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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

What if Nichiren was aware of Christianity and Islam?

Referring to Brahmanism, Nichiren states:

"Erroneous teachings such as these are too numerous to be counted. there adherents pay as much respect and honor to the teachers who propounded them as the various deities pay to the God Taishaku or the court ministers pay to the ruler of the empire But not a single person who adheres to these ninety five higher or lower teachings ever escape from the cycle of birth and death." -- Opening of the Eyes

Referring to Taoism:

"But since such a man knows nothing about the past or the future, he can not assist his parents, his sovereign or his teacher in making provisions for their future lives, and he is therefore guilty of failing to repay the debt he owes them. Such a person is not a true wise man or sage." (ibid)

If Nichiren was aware of Christianity or Islam, he would have likened them to Nembutsu, another other worldly faith. Were he alive today, he would have commented that they are directly or indirectly responsible for all the great wars of the past millenium and the deaths of hundreds of millions of Christians, Muslims, non-Christians, and non-Muslims alike. 

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