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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Shinkei Marcheso answers the scholars

"The sutra teaches that in mappo the pure law will be lost and the great pure law will rise (dai byaku ho). Nichiren says that the various calamities that occur are omens of the rise of this law. Whatever scholars want to banter around is meaningless. does the actual state of the world reflect what the sutra and Nichiren taught? If so, then the scholars are wrong. gassho shinkei"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Look at the mess where in today and its only getting worse. 1 million houses are predicted to burn down this summer in just one state alone and that doesn't include any of the other states of Australia. And then there will be the cyclones and floods on top of that. This link is a typical month of what's happening around the globe

  3. very nice shinkei. tell it like it is.
