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Friday, October 31, 2014

Namu Myoho renge kyo and Karma...

Lotus Sutra Buddhism supplies answers to the very profound questions of being. 

Individual Karma...

One child is born sightless to poverty stricken parents in a drought and war ravaged region of Africa and another born to immensely wealthy parents in a penthouse in Zurich. One child is born with an IQ of 60 and can barely feed himself and another is reading an encyclopedia by the age of two. A four year old girl who never took a music lesson can play several different instruments while another with cerebral palsy can not even hold a spoon. One child is born into the Brahman caste and another into an untouchable family. Still another overcomes her disability and goes on to develop a cure for AIDS while a perfectly healthy world class athlete suffers a career ending compound fracture of the femur. There are five billion examples of differences in fortune, wisdom, physical and mental drive and abilities. 

There are rarely encountered adults and even children who have a documented first hand knowledge of historical individuals, events, and locations and there are unmistakable shared physical and mental characteristics among certain deceased and living individuals with no associated shared heredity. Only the doctrine of Karma reasonably explains and answers this observable reality.

Collective Karma...

Examples of collective karma are those with cerebral palsy, those born white, those killed in the holocaust, doctors, lawyers, indian chiefs. Either there is individual and group responsibility or there is none. Weal and woe either happens by chance, the will of god, or through the thoughts, words, and actions of individuals and groups. Those who have faith in the Lotus Sutra believe in personal and group responsibility caused by the thoughts, words, and deeds of individuals and groups accumulated since the infinite past. Who is the agent of your weal or woe? I hit my thumb with a hammer. I would be a fool to blame someone else. Likewise, only fools blame God, others, the environment, or chance for their misfortune.

Nichiren Daishonin on Karma:

"Question: How can you be certain that the exiles and sentences of death imposed on you are the result of karma created in the past?

Answer: A bronze mirror will reflect color and form. The First Emperor of the Ch'in dynasty had a lie-detecting mirror that would reveal offenses committed in this present life. The mirror of the Buddha's Law makes clear the causal actions committed in the past. The Parinirvana Sutra states: "Good man, because people committed countless offenses and accumulated much evil karma in the past, they must expect to suffer retribution for everything they have done. They may be despised, cursed with an ugly appearance, be poorly clad and poorly fed, seek wealth in vain, be born to an impoverished and lowly family or one with erroneous views, or be persecuted by their sovereign. They may be subjected to various other sufferings and retributions. It is due to the blessings obtained by protecting the Law that they can diminish in this lifetime their suffering and retribution."

Namu Myoho renge kyo and Karma...

Karma can be the most comforting or the most disquieting belief. Everything depends on one's Buddhist faith and practice, true and correct or false and mistaken. Certitude of karmic reward is always comforting while certitude of karmic retribution may or may not be disquieting. You will have to repay your karmic debt. If you have accumulated much karmic reward, the debt seems insignificant. If you have accumulated little karmic reward, your debt seems oppressive. Chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo with a correct faith and teaching others to do the same, is the way to accumulate infinite karmic reward. Your travails will pale in significance. 

"SGI has Grown up"

Part 1 

Oak 1: I didn't expect a different response than that. Obviously, that's why I never said anything before now. Who has the time? I'm busy! lol But keeping track is something I do to be responsible and aware.

The Gakkai's financial statements for the USA are published in the World Tribune these days. As in the rest of the world, there is far more questioning and consequently, a response to give more information before it is requested. Of course, that won't matter to those whose minds are set. And let's face it, nothing would

People didn't care ENOUGH about stuff like this in the old days. The world has changed.

Mark: Nonsense. it was the hemorrhaging of members and the clamoring from within and without that led to their financial disclosure. Everyone was already aware of the tens of millions of dollars in assets possessed by SGI USA, so no big revelation. Lets see the salary and bonuses of Danny Nagashima. I wouldn't be surprised if it approached those of the 200 top Japanese leaders, a mid six figure salary to do the exact same thing as you do for free [promote SGI faith, practice, and study,] Please remember, this does not include his various perks, use of a company car, travel and lodging expenses, financial planning costs, computer and communication reimbursement, etc. All paid for by YOU.

Enron released yearly financials through their bogus accountants, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Anderson, Deloitte, Touche, Tomatsu, Ernst, and Young. So pardon me if I am skeptical of SGI USA's financial disclosure. Singapore has ~$70,000,000.00 in assets and the salaries and bonuses of their top executive staff is ~ $1,000,000 [how many top executive paid staff do they have, three, four?] England has ~ $28,000,000 in assets and their several top leaders all "earn" six figure salaries. Shakyamuni Buddha had two robes and a bowl and Nichiren Daishonin lived in a hut [by their own choice]. Through the ages, most Nichiren priests led a very humble existence. The Japanese SGI business suited lay priests live like princes off of your donations.

Oak 1: We each go where we have found access to the river running within to fuel us to live and contribute to this saha world. You do what you feel is right, and part of that, apparently, is that you spend an inordinate amount of your time and life energy picking through and creating distorted caricatures of both members and leaders of the Gakkai. You're good at it, and here, anyone who had an unpleasant interaction with another human being in the Gakkai finds a welcome ear and a home. Granted, there sure was alot of heavy-handedness in the day and probably still is in pockets. I know we've still got a couple where I am! :-) LMAO But we each take more responsibility to educate ourselves. So it can't turn pernicious.

Mark: Ninety five percent of the SGI leaders and members whose words and behavior I highlight are their own words, experiences, interviews, news stories, and lectures, not mine. For example, the post on the great honor of receiving a swatch of mentor's necktie is based on an SGI member's testimonial. The post of Tariq Hassan proclaiming that losing is actually winning is from a national Headquarters meeting. Joan Anderson proclaiming that "the truth is negotiable" is her view as a very top leader of the Soka Gakkai. I couldn't make these things up. 

Heavy-handedness is the least of SGI leaders' transgressions, especially Daisaku Ikeda's which are public record. Trying to copyright the Law of Nam[u] Myoho renge kyo is high on the list. Partnering with and investing in the largest defense contractor in Japan [Mitsubichi] while lecturing others on their responsibility to create peace is also high on the list. Promoting interfaith and mentor disciple at the expense of the Law and the actual teachings of Nichiren Daishonin is another example. Excoriating the faith and practice of the disciples and believers of the other Nichiren schools who actually follow the Law and Nichiren Daishonin is one of his most serious transgressions. Daisaku Ikeda stabbed his most faithful disciple George Williams in the back. Is this not a reflection of his true nature? Lastly, Mitt Romney's flip flops pale in comparison to Daisaku Ikeda's. Need I list them?

Oak 1: Misunderstandings and misinterpretation occur and are perpetrated by one individual or another in every group on the planet. That's one unfortunate thing that happens when humans join together. Other wonderful things happen. But that is one difficult aspect you can count predict with certainty. Pt 2 is on the way.

Mark: Among Soka Gakkai members, misunderstandings and misinterpretations are more rampant than the demons who inhabit Japan. They are not isolated. They are ubiguitous. It is the very nature of those who follow unenlightened leaders no matter what that misunderstandings and misinterpretations abound. That is why Nichiren Daishonin taught over and over to follow the Law, the "original teacher" Shakyamuni Buddha, and he himself.

Part 2 

Oak1: On a broader scale, I observe that any group that is a threat to the status quo creation of little robots who feel powerless in the world, gets the same treatment. Look at that group that got accused of voting fraud. I'm forgetting their name. The most harmless sincere social group EVER. Reputation completely trashed. Splashed all over the news. Bull***. But if I didn't know better, I would not question what was said. I have a book filled with different chapters portraying the corruption of reporting in the media. The treatment of the Gakkai in Japan is just one chapter in that book.

Mark: ACORN? My daughter worked for them for a summer. A more corrupt and dreadful "social" group would be hard to imagine. For example, they promoted and orchestrated many mortgages for those who could ill afford them, weakening not only the economy but the poor people who accepted their "gifts". My daughter was also involved in dozens of vote influence schemes for both local and national candidates.Those media outlets and sociologists who praise the Gakkai are heralded, those who criticize and report their poor behavior are excoriated. The Gakkai wants to have their cake and eat it to. The SGI propagandists, Kathy and Terry Ruby, couldn't have said it better than you.

Oak1: What I personally observe in the Gakkai are young people picking out the highest possible goals for themselves, and taking full responsibility for going after them. It's completely thrilling. I know one young lady who is earning masterful credentials so she can do something about female circumcision, and create social models that will help women ostracized by their villages to support themselves. In the meantime, she is also traveling the world with her boyfriend. I know another, young Haitian lady, sexually abused by her father, a high school drop-out, that ended up, after beginning to chant, and while an SGI leader, earning a medical degree from Duke University and now serving an internship in New York city. She wants to be 'the best pediatrician in the world". While in school she organized relief trips to help Uganda, from among her classmates. Where do you think she got these skills? From inside her and from struggling together with others in her world of faith. Her father came to her medical school graduation. I count her among my personal friends. She is beautiful. When I met her she was lost.

Mark: The evil Ryokan, during the time of Nichiren Daishonin, built roads, schools, and bridges. The SGI also builds schools, once gave out 5000 radios in Cambodia, and donated $50,000 to the Tsunami victims in Indonesia [the equivalent of you and I donating 25 cents]. SGI, like Ryokan, makes a big deal of the giving of trinkets... while robbing the people of the sweet dew of the Law and the Buddha. I can't admonish you enough. 

Daisaku ikeda used to teach, it is far more valuable to shakubuku one man than save 1000 who are drowning. Now SGI is teaching it is far better to give out 5000 radios than admonish one corrupt religious leader. 

Many people of all faiths and persuasions are striving to elevate their lives and advance the human condition. Some succeed and others fail. In the Soka Gakkai, such "miracles" are promised for all but, in reality, very very few succeed. Many of my old Gakkai friends and acquaintances, far from successes in life, are miserable failures by any measure.

Nichiren Daishonin teaches, 

"Your practice of the Buddhist teachings will not relieve you of the sufferings of birth and death in the least unless you perceive the true nature of your life.' 

It is impossible to perceive the true nature of life with the warped SGI faith and lame SGI practice. No matter how many material treasures or even treasures of good health and a long life that you accumulate, and no matter how many others you assist to accumulate wealth and good health, unless you perceive the true nature of your own life, you will fail to attain Buddhahood. To practice shoju or interfaith when shakubuku or the exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra is called for, will be to fail to attain Buddhahood. No matter how much faith you have in the mentor of the Soka Gakkai or even in one's self, if you fail to have faith in the Law and the Master of Teachings Lord Shakya, you will fail to attain Buddhahood. Your friend may be able to help prevent the vile practice of female circumcision in thousands of individuals but since she follows an evil teacher, she can not assist even one person to attain Buddhahood or to perceive the true nature of her own life.. 

Oak1: What I see in the Gakkai today is NON-magical thinking. 

Mark: You mean like the experience of the SGI fisherman who worked his butt off but attributed his large catch of fish to the Daimoku he chanted? What about those millions of SGI members who believed that by chanting trillions of Daimoku over several years to the worthless SGI Gohonzon that they could save the Sho Hondo? Nichiren, on the other hand, tied a note around the hand of the Object of Worship, Bodhisattva Space Treasury, prayed fervently and saved Seichoji temple. Who should we follow, Ikeda SGI who couldn't cross a mote 3 feet wide or Nichiren Daishonin who was able to cross the great ocean of life and death?

Oak1: Sure, there are plenty, just like in every faith, whose goals are not high and are simply seeking some new solid ways to approach the world more hopefully, navigate life's harsher bumps, untie the knots they find within and create more fortunate outcomes. They find it if they continue, and if they drift off, it is not with rage... 

Mark: You don't make much sense here but I will try to respond to your disorganized thoughts as I perceive them. Everyone is seeking something and everyone has faith in something. We can see the profundity of the faith by how the hopes and dreams of the believers transform over time. For example, a crack addict for many years seeks crack and has faith that the crack will bring him that which he is seeking. An SGI member, Angela Passaro, after 30 years of practice, is still seeking [chanting fervently] for a motorcycle so she won't have to take public transportation. After only a year or two, a typical disciple and believer in Nichiren has no other thought than did Nichiren Daishonin, how to attain Supreme and Perfect Enlightenment for his own sake and the sake of others.

Oak1: Doing gongyo and chanting is an assiduous practice. Not everyone is really moved to find out what happens when you create the habit - or either, the equally profound idea that our lives are big enough to expand to accept and assist others. Why bother? There is nothing in our American culture that promotes this. And to navigate today's busy calendars, learn to stand up for oneself, to family, to community, to world of faith. Say no instead of yes and find out that works too. The world keeps turning and NO ONE can take away our spot in it. We are unique and irreplaceable. Each one of us. Nah. Much easier to hide out and live in the world we saw with 19-year old eyes (or whatever).

Mark: You belie your assertion about NO magical thinking in the Soka Gakkai which is exactly what you are asserting... Asserting the efficacy of merely doing Gongyo [out of habit] regardless of a correct faith. Doing Gongyo without a correct faith is as useless as believing that reciting 1000 Hail Mary's will absolve you of the sin of killing your father and mother. For example, If you are doing Gongyo contemplating, "what would Sensei do" or "how can I promote interfaith", no good result will be forthcoming. On the other hand, if you chant to fuse with the life of the Buddha and have the same mind as he and Nichiren Daishonin, you will achieve all your wishes. In the Opening of the Eyes we read, "The Buddha wishes to entrust this Lotus Sutra to someone so that it may be preserved." He doesn't say, The Buddha wishes to entrust the Human Revolution or The Six Volume Writings of Nichikan so they will long endure." 

Oak1: The What solidified my determination to practice again was SGI-member Marianne Pearl's response to her husband's murder by hopeless angry Pakistanis. She got on all 3 channels the same day, big with Danny's child, and spoke not only for Danny Pearl but for the hundreds and hundreds of Moslem men that had been murdered that week.

I said to myself, "This is who you turn into by following this way of life?? That is really DIFFERENT. THAT is who I want to be in this world." Ms. Marianne Pearl made a tremendous impression on me by NOT getting what she chanted for. That was when I understood what we are doing and why. It IS a human revolution and not reaction-response as usual. Mark:Marianne Pearl also stated: "True Islamic Jihad is the most courageous process a person can undertake. A Jihadi fights with himself to overcome his own limitations in order to contribute to society at large. This slow and difficult battle, the true jihad, is what Buddhists call the Human Revolution. " It is clear that you are as confused as Ms. Pearl. Your belief in interfaith as you chant the Daimoku and recite Gongyo is destroying your castle from within.

Ikedaism or Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism?

Charisma centralized or charisma routinized?

Two translated passages with commentary

"In suffering, awake to the nature of suffering; in joy rejoice. Realizing both suffering and joy as they really are [tathata], chant the Namu Myoho renge kyo of the Lotus." -- Inagaki

"Suffer what there is to suffer. Enjoy what there is to enjoy. Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life and continue to chant Namu Myoho renge kyo." -- WND of SGI

Please notice, the first translated passage instructs us to awaken to the nature of both suffering and joy, to come to comprehend suffering and joy as they really are while in the second passage, we are exhorted not to examine but to merely accept. This reflects the Modus Operandi of the Soka Gakkai cult, to follow SGI/Ikeda no matter what. It does not reflect the teaching of Nichiren Daishonin

Have you heard a nearly identical statement in the Soka Gakkai?

"Our members are following dear Sensei with absolute trust in him and we are vigorously advancing to absolute victory with full conviction and optimism about the future, single-heartedly united behind him"  -- North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Pak Kil-yon

The Buddha is the father of the world

  “I am the only person who can rescue and protect others." [LS Chapter 3]. "I am the Father of the world. The one who saves from the various sufferings and travails." [Lotus Sutra Chapt 16].

Nichiren's engaged Buddhism

"This is indeed an accursed time to live in this land! However, the Buddha has commanded me to be born in this age, and it is impossible for me to go against the decree of the Dharma King. And so, as the sutra dictates, I have launched the battle between the provisional and the true teachings. Donning the armor of endurance and girding myself with the sword of the wonderful teaching, I have raised the banner of the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo, the heart of the entire eight volumes of the Lotus Sutra. Then, drawing the bow of the Buddha’s declaration, “I have not yet revealed the truth,” and notching the arrow of “honestly discarding the provisional teachings,” I have mounted the carriage drawn by the great white ox and battered down the gates of the provisional teachings. Attacking first one and then another, I have refuted opponents from the eight and ten schools, such as the Nembutsu, True Word, Zen, and Precepts. Some have fled headlong while others have retreated, and still others have been captured to become my disciples. I continue to repulse their attacks and to defeat them, but legions of enemies exist who oppose the single Dharma King and the handful who follow him. So the battle goes on even today.

“The Lotus Sutra is the teaching of shakubuku, the refutation of the provisional doctrines.” True to the letter of this golden saying, in the end, every last one of the believers of the provisional teachings and schools will be defeated and join the retinue of the Dharma King. The time will come when all people will abandon the various kinds of vehicles and take up the single vehicle of Buddhahood, and the Mystic Law alone will flourish throughout the land. When the people all chant Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, the wind will no longer buffet the branches, and the rain will no longer break the clods of soil. The world will become as it was in the ages of Fu Hsi and Shen Nung. In their present existence the people will be freed from misfortune and disasters and learn the art of living long. Realize that the time will come when the truth will be revealed that both the person and the Law are unaging and eternal. There cannot be the slightest doubt about the sutra’s promise of “peace and security in their present existence.”

The meaning “of "no worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality."

Myoho renge kyo always leads to the highest embodiment of human rights, destroying the will to kill, the mind to abuse others, and the will to harm the environment. Human rights education is an inferior type of almsgiving, analogous to a deer nursing a starving tigress. Unless the fundamental nature of the tiger is controlled, it will kill the deer that gave it sustenance. In like manner, unless the fundamental nature of anger, avarice, and stupidity is controlled through the chanting of Namu Myoho renge kyo, there will be no improvement in human rights. Human rights education can not control the fundamental nature of the Three Poisons. This is the meaning of Nichiren's teaching, “no worldly affairs of life or work are ever contrary to the true reality."

Transmission through the Sutra scrolls

“One should consider the fact that, if the Buddha had not attained enlightenment in the distant past, there could not have been so many people converted to his teachings.” — The Opening of the Eyes

The Buddha is the source of both the Specific and the General transmission. The Gohonzon, though a text, is the reality of the Buddha.

“The Maka Shikan says: “If one lacks faith in the Lotus sutra he will object that it pertains to the lofty realm of the sages, something far beyond the capacity of his own wisdom to comprehend. If one lacks wisdom, he will become puffed up with his own arrogance and will claim to be the equal of the Buddha.” – The Opening of the Eyes

The transmission of the Law in the Latter Day is chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo to a valid Gohonzon and encouraging others to do the same. Nichiren Daishonin, unlike the SGI and the Nichiren Shoshu, never advocated a model based on a patriarchal transmission, patriarchal transmission of the golden mouthed ones, nor a patriarchal transmission through current masters. In Shakyamuni’s and Nichiren’s Buddhism, there is neither an oral nor a patriarchal transmission of the Law. The Succession Through the Scrolls of the Sutra is the true meaning of exoteric Mahayana Buddhism.

Nichiren Daishonin writes:

“Are persons who receive instruction orally from their teacher invariably free from error, while those who appear in later ages and who seek and investigate to be regarded as worthless? If so, then should we throw away the sutras and instead follow traditions handed down from the four ranks of bodhisattvas? Should a man throw away the deed of transfer received from his father and mother and instead rely upon oral transmissions? Are the written commentaries of the Great Teacher Dengyo so much trash, and the oral traditions handed down from the Great Teacher Jikaku the only guide to truth?” (Gosho Zenshu, p.1258)

To disabuse those who would adopt the teachings of Buddhist elites, conmen, and posseurs, I would like to further cite Nichiren Daishonin and the Lotus Sutra:

“Putting all this aside, I will point out the truth for the sake of my followers. Because others do not choose to believe it now, they are persons who thereby form a reverse relation. By tasting a single drop, one can tell the flavor of the great ocean, and by observing a single flower in bloom, one can predict the advent of spring. One does not have to cross the water to faroff Sung China, spend three years traveling to Eagle Peak in India, enter the palace of the dragon king the way Nagarjuna did, visit Bodhisattva Maitreya [in the Tushita heaven] the way Bodhisattva Asanga did, or be present at the two places and three assemblies when Shakyamuni preached the Lotus Sutra, in order to judge the relative merits of the Buddha’s lifetime teachings. It is said that snakes can tell seven days in advance when a flood is going to occur. This is because they are akin to dragons [who make the rain fall]. Crows can tell what lucky or unlucky events are going to take place throughout the course of a year. This is because in a past existence they were diviners. Birds are better at flying than human beings. And I, Nichiren, am better at judging the relative merits of sutras than Ch’eng-kuan of the Flower Garland school, Chia-hsiang of the Three Treatises school, Tz’u-en of the Dharma Characteristics school, and Kobo of the True Word school. That is because I follow in the footsteps of the teachers T’ien-t’ai and Dengyo. If Ch’eng-kuan and the others had not accepted the teachings of T’ien-t’ai and Dengyo, how could they have expected to escape the sin of slandering the Law?

I, Nichiren, am the richest man in all of present-day Japan. I have dedicated my life to the Lotus Sutra, and my name will be handed down in ages to come. If one is lord of the great ocean, then all the gods of the various rivers will obey one. If one is king of Mount Sumeru, then the gods of the various other mountains cannot help but serve one. If a person fulfills the teaching of “the six difficult and nine easy acts” of the Lotus Sutra, then, even though he may not have read the entire body of sutras, all should follow him.” –The Opening of the Eyes

Nichiren Daishonin is a far more accomplished Master than any past or present priest or layman.

“The Great Teacher Dengyo was disparaged by the priests of Nara, who said, “Saicho has never been to the capital of T’ang China!” (ibid.)

“The Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai trusted and obeyed Shakyamuni and worked to uphold the Lotus school, spreading its teachings throughout China.” — On the Buddha’s Prophecy

“In the Tendai school, however, there appeared a priest known as the Great Teacher Miao-lo. Though he lived more than two hundred years after the time of the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai, he was extremely wise and had a clear understanding of the teachings of T’ien-t’ai…” – Repaying Debts of Gratitude

Who credentialed or certified Tientai, Miao-lo, or Nichiren? Nichiren Daishonin gave himself the Buddhist name Nichi-Ren. Who ordained Shakyamuni Buddha? This nonsense about seeking a living master will stifle your growth and development as a direct disciple of the Original Buddha. It is the evil priestly and monastic agenda to coerce you into accepting them as teachers and offering them alms, rather than the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin. Their’s is not True Mahayana (exoteric Buddhism) which is based on the Succession Through the Scrolls of the Sutra and the authentic writings of Nichiren. The Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin teach that we are direct disciples of the Original Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni. Buddhism is accessible to all with or without a “face to face” transmission.

Nichiren Daishonin states:

“While the Great Teacher Jikaku was in Japan, he made a thorough study of the teachings of both Dengyo and Kobo, and he spent a period of ten years in China studying under the eight distinguished priests, including the Tripitaka Master Pao-yüeh of southern India, learning all the loftiest and most secret doctrines. On this basis, he completed his commentaries on the two sutras. In addition, he prayed to the image of the Buddha, and awoke from dreaming that he had seen the arrow of wisdom strike the sun of the Middle Way. So great was his joy that he requested Emperor Nimmyo to issue an edict acknowledging Mount Hiei as a center of the True Word practice.

Though he was the chief priest of the Tendai school, he virtually became a True Word prelate, declaring that the three True Word sutras were the works that would ensure peace and protection of the nation. It has now been more than four hundred years since he spread these doctrines. The eminent leaders who have accepted them are as numerous as rice and hemp seedlings, and the fervent believers who have embraced them are as plentiful as bamboo plants and rushes.

As a result, of all the temples established throughout Japan by Emperor Kammu and the Great Teacher Dengyo, there is not one that has not become a propagator of the True Word doctrine. Both courtiers and warriors alike invite True Word priests to attend to their religious needs, look up to them as their teachers, confer offices upon them, and place them in charge of temples. And in the eye-opening ceremony carried out at the consecration of wooden and painted Buddhist images, the priests of all the eight schools of Buddhism now use the mudras and mantras of the Thus Come One Mahavairochana and the honored one Buddha Eye! — Repaying Debts of Gratitude

Look what happened to Buddhism with men like Jikaku who studied under, “the Eight Distinguished Teachers”, every one of them certified, credentialed and ordained. Also, the priestly shackle that some advocate, diminishes one’s faith in the Supreme Law affirmed by all Buddhas (Myoho renge kyo). Others studied under men who were heretics or traitors to Nichiren and still others were trained, ordained and/or, certified by modern day disciples of these shameful men. Nichiren continues:

“Question: When it comes to those who maintain that the Lotus Sutra is superior to the True Word teachings, should they try to make use of these commentaries by Jikaku, or should they reject them?

Answer: Shakyamuni Buddha laid down a rule for future conduct when he said that we should “rely on the Law and not upon persons.” Bodhisattva Nagarjuna says that one should rely on treatises that are faithful to the sutras, but not rely on those that distort the sutras. T’ien-t’ai states, “That which accords with the sutras is to be written down and made available. But put no faith in anything that in word or meaning fails to do so.” And the Great Teacher Dengyo says, “Depend upon the preachings of the Buddha, and do not put faith in traditions handed down orally.” — The Selection of the Time

“Instead of wasting all those supplies and making work for other people by insisting upon traveling all the way to China, they should have made a more careful and thorough study of the doctrines of the Great Teacher Dengyo, who was their own teacher!.” –Repaying Debts of Gratitude

“But after he went to China at the age of forty, though he continued to call himself a disciple of Dengyo and went through the motions of carrying on Dengyo’s line, he taught a kind of Buddhism that was wholly unworthy of a true disciple of Dengyo.” (ibid.)

Although I am merely an ignorant layman, I think that some of our present day priests and so-called mentors should have made a more careful and thorough study of the doctrines of Nichiren Daishonin who they claim as their Buddhist Master. Then they wouldn’t be teaching a type of Buddhism that is wholly unworthy of a true disciple of Nichiren. One mentor in particular has shackled his disciples to himself like a sick siamese twin who will eventually end up killing both himself and his sibling.

“At that time, after the great assembly had heard the Buddha speak of the
great length of his life-span, incalculable, limitless asamkhyeyas of
living beings gained a great advantage. At that time, the World-Honored
One declared to the bodhisattva-mahasattva Maitreya: “O Ajita!
When I preached on the great length of the life-span of the Thus Come
One, living beings to the number of sands in six hundred and eighty
myriads of millions of nayutas of Ganges rivers gained acceptance of
[the doctrine of] the unborn dharmas. Again, a thousand times this
number of bodhisattva-mahsattvas heard and were enabled to take hold
of the gateway of the dharanis. Again, bodhisattva-mahasattvas equal
to the number of the atoms in one world-sphere gained joy in preaching
and unimpeded eloquence. Again, bodhisattva-mahasattvas equal in
number to the atoms in one world-sphere gained the dharani that can
be turned to a hundred thousand myriads of millions of incalculable
[uses]. Again, bodhisattva-mahasattvas equal in number to the atoms
in the thousand-millionfold world were enabled to turn the unreceding
Wheel of the Dharma. Again, bodhisattva-mahasattvas equal in number
to the atoms in two thousand middle lands were enabled to turn the
pure Wheel of the Dharma. Again, bodhisattva-mahasattvas equal in
number to the atoms in a minor thousand of lands were destined
after eight rebirths to gain anuttarasamyaksambodhi. Again, bodhi­
sattva-mahasattvas equal to four times the number of atoms under
four heavens were destined after four rebirths to gain anuttarasamvak­
sambodhi. Again, bodhisattva-mahasattvas equal in number to threetimes
the number of atoms under four heavens were destined after three
rebirths to gain anuttarasamyaksambodhi. Again, bodhisattva-maha-
sattvas equal in number to twice the atoms under four heavens
were destined after two rebirths to gain anuttarasamyaksambodhi.”

– Lotus Sutra Chapter 17

Nichiren Shonin quotes Nan-yueh:

"The Daigo shojin Sutra says: ‘Ordinary beings and the Thus Come One share a single Dharma body. Being pure and mystic beyond comparison, it is called Myoho-renge-kyo.’” — Entity of the Mystic Law

and again:

“Those who practice the Lotus Sutra are pursuing through this single act of devotion the mind that is endowed with all manner of fortunate results. These are present simultaneously and are not acquired gradually over a long period of time. This is like the blossom of the lotus which, when it opens, already possesses a large number of seeds or results. Hence such persons are called the people of the one vehicle.” — The Entity of the Mystic Law

“Thereupon Shakyamuni Buddha rose from the seat of the Dharma, and by great supernatural powers, put his right hand on the heads of the innumerable Bodhisattva-mahasattvas, and said: “For many hundreds of thousands of billions of asamkhyas of kalpas, I studied and practiced the Dharma difficult to obtain, and [finally attained] Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Now I will transmit the Dharma to you. Propagate it with all your hearts, and make it known far and wide.” — Lotus Sutra, Chapter 22 Transmission

The merit of the Buddha comes directly from the Buddha. After the close of Chapter 22, the replicas of Shakyamuni Buddha never again appear. They went back to their home worlds at the end of this chapter because the Buddha has entrusted Bodhisattva Jogyo and the Bodhisattvas of the Earth with carrying out the transmission of the Dharma in this Latter Age. The transmission of Buddhahood come from the Original Buddha Shakyamuni and nowhere else.

Nichiren Daishonin in the “Ho’on Jo” [Repaying Debts of Gratitude], enumerates the Three Great Secret Laws (“san dai hi ho”):

“The first is the object of worship (honzon). All the people in Japan as well as the rest of the whole world should revere the Lord Buddha Shakyamuni (Original and Eternal Buddha) revealed in the essential section (honmon) of the Lotus Sutra as the Object of Worship (honzon)…”; Second, there is the high sanctuary of true Buddhism; Third, in Japan, China, India and all the other countries of the world, every person, regardless of whether he is wise or foolish, shall set aside other practices and join in the chanting of Namu-myoho-renge-kyo.”

In the “Kanjin Honzon Sho” [True Object of Worship], he says:

“Shakyamuni Buddha, the Lord preacher of this pure land, has never died in the past, nor will He be born in the future. He exists forever throughout the past present and future.” In the Senji Sho [Selection of the Time] we read, “It was not I, Nichiren, who made these three important predications. I believe it was solely the spirit of Shakyamuni Buddha, entering my body, who made them.”

On the Four Stages of Faith and The Five Stages of Practice Reads,

“Within these chapters of transmission, the four stages of faith and the five stages of practice expounded in the “Distinctions in Benefits” chapter refer to what is most important in the practice of the Lotus Sutra, and are a standard for those living in the time of the Buddha and after his passing.

Ching-hsi writes: “‘To produce even a single moment’s faith and understanding’ represents the beginning in the practice of the essential teaching.” Of these various stages, the four stages of faith are intended for those living in the Buddha’s lifetime, and the five stages of practice for those living after his passing. Among these, the first of the four stages of faith is that of producing even a single moment’s faith and understanding, and the first of the five stages of practice is that of rejoicing on first hearing the Lotus Sutra. These two stages together form a casket containing the treasures of the “hundred worlds and thousand factors” and the “three thousand realms in a single life-moment”; they are the gate from which all Buddhas of the ten directions and the three existences emerge.”

Nichiren Daishonin goes on to say,

“Answer: This is a very important question, and so I will be referring to the text of the sutra in answering you. In describing the first, second and third of the five stages of practice, the Buddha restricts those at these stages from practicing precepts and meditation, and places all emphasis upon the single factor of wisdom. And because our wisdom is inadequate, he teaches us to substitute faith, making this single word “faith” the foundation. Disbelief is the cause for becoming an icchantika and for slander of the True Law, while faith is the cause for wisdom and corresponds to the stage of myoji-soku.’

And again,

“Answer: Such persons are restricted from practicing almsgiving, the keeping of the precepts, and the others of the five paramitas, and are directed to chant Namu-myoho-renge-kyo exclusively. This practice corresponds to the capacity of persons at the stages of “producing even a single moment’s faith and understanding” and “rejoicing on first hearing the Lotus Sutra.” It represents the true intention of the Lotus Sutra. ”

And further along:

“Question: When your disciples, without any understanding, simply recite with their mouths the words Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, what level of attainment do they reach?

Answer: Not only do they go beyond the highest level of the four tastes or the three teachings as well as that attained by practitioners of the perfect teaching set forth in the sutras that precede the Lotus Sutra, but they surpass by millions and billions of times the founders of the Shingon and various other schools of Buddhism–men such as Shan-wu-wei, Chih-yen, T’zu-en, Chi-tsang, Tao-hsuan, Bodhidharma and Shan-tao.”

Nichiren Daishonin writes:

“Although Nichiren dwells in such a remote and forlorn retreat [Minobu], within the heart of his fleshly body he holds concealed the secret Dharma of the sole great matter (ichidaiji) transmitted by the Eternal Shakyamuni, master of teachings, on Vulture Peak.” –Nanjo Hyoe Shichiro-dono gohenji

The Dharma is not something handed down from a master to a disciple, but directly accessible to anyone at any moment via a personal relationship formed with the Buddha and the Lotus Sutra by chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.

From the Object of Devotion For Observing the Mind:

“..the Eternal Lord Shakyamuni’s practices undertaken as the cause (for attaining Buddhahood), and his virtues acquired as their effect, are completely contained within the five characters of Myoho-Renge-Kyo. When we receive and hold these five characters, he will spontaneously transfer to us the merit of his causes and effects.”

To conclude, when we chant Namu Myoho renge kyo with faith in and reverence for the Lotus Sutra, Gohonzon, Shakyamuni Buddha, and the Daimoku, and spread the teachings to the best of our abilities, we are Bodhisattvas of the Earth, requiring no intercession by either priest nor layman.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The DaiGohonzon

The DaiGohonzon  is the pet rock of Buddhism. The only difference is the pet rock earned four million dollars for the inventor and the DaiGohonzon billions.

The posseur

“As for how does one go about being allowed to take vows, the process begins with establishing a relationship with me as the priest of this temple, should you decide this is where you would like to practice or if I am the person you wish to practice with. Any person is free to approach any priest they desire and then begin the relationship with them. I do not have a hard and fast rule for length of time, though it certainly would be at least six months maybe more. Beyond that engaging in a personal discussion directly and personally with me is the best way to proceed forward.” -- Nichiren Shu priest Ryusho.

There are no intermediaries in Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism. No one needs permission to take vows to save the masses of beings in this religion. Vows are taken by chanting Daimoku and ceded through the scrolls of the Sutra and writings of Nichiren, not through posseurs dressed in priestly robes.

Chanting Daimoku every day

Shakyamuni Buddha sure is grand
Nichiren too is a good ole’ man
And the Lotus Sutra ain’t no sham
Chanting Daimoku every day

What other mentors do you need?
We embrace the one true creed
Believing them in word and deed
Chanting Daimoku every day

No matter what the others say
The Lotus Sutra is the only Way
To keep us out of Mappo’s fray
Chanting Daimoku every day

The Taisekaji teachings kill the truth
Destroys the old and corrupts the youth
Get out of your coccoon-like booth
Chanting Daimoku every day.

Following Daisaku and Nichinyo
Is the wrong and worst way to go
Let us notch our arrow in our bow
Chanting Daimoku every day

Shakabuku is break and subdue
The evil passions and delusions too
Poor general members have no clue
Despite chanting all the day

The Lotus Sutra is the only One
Even brighter than the sun
Nichiren's disciples never outdone
Chanting Daimoku every day.

Succession through the scrolls we say
Sure to bring a bright new way
Never bound and often gay
Chanting Daimoku every day

With Guatama and Saint Nichiren
We could never fail to win
Striving to remove the slanderers grin
Chanting Daimoku every day.

Shakyamuni Buddha sure is grand
Nichiren too is a good ole’ man
And the Lotus Sutra ain’t no sham
Chanting Daimoku every day

What other mentors do you need?
We embrace the one true creed
Believing them in word and deed
Chanting Daimoku every day

Foremost American Nichiren scholar professor Jacqueline Stone

"Those who actively confront and repudiate the doctrines of other religions are the ones who can be said to be truly faithful to Nichiren's teachings." 

"Did you know that Nichiren was a really big fan of the True Word and Theravadan teachings?" -- SGI Buddhist interfaith participant

The three kind of messengers

"In general, there are three kinds of messengers. The first kind is extremely clever. The second is not particularly clever but is not foolish, either. The third is extremely foolish but nevertheless reliable.

Of these three types, the first will commit no error [in transmitting the message]. The second, being somewhat clever but not quite as clever as the first type, will add his own words to his lord’s message. Thus he is the worst possible type of messenger. The third type, being extremely foolish, will not presume to insert his own words and, being honest, will relay his lord’s message without deviating from it. Thus he is a better messenger than the second type, and occasionally may be even better than the first."

The Mystic Principle of Responsive Communion

This principle is embraced by both the Soka Gakkai*, the "orthodox" Nichiren sects, Tientai, and Nichiren Daishonin. In the SGI, it refers to the believers' relationship with Daisaku Ikeda and for Tientai, the "orthodox" sects, and Nichiren Daishonin, it refers to the believers' relationship with Shakyamuni Buddha.

*See article by SGI study chief Dr Mikio Matsuoka published in The Journal of Oriental Studies, Vol 15, 2005

"We are the Thus Come Ones of Original Enlightenment" -- SGI leader easyDaimoku

Shakyamuni Buddha: "I would like to mentor the children of the elementary and junior high school division."

Ethan Gelbaum SGI Vice General Director: "Have you signed the SGI code of conduct for leaders?"

Greg Martin SGI-USA Study Chief discusses the Seven Jewels

Greg Martin in his lecture on The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon, at one point, discusses the Seven Jewels or Seven Treasures: 1). Hearing the correct teaching he interprets as "seeking guidance" 2). Believing in it he equates with "the unity of SGI believers" 3). Keeping the precepts he asserts are "Soka Spirit* activities" 4). Engaging in meditation he interprets as "calming the mind and self mastery" 5). Practicing assiduously "is doing SGI activities"; 6). Renouncing one's attachments too, "is tirelessly performing SGI activities"** 7). reflecting on oneself "is doing human revolution". 

To drive home his points, he quotes Ikeda, "All of these are encompassed in the word faith. They are all included in SGI activities." Ikeda thus equates faith with SGI activities.***

Most importantly, Martin fails to mention the most profound meaning of the Seven Treasures, that they are, according to Nichiren, "Na Mu Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo". Is it because, in the Soka Gakkai, there are only six treasures, Nam Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo?

SGI is a money making cult that only survives by mixing the impure teachings of Taisekaji, Makiguchi, Toda, and Ikeda with the pure teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin.

*Soka Spirit according to SGI leader Harsh Mishra, "is a crucial focus in our practice by which we protect SGI member’s process of becoming happy from any confusing forces and reach out to dialogue and encourage those who mistakenly have drifted into the erroneous path of the priesthood or the temple. Soka Spirit is about protecting Daishonin’s teaching from subtle yet profound distortions of Nichiren Shoshu priesthood."

** Instead of selfishly devoting oneself to, for example, developing a happy and harmonious family or establishing one's career? Here we clearly see the reality of SGI, the cult mindset of devoting oneself entirely to the SGI and Ikeda without the window dressing of "faith equals daily life".

***no matter how SGI activities veer from the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, for example SGI interfaith and mentor worship.] Of course, there is no mention of the Buddha.

Dengyo the Great versus Daisaku Ikeda

"Men shall make the right religion prosperous, but the right religion shall not make men prosperous." -- Dengyo the Great

""Religion exists to serve people, people do not exist to serve religion." -- Daisaku

The reality is that SGI members exist to serve Daisaku Ikeda and his well paid lieutenants. We serve the Lotus Sutra and the people out of a sense of gratitude. This is the import of Dengyo's statement.

Rebecca SGI Young Women's Division Area Chief on having second thoughts

On SGI reorganizational structure:

"This won't change that many Youth are still turned off

I like the idea of concentrating on the districts, but it won't create new leaders. We still have very few youth leaders in general.  I'm an area ywd leader. In my few months in the position I've seen many ywd leaders burn out from the burden of so many meetings, responsibility of bringing in more youth, along with creating careers, and starting relationships and life. If you can't cut it you don't have enough faith.  (I devoted almost a year of my life to Rock the Era. I barely kept a job. My development in other areas stood still while I devoted every spare minute to Rock the Era.)  

The reason this Big Shift won't work is because SGI-USA still is Japanese in its structure.

Good in it's emphasis on helping individual members and behind-the-scenes efforts. Bad in the emphasis on sacrificing your time , and silent unquestioned acceptance about certain things, like about Soka Spirit fervor, adoring "Sensei" Average American youth doesn't want all that.  Example, as YWD, we have to sing:  

"Thank you Sensei....
Like a father you cheer us on
True disciples FOR ETERNITY

Ikeda Kayo-kai"  So much focus on President Ikeda! Why isn't the song about us and our own power? Why is it about "Sensei"? It turns young people off, because it feels weird. But questioning such adoration in SGI is tacitly unacceptable.  I read recently read:  "Mr. Toda also used to say, 'When you go to Eagle Peak, you should proudly declare, "I am a disciple of Josei Toda, the leader of kosen-rufu."' He told us to remain confident and assured even in the interval between this life and the next." May 2012 LB, 33  

Isn't my experience at death from my own merits? The experience of our buddhahood is what is important and works to transform us.  Mr. Ikeda places Mr. Toda and himself on a high pedestal - we call to them after death? For ETERNITY? Hey, Mr. Ikeda says wonderful things, but he's asking for a lot. And most wonderful things he says are interspersed with copious requests to connect to him spiritually and to spread the word. NON-STOP SPREADING.

I'm lying here getting over pneumonia and thinking about my role in the organization. This Big Shift is shifting things in me."

Aaron on the Ikeda love fest

"In response to the first portion of your post – the SGI is regarded as a cult by the media. Take a look at the articles that Time and Forbes put out a few years ago. I recently said bye-bye to the org after almost choking on my own vomit at a district meeting. I just couldn’t stomach the M/D talk any longer. The district leader had told us that the Daimoku chanted with Sensei in our hearts was so much more powerful than just chanting. This comment forced me to swallow my own vomit. Someone made a reference to Lisa Jones. I always suspected that she was being harassed with a lawsuit into silence. The SGI is an absolutely vile organization. I am so very glad I left and I can’t understand how anyone who is exposed to the teachings of Shakyamuni and Nichiren (away from the SGI publications) can stay in the org unless they are either very arrogant and turned-on by the Ikeda love fest or very needy for authoritarian religion."

The importance of rapidly transmitting SGI brainwash

"Towards Soka Gakkai leaders, Sensei has been emphasizing the importance of the speed of communication and reporting."

I will answer comments to the best of my ability.

Feel free to comment.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Lotus Sutra is a simple faith

Some state that the teaching of the Lotus Sutra is the teaching of will power consciousness [Ichinen]. Nichiren taught in his authentic writings that the teaching of the Lotus Sutra is the teaching of faith. I maintain that it was Nichiren Daishonin's faith in the Lotus Sutra that saved him at Tatsunokuchi, not his determination to stay alive at any cost. I also maintain that the Lotus Sutra is a simple faith that some [the Nichiren Shoshu and the Soka Gakkai] have complicated for their own self serving interests.

"It is a very bad cause to enshrine a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha" -- SGI member

"You Jonin Toki brought your mother`s ashes to Minobu and placed them at the altar where the Buddha Shakyamuni, our original teacher, is enshrined. Prostrating yourself in front of the altar, holding your hands together in gassho, you paid homage to the Buddha. You have overcome your sorrow at your mother`s death and firmly believed your mother was saved by the teachings of the Lotus Sutra. Thus, you were released from your sorrow. All of your body — your head, hands, legs, and mouth — are all inherited from your parents. This kinship between your parents and you is like the relationship between seed and fruit. Therefore, as your mother is saved, you are also saved by the teachings of the Lotus Sutra." --Nichiren’s Words –Bo Jikyo Ji

SGI are blind children who mistake Daisaku Ikeda for their father, Shakyamuni Buddha.

"I, Nichiren, sincerely practice the most profound Lotus Sutra among all the sutras that have been preached, are being preached, and will be preached. I also chant Odaimoku, the essence of the sutra, by myself and teach others to chant it. Mugwort grass grows straight amidst the hemp field. Trees do not grow straight, but by cutting them straight, they become useful. If you chant the sutra as it states, your mind will be straightened. Be aware that it is hard for us to chant Odaimoku unless the spirit of the Eternal Buddha enters into our bodies." -- Nichiren’s Words –Myomitsu Shonin Go Shosoku

Why the Nichikan Gohonzon differs from the Nichiren Gohonzon

The SGI Gohonzon may have the appearance of an authentic Nichiren Gohonzon but the Nichiren Gohonzon [or one based on the Nichiren Gohonzon] assists one to quickly attain Buddhahood while the Nichikan Gohonzon assists one to fall into the Four Lower Worlds. 

The word Japan causes one to visualize all the people, customs, wars, tsunamis, mountains, rivers, and animals of Japan. Similarly, the Nichikan Gohonzon causes one to visualize the entire slanderous religion of Nichikan. Whether symbolic or actual, whether metaphor or entity, the Nichikan Gohonzon is not the same as the Nichiren Gohonzon because Nichikan's mind differed from Nichiren's.

Wasting a whole lifetime in the Soka Gakkai learning about Ikedaism

Don Gropp: "The SGI knows what the correct object of worship is, and I believe the clue to this puzzle is found in "the one great reason."

As far as "can't be proven," I'd say the Nikko - Nichiko lineage is the one thriving and growing today, just like it did in Nikko's area after the Daishonin died. The experiences and stories of millions and millions of diverse individuals worldwide testify to fulfilling "the one great reason." That's proof of fact."

Don hasn't had an original thought about Buddhism in more than 45 years. Interfaith and deprecating the Sutra and Shakyamuni Buddha certainly IS proof of actual fact. Proof of the Gakkai's slander of Myoho renge kyo, the one great reason. They link the one great reason with the advent of Makiguchi, Toda and Ikeda as explained in the Human Revolution rather than Shakyamuni Buddha's preaching of Myoho renge kyo as explained in the Gosho. They are very confused. Their experiences are those of usurpers and slanderers of the Law. Their stories are just that, stories.

Don: "SGI has the most diverse demographic population in history, and a slew of youth who are coming out of where-ever (beneath the earth?). The youth, especially,more than 30 years are very active tweetin,' textin,' facebookin;' you name it now, with i-pads, i-phones and whatever's next. They seem even more united and pure than the youth of the "old days."

Me: Islam and Christianity is far more diverse than SGI and the SGI top leaders are all Japanese men. SGI is about as diverse as the Catholic college of cardinals. Whatever the SGI youth are tweeting it is not Buddhism. If it is true that they are energized, they are energized about Ikedaism not the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren.Daishonin.

Don: The following letter to a believer seems something of a warning about failing to understand "this one great reason." I think that is the primary requisite by Nichiren, passed on by Nikko, which the other schools deny, instead, devoting themselves to "eternal Shakyamuni."

Me: Certainly devoting one's self to Eternal Shakyamuni is more in line with the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren than devoting one's self to Daisaku Ikeda. Who is Don kidding? He is kidding himself and every person stupid enough to follow him and the Soka Gakkai rather than the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren.

Don: I've often seen Nichiren Shu altars with statues of Shakyamuni placed in the middle, concealing the character for "Nichiren." In reality, in the other Nichiren schools, you can practice in just about any way you'd wish. If a ceremony happens the parishioners have priests.

Me: Sour grapes. No real Nichiren priest would sign on to SGI's perversion of Buddhism. Nichiren himself enshrined his Statue of Shakyamuni Buddha From the Sea and he approved of the statues fashioned by his disciples such as Toki Jonin, Shijo Kingo, and even his former teacher Dozenbo..

Don: I've recently heard a lecture that explained each of the characters, and where we see the character for 'Nichiren,' that is where we put our own names. To put a statue or any other obstruction there is probably not a good cause, especially since the Daishonin say So I'm not into covering or concealing one's true name; Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, _ _ _, but I see it quite frequently in the Fuji schools.

Me: Hehe, Don would have a statue or picture of Don or Ikeda in front of the Gohonzon, would it not seem so tacky. Don is so confused. SGI is a fuji school. His logic is so poor. We hear SGI parrot Nichiren that the Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of those who chant the Daimoku, failing to acknowledge that the Gohonzon is covered by blood, bones, urine, and excrement but he would begrudge us a statue of Shakyamuni Buddha or Nichiren Daishonin.

Don: SGI teaches much about the multiple meanings of each of the bold characters of the invocation written down the center of the Gohonzon. "Nam corresponds to the paramita of happiness" is what Ikeda taught. He said Myoho corresponds to the paramita of true self, renge corresponds to the paramita of purity, and kyo corresponds to the paramita of eternity

Me: SGI are not much different than the Zenmen in Nichiren's day.. Nichiren writes:

"....The Zen men in the world today value only meditation [as the way to realize the truth] and have no familiarity with doctrinal teachings. In relying upon meditation alone, they interpret the sutras in their own way. They put together the eight errors and the eight winds, and talk about the Buddha as being sixteen feet in height. They lump together the five components and the three poisons, and call them the eight errors. They equate the six sense organs with the six transcendental powers, and the four elements with the four noble truths. To interpret the sutras in such an arbitrary manner is to be guilty of the greatest falsehood. Such nonsense is not even worth discussing.”

Don confuses the Four Virtues of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth with the Paramitas. SGI interprets the Sutra and Namu Myoho renge kyo in their own way. We interpret the Sutra as did Nichiren Daishonin.

Don: I'm beginning my 45th year, and when I read this a couple of years ago, I felt refreshed, learning an ideal meaning of Nam, happiness - first - of course. Why didn't I think of that before???

Anyway, to make a long story very much shorter, from the Gosho:

"As I have stated many times before, the scholars in the world today assert that they have studied the Buddhist doctrines and acquired wisdom. Bur their whole lifetime is wasted, passed in a dream, as it were, simply because they fail to understand 'this one great reason.' You should be absolutely clear on this point, absolutely clear! Take care, take care. - Nichiren Reply to Sadashige (WND-2,1086)

Me: Lacking a clear mirror, Don can not see himself. He has wasted a whole lifetime in the Soka Gakkai learning about Ikedaism rather than True Buddhism. What a pity. What a shame!

Refuting lies with lies. The principles and practices of the Soka Gakkai

Feel free to ask any questions about the history or writings used by the Soka Gakkai Study Chief to refute both the Nichiren Shoshu and the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin. Suffice it to to say that even some of the Goshos used by Matsuoka in this series of essays has been subsequently affirmed to be forgeries by Matsuoka himself, for example, On the First Bath, The 106 Articles, and On the True Cause. These are Nichiren Shoshu forgeries. Nichikan, in particuilar, was fond of forged Goshos and secret oral teachings.

They make mid-six figure salaries. That is why they are called "top leaders"

"Couldnt help but roll my eyes, when the words" top leaders" are mentioned...well, Im a down It seems to be such a useless badge that only try to offend ordinary members ire...Isnt it crap? You are only popular in sgi, other than that, what?? Get some life... You know, scrap the crap, and move on in the heart of real humanity......Im tired of all that crap, top crap of top leaders etc...its all junk...........Im no longer impressed and Im tired of all that name leaders for what? To crack the arse of religion and play on people's beliefs? People are not made for shut up with that term..its rubbish."--  SGI Jodine from the Phillipines

The Third Great Secret Law: The Ordination or Precept Platform of the Original Doctrine

(iii) The Precept or Ordination Platform (Kaidan) of the Hommon (Doctrine of the Original) means the place where we receive the precepts of the Hommon and there are two types:

(1) The ideal or abstract Precept Platform (ri no kaidan) which means that wherever we receive and keep Namu Myoho renge kyo is the Precept Platform. It does not point to a special place and building and its rationale is found in Chapter 21 of the Lotus Sutra:

"Those who receive, uphold, read, recite, explain, write out, and cultivate it as spoken, in whatever land they may be, in a place where the Sutra is kept: whether in a garden, in a forest, or beneath a tree; in a Sangha dwelling; in the dwelling of the white-robed; in a palace or hall; or in the mountains, valleys, or wilderness in all of these places they should build a stupa and make offerings."

(2) The Actual Precept platform (ji no kaidan) means that, in the future, a particular place will be established by "the ruler", the Precept Platform of the Doctrine of the Original. (Nichiren Daishonin did not decide on the place but if it should return to the pure doctrine and practice, We find the rationale for the Actual Precept Platform in Chapter 16 of the Lotus Sutra:

"Good men, if a living being comes before me, I observe with my Buddha eye his faith and other qualities, as well as the keenness or dullness of his faculties, and I take him across in an appropriate manner."


Living beings, then faithful and subdued,
Straightforward, with compliant minds,
Single-mindedly wish to see the Buddha,
Caring not for their very lives.
At that time I and the Sangha assembly
All appear together on Magic Vulture Mountain, 

The Three Great Secret Law Gosho states:

"As for the Seat of Ordination [kaidan], the Law of the Sovereign and the Law of the Buddha are united and become one, and sovereign and subjects become one in their faith in the doctrine of the Great Three Mysteries, the same bond that existed in the days of old between King Utoku and the Monk Kakutoku will also exist in the future world of the impure and evil Age of the Latter Law."

Therefore, according to Nichiren Daishonin, the place where a faithful sovereign chooses to enshrine the Object of Worship (Honzon) of the Original Doctrine [where the Master of Teachings Buddha Shakyamuni who attained Buddhahood in the limitless past dwells], is the Actual Precept Platform.  

Why do you ignore and change Nichiren's teachings? You know who you are

We, the various beings who live in this world, have been the beloved children of Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, since numberless major world system dust particle kalpas in the past. And though because of the offense of our unfilial behavior we are unaware of this to this day, we are nevertheless not the same as the beings of another realm.
A Buddha with whom one establishes a connection that leads to enlightenment, and the various beings who establish such a connection, may be compared to the moon in the sky as it is reflected in countless bodies of clear water. But in the case of a Buddha with whom no such connection can be established, the various beings are comparable to deaf persons straining to hear the sound of thunder or blind persons facing the sun or the moon.
And yet there are some teachers who deprecate Shakyamuni and pay reverence to the Thus Come One Mahāvairochana, or some teachers who declare that one cannot establish a connection leading to Buddhahood with Shakyamuni, but can establish such a connection with Amida. Other teachers support the Shakyamuni of the Hinayana teachings, the Shakyamuni of the Flower Garland Sutra, or the Shakyamuni of the theoretical teaching of the Lotus Sutra. All these teachers and their supporters who forget [the]  Shakyamuni [of the “Life Span” chapter] and choose some other Buddha instead are like Prince Ajātashatru, who killed his father, King Bimbisāra, and, turning againstShakyamuni, became a patron of Devadatta.
The fifteenth day of the second month is regarded as the date when Shakyamuni Buddha passed away, and the fifteenth day of each month also as the day of memorial service for this loving father of all the beings of the threefold world. And yet, led astray by such veritable Devadattas asShan-taoHōnen, and Yōkan, people have now decided that that date is to be looked on as a day consecrated to Amida Buddha! The eighth day of the fourth month is the birthday of the World-Honored OneShakyamuni, and yet it has now been taken over as the birthday ofMedicine Master Buddha! To take the anniversary of the death of your own loving father and turn it into the anniversary for some other Buddha—what kind of filial conduct is that!
The “Life Span” chapter says, “I am the father of this world because I cure my deranged sons.” The Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai says, “Originally one followed this Buddha and for the first time conceived the desire to seek the way. And by following this Buddha again, one will reach the stage where there is no retrogression. . . . Just as all the hundred rivers flow into the sea, so is one drawn by one’s connection with the Buddha and born in company with the Buddha.”

I love Nichiren and Shakyamuni Buddha

"The Nirvana Sutra says: “Rely on the Law and not upon persons. . . . Rely on wisdom and not on discriminative thinking.”
To rely on the Law means to rely on the constantly abiding Law of the Lotus and Nirvana sutras. Not relying on persons means not relying on persons who do not themselves rely on the Lotus and Nirvana sutras. Even though they may be Buddhas or bodhisattvas, if they are Buddhas and bodhisattvas who do not rely on the Lotus and Nirvana sutras, they cannot serve as good friends. And how much more is this so if they are merely scholars, translators of the sacred texts, or ordinary teachers!
To rely on wisdom means to rely on the Buddha. Not relying on discriminative thinking means that one does not rely on those who are on the level of near-perfect enlightenment or below."