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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"Did you know that Nichiren was a really big fan of the True Word and Theravadan teachings?" -- SGI Buddhist interfaith participant


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  2. To represent Nichiren for what he truly stands for would be too much of an inconvenient truth for those that are ashamed of him and for the deniers who don't want to know about it. Those who wish to be all things to all wo/men stand for nothing. It is in understanding the differences that we can have a true interfaith dialogue without compromising our faith . Instead of just smiles of agreement there would be looks of horror. Unless we can be humble enough to understand each other then we would also see looks of relief. With Human nature the way that it is how far do you think friendship meetings would go before we would start ripping each others heads off without some great spiritual moderator like Shakyamuni and Nichiren.

  3. Encountering hatred and jealousy in our effort to save people is proof of our faith.

  4. Actually, if everyone loved us, even if many people outside the Lotus faith loved us, it would be actual proof that our faith and practice was incorrect. Chapter 13 of the Lotus Sutra, Exhortation to Hold Firm, perfectly describes the resistance a votary of the Lotus Sutra is certain to encounter. Friendly dialogue with slanderers who disrespect the Law of Namu Myoho renge kyo and the sanctity of human life, is neither the way of the Buddha nor of his disciples, least of all his foremost disciple Nichiren. That doesn't mean we have to be rude or abusive but we should be firm while maintaining a dignified air. Not easy. I have failed many times but with discipline and Daimoku, it is possible.
