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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Why Ikeda's yearly nuclear disarmament proposals are less than useless from a Nichiren Buddhist perspective

True peace and nuclear disarmament will only be realized when the right Law, Namu Myoho renge kyo, is established. The means for establishing the right Law has already been revealed by Nichiren Daishonin in his Rissho Ankoku Ron [Establishing the Right Law for the Peace of the Land]. The way to establsh the right Law, according to Nichiren, is to outlaw inferior religions and philosophies, not to promote precepts [commandments]. Commandments have proven themselves powerless to create peace and nuclear disarmament. Ikeda's proposals amount to commandments. He employs strategies other than the Lotus Sutra. They are doomed to failure.


  1. "The way to establsh the right Law, according to Nichiren, is to outlaw inferior religions and philosophies"............How could this ever happen?

  2. Things will certainly change in ten thousand years and more.
