Do you promote or engage in interfaith? If you do, you are not a Nichiren Buddhist. SGI and Nichiren Shu leaders, priests, and members are not Nichiren Buddhists. Nichiren Shoshu members with their fake DaiGohonzon and their One Sole Living Master in the Seat of the Law are more Nichiren Buddhists than all the Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shu members combined. One can not read the Lotus Sutra and the Gosho and come to any other conclusion about these smiling backstabbers and their non-Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhist teachings. They teach out of one side of their mouths that the Lotus Sutra teachings of Nichiren is the king of religions while out the other side they teach that all faiths and their practitioners are equally worthy of reverence and respect. They will fail to attain Buddhahood as Nichiren did.
not only will they fail to attain buddhahood, it will take kalpas for them to clean up the negative karma they have accrued.