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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Insane SGI Daily Leaders Guidance for 12/19/2012

"Compel your members to accept some truths while rejecting others." 

This confirms Noel Panton's assertion that Soka Gakkai leaders in Australia compel their members to reject Nichiren's teachings on slander of the Law. 


  1. Some leaders(I haven't met them all) reject to talk about the teaching of Nichiren on slander of the Law. and at the same time I have never met a leader who wanted to talk about it. I know the same is happening in Japan from what I've been told but in Japan their are still some old school leaders who are dying out that would still talk about it while their is still breath I presume. Is the situation similar in America?

  2. I will be much surprised were we to receive an answer from them. Even more surprised were we to receive a cogent answer because in the light of the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren, their position is untenable.

    1. So you are saying that in the light of the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren that they don't have a leg to stand on! And that their silence is deafening. I wonder if or when I'll be excommunicated for giving an honest account of what has happened over the years and for airing my opinions in public, especially with such a prominent world renown critic as yourself.

      I have been amazed reading so many story's by grieved former SGI practioners on your blog that I can relate to. It took away the feeling of separation and isolation that I have been suffering for so many years.
      My wife who a SGI member is still trying to help the SGI as she has an unwavering loyalty to the organisation because of her appreciation for how it has helped her in the past and for P.Ikeda's past doctrinal writings e.g. World of Gosho, Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, Dialogue of Life etc

      So many emails I have sent to national and state leaders (except for the present General Director) on matters of faith in Nichiren Buddhism with no reply or a reply like

      Hope you and family are well,

      warm regards.


  3. Hehe "world renown critic". Well, if that is true, thank you Google. If I can influence even one person to leave the SGI and take up the Nichiren faith, I will be happy.My ultimate goal is for one young person to take up the mantle of remonstration before I die.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Though we pass on to the state between death and rebirth before we are again reborn into another life, our testimony's to our faith will live on in cyber space and in the effects of those that it has touched
