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Friday, November 28, 2014

Please compare Nichiren to the Nichiren Shoshu priests

Nichiren Shoshu priest [actual statement]: "Tell them to prove what they say.  What they say is ...(essentially) stupid [about the inauthenticity of the DaiGohonzon]....Don't dirty your robe to try to prove anything to them." 

Reply: Can you imagine Nichiren saying: "Don't dirty your robe"? He would say, "Risk your life if you have to. Prove to the world that the Supreme Object of Worship is the DaiGohonzon of  the second year of Koan and the DaiGohonzon only."


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  2. I think that what they call the Dai Gohonzon is just as equal and authentic, as other latter expanded complete (that include Devadatta) Gohonzon's that Nichiren made for the Transmission of Dharma eg Denpo and,Shutei Gohonzon's. Who in the Hell do these Authoritarian low life scum bags think they are, what have they got to hide? The Truth. Don't they realise how arrogant they are. They really need a lesson in karmic retribution along side of Ikeda and his cronies for how they have disrespected the Law of Namu Myoho Renge Kyo and abused those that they have been entrusted with to look after under the guise of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. If Nichiren was here he would be the first one to hold them to account
