to live in the best, most humane and empowering ways.
As SGI President Daisaku Ikeda has stated: "The conquest of our own prejudicial thinking, our own attachment to difference, is the guiding principle of open dialogue, the essential condition for the establishment of peace and universal respect for human rights."
Dialogue is a process through which we uncover and reveal our human grandeur."
Notice that I have treated you with respect. I have provided information to support my statements. All YOU have done is irrationally dismiss my claims and insult me. Is THAT what the SGI teaches as the way to have this all-important "dialogue"?? I'm afraid I'm not seeing much "grandeur" - want to try again?
What I have seen is repeated exhortations to "follow the wonderful path of mentor and disciple" and it's always Ikeda who's the mentor! Below are a few examples.
From the Middle Way Press, SGI's publishing arm:
"This new Middleway Press publication updates a modern classic by Daisaku Ikeda, the world’s foremost authority on Nichiren Buddhism and a spiritual leader for millions worldwide." - SGI-authorized review of Ikeda's book "Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death".
See that, garyp714? "THE WORLD'S FOREMOST AUTHORITY ON NICHIREN BUDDHISM" - and from an official SGI publication! I am not the liar here. I speak the truth. We all know sometimes the truth is difficult to hear, but that does not make it "untrue." Let's continue:
From the SGI's FAQ page on President Ikeda:
"Why do SGI members regard him as their mentor?
Many SGI members view Daisaku Ikeda as their mentor due to the depth of his understanding of Buddhism and his exceptional scholarship."
If there were a BETTER mentor candidate out there, wouldn't the SGI be recommending THAT person instead?? Note, also, the "exceptional scholarship" comment. Let's continue - this, from a YWD's published "determination":
"For the Sake of Kosen-Rufu, I must show the actual proof of ALL my prayers being answered. Victory is my only option. Kosen-rufu depends on me having the courage of the Lion King, the determination of my mentors and strong faith that wells forth easily and is like flowing water. I am determined to...reply to my mentor Soka Gakkai President Daisaku Ikeda, so here’s my determinations:
I will live the Gosho and become a great disciple of Nichiren Daishonin and SGI President Daisaku Ikeda."
If her understanding and focus were flawed and incorrect, how did this young women's division leader get the wrong information? From another SGI source:
"The opportunity to go to the first California YMD training meeting and to receive such a wonderful message from my mentor in life, Mr. Ikeda, was truly a benefit for me. I was able to refresh my practice and once again deepen my connection to Mr. Ikeda."
From the SGI's official site:
"I also came to understand more about the importance of the mentor-disciple relationship and how one supports the other. I felt I had found a mentor in SGI President Ikeda...Choosing President Ikeda as my mentor has allowed me to move my life in the right direction."
"I feel grateful to Daisaku Ikeda (my Buddhist Father), my mentor, for showing me (us) how to correctly interpret the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin."
"Our ability to overcome our difficulties and to manifest the power to realize our dreams lies in direct proportion to our shared commitment with our mentor to adorn the 80th anniversary with total victory. This is because, when we act to ensure the continuous flow of kosen-rufu, responding strongly to our mentor in this crucial year, we also advance our lives...Our ability to overcome our difficulties and to manifest the power to realize our dreams lies in direct proportion to our shared commitment with our mentor to adorn the 80th anniversary with total victory. This is because, when we act to ensure the continuous flow of kosen-rufu, responding strongly to our mentor in this crucial year, we also advance our lives. August is the month that President Ikeda joined the Soka Gakkai 63 years ago on Aug. 24, 1947. It is the time for us as men to renew our vow. Let's determine to have a clear-cut victory by the 80th anniversary and validate our mentor's guidance." (Tariq Hassan, talking about Ikeda-as-mentor).
Tariq Hassan is a national level leader. Notice that he's talking about "our mentor", not "our mentors." There's only one name on that shortlist, and it's obviously "Ikeda." If this concept of Ikeda-as-universal-mentor is not what they want to promote, they're sure doin it rong! I challenge you to find a SINGLE official SGI source where someone describes his "mentor" as anyone OTHER than Ikeda!
"When we seek influences that help us stimulate and bring forth the natural strength and wisdom we possess, and that inspire us on the path of Buddhist practice, we carry out human revolution. To this end, we need to learn from the teachings and example of an excellent teacher or mentor who is thoroughly dedicated to correct Buddhist practice."
"Thus, both the spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple and the unity of many in body, one in mind are necessary if we wish to realize world peace. President Ikeda writes: “The oneness of mentor and disciple and the spirit of many in body, one in mind are essentially inseparable principles; they are like the two wheels of a cart. If we do not share our mentor’s heart or spirit to realize kosen-rufu, there will be no genuine unity of purpose among our diverse membership. Nor can we be called disciples who truly embody our mentor’s spirit if we fail to cherish our harmonious community of practitioners and to make continuous efforts to forge and maintain unity” (The Hope-filled Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 203).
"Realizing kosen-rufu/world peace" is an SGI-specific doctrine and concept. No other sect of Buddhism includes it. Thus, the "mentor" must be someone within the SGI, as Ikeda clarifies, above.
If you look up the "Essentials Exam, Part 3 - March 2013 Study Guide", you'll see President Ikeda quoted a whopping TWENTY NINE TIMES in only 54 pages (with large pictures). That's more than twice a page, on average. "Mentor" is listed 28 times in that same document.
Okay, if Ikeda were not being promoted as the "ideal mentor," why would the SGI allow members to cling to him as described above?
(Edited 11/15/2013, 4:56 PM for quotes formatting)

President Ikeda writes, "The path of mentor and disciple is strict and demanding; it is itself the great path of human revolution and attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime" (The New Human Revolution, vol. 17, p. 16).

by Blanchefromage?

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