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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Bob McDonnell, former Governor of Virginia and phony holier than thou "family values" Republican convicted on 11 counts of corruption

He graduateed from evangelical Christian Pat Robertson's Regent University. He was known as the vaginal ultrasound governor. Mr. Family Values threw his cheating wife under the bus to save his own skin. This is the reality of the family values Christian right in America. They are phonier than a three dollar bill. Everything to them is money, a [false] sense of superiority, and power. Anyone who elects one of these lowlives should have their head examined.

1 comment:

  1. False sense of superiority is the fourth of the Ten Worlds in Buddhism, the World of Anger. Foolishness is the third of the Ten Worlds, the World of Animality [think monkey]. Greed is the 2nd of the Ten Worlds. The first is Hell, the World of ISIS.
