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Friday, September 5, 2014

ISIS IS true Islam

The ISIS fighters are the strict adherents of the Q'uran and the true sons of Islam. They are those who perform a bodily reading of the Q'uran. The following article from TIME, is completely false and dangerous. The author, Nihad Awad, is an ISIS operative whose mission it is to deceive the American people and all non-Muslims about the true nature of Islam and the Q'uran. To those sincere, peaceful, good hearted non-Muslims who might let their guard down about the Islamic threat after reading this article, do not be fooled.


  1. Critical opinion of Islam ignores the fundamental truths

    Author: Abdalla, Mohamad

    ProQuest document link

    Abstract: Paul Sheehan said on Monday there are "more than 100 verses in the Koran that call Muslims to

    violence against the Unbelievers". Relying on the dubious website, he concludes...

    Links: Base URL to 360 Link:

    Full text: Paul Sheehan said on Monday there are "more than 100 verses in the Koran that call Muslims to

    violence against the Unbelievers".

    Relying on the dubious website, he concludes that "the Koran groans under the weight

    of its own contradictions, with entreaties to kindness co-existing with exhortations to merciless war".

    It is questionable whether such an opinion is a result of a direct insight into Islam - or based merely on an old

    prejudice against Islam: that Islam is inherently violent and intolerant of others.

    Critics of Islam often quote out of context the Koran's more aggressive passages, arguing these could easily

    inspire and endorse terrorism. They ignore that the Jewish and Christian scriptures can be just as aggressive,

    taken out of their historical context.

    For example, the Old Testament says: "Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every

    woman who has known man intimately. But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for

    yourselves" (Numbers 31:17-18).

    Many violent Jewish and Christian groups have used these Biblical texts to justify their actions. Crusaders used

    them against Muslims and Jews. Nazis used them against Jews. Serbian Christians used them against Bosnian

    Muslims. Zionists use them regularly against Palestinians. But non-religious people have done the same in the

    name of one ideology of another.

    In 2011, Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik allegedly hated Muslims and Islam and subscribed to a

    fundamentalist, right-wing Christian ideology. Of course, little to no mention was made about Breivik's "religious"

    association, or that he was "devout" of any sort.

    The display of violence and killing of innocent people are indicative of a radical, and indeed extremist, mindset

    that is fundamentally opposite to the teachings of Islam.

    A more objective and scholarly reading of the causes of terrorism would inform us of a host of causal factors,

    including radical ideology; empathy and association with radicals, socio-economic factors, personal

    experiences, criminal activity, racism and Islamophobia.

    All of these factors play a role, one way or another, in the process of extremism and terrorism. The matter is

    thus complex, and it is culpably simplistic to attribute it to a single cause.

    Like the terrorists he criticises, Sheehan takes the Koran out of context.

    Take, for example, this partial quote he cited, "And slay them wherever ye find them ... " Sheehan fails to state

    that this is part of five-long verses (2:190-195), which must be read together. When read in context the legal

    implication derived stipulates that fighting is permitted only under certain strict circumstances. Additionally, the

    same verses prohibit transgression of limits, and it does not promote killing of innocent people but allows self-
    defence. It further goes on to state "if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practise

    oppression." Clearly, when the whole context is examined the verses do not promote killing of innocent people.

    Those who read the Koran should keep at a minimum the following principles in mind: The reasons for

    revelation or the historical context of a particular verse; familiarity with the science of abrogation; examination of

    the verses that deal with the same subject; a cursory knowledge of Prophet Muhammad's life; and the way

  2. 2 of 2
    these verses are applied.

    I dare to say Sheehan lacks this level of scholarly knowledge, and a simple reliance on a dubious website is

    problematic, to say the least.

    When these texts are not read in their proper textual and historical contexts they are manipulated and distorted -

    by Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

    When examined objectively, one will not fail to realise that the Koran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad

    strictly condemn terrorism and the killing of innocent people, Muslim or not.

    Sheehan fails to mention these verses and Prophetic traditions, for example:

    "... [T]ake not life, which God has made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus does He command you,

    that you may learn wisdom" (Koran 6:151).

    "... [T]hat if anyone killed a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as

    if he killed the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.

    Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them

    continued to commit excesses in the land" (5:32).

    Or the hadith that states "Whoever kills a mu'ahid [non-combatant, innocent non-Muslims] will not smell the

    scent of paradise ..." (Bukhari).

    A contextual reading of the Koran or Hadith leads to one conclusion only: there is no justification for killing of

    innocent people, whether in Baghdad or Boston. Full stop.

    The ends do not justify the means in Islamic ethics.

    Credit: Associate Professor Mohamad Abdalla is founding director of the Griffith Islamic Research Unit

  3. Nonsense. ISIS are among the only ones who practice a literal or bodily reading of the Q'uran. Therefore, they ARE the true Muslims. Similarly those Jews who indiscriminately kill others at the behest of their holy book are the true Jews and likewise for the Christians and their Bible. Fortunately, the true believers and practicers of the Lotus Sutra can not harm others because in the Lotus Sutra there is not one exhortation to kill.

  4. The Lotus Sutra is superior to the Q'uran and Bible as heaven is to earth or as gems are to rubble.
