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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Nichiren telling it like it is or Daisaku Ikeda is the most evil and most erroneous.teacher

"Each of the proponents of the various schools I have mentioned above declares that he beyond all others has grasped the meaning of and is practicing the Lotus Sutra. But none of them have been exiled to the province of Izu as I was in the Kōchō era, or exiled to the island of Sado as I was in the Bun’ei era, or been led to the place of decapitation at Tatsunokuchi or faced the countless other difficulties that I have. If the sutra passages [that predict such difficulties] are true, then you should realize that I am the correct teacher, the good teacher, and that the scholars of the other schools are all erroneous teachers and evil teachers."

What has Ikeda encountered to believe that he can usurp the position of Nichiren?  Of all the evil and erroneous teachers, Daisaku Ikeda is the most evil and most erroneous.


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  3. all of us must watch ourselves, for while we profess ourselves and others to be wise we become fools for them and from ourselves , either way we are still fools dressed up like Buddha's or wanttobe Buddha's

  4. The trouble with Ikeda is he points to himself. We point to Nichiren.
