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Saturday, November 15, 2014

The emphasis should only be on Buddhist practice and mutual support

"Last night one of the SGI WD members called my wife and started describing all the "wonderful activities" that are going on such as World Tribune collections, Human Revolution study sessions, etc. She went on for fifteen minutes without rest while my wife politely listened and nodded her head. At the end of the conversation my wife said: "Kathy (not her real name) I remember you mentioning in the past that you wanted to come over and take a look at the Nichiren Gohonozon. Come over, we'll talk, relax and you can see the Gohonzon?"

The reply was: " don't you try to do this to me!!! I am not interested!!! I am happy with my practice !!!"....and hung up.

In the past I extended an invitation to anyone from SGI who would like to come over any time and discuss Buddhism, SGI or whatever else - there were a few visits. The common closing argument by SGI members was "SGI is changing...." and their main argument is always "SGI is good non-SGI is bad"

The cult makes people lose their common sense and become unthinking humans and sooner or later viscious and hostile towards any differing opinion with a pathological need to defend any and all criticism towards their organization without any regard for objectivity.

On the other hand, I feel very happy and encouraged by having met wonderful and sincere people (most, if not all, are former SGI members) who are genuinely concerned with Nichiren Buddhism and its propagation in this country - but in a healthy way (no leaders, organizations, parades, uniforms, politics and authoritarianism). The emphasis is only on Buddhist practice and mutual support." -- Bo

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