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Monday, December 8, 2014

Gary Hinman's ex-wife

"Charles Manson and his "family" joined SGI in the late '60's. They chanted out loud during their trial, much to the consternation of the judge. Charlie Manson's followers killed a friend of mine, Gary Hinman. He was a strong SGI MD member of the bagpipes who reportedly ripped off Manson in a drug deal. They cut off his ears, gouged his eyes out and nearly decapitated him. He was found by a YMD named Mike Erwin . Mike was checking up on Gary, to find out why he missed bagpipes practice and he discovered the body. Years later, I tried to convert his ex-wife, Gloria, to SGI. We went to UCLA together. She said, "It didn't protect Gary, did it?" -- Former SGI member


  1. Eu desconhecia este fato. Assassino frio e calculista.

  2. mike erwin was a good friend of mine, as well as my district chief. i met hinman at a meeting and he invited me to go to the desert with him and some girls. i declined. i had enough girls. when people found out what happened to gary, the gakkai's response was to say that gary had a weak faith and weak practice. typical bullshit gakkai response.
