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Sunday, December 7, 2014

It is a dishonor to follow Daisaku Ikeda

In his 1997 Peace Proposal, Daisaku Ikeda stated, 

"The essence of Buddhism as expounded by Nichiren Daishonin is to build solidarity among human beings, to forge unity among humanity, so as to block out the evil forces of divisiveness. Humankind is at a major turning point.  Will it simply extend the existing course of history and wait for self-destruction?  Or will it open up a new horizon and create a truly global and genuinely human civilization?  We must choose the latter. The crux of our challenge is whether to simply be a passenger on the ship of fate, leaving everything to others, or to take the helm and be responsible for that ship ourselves, to search, with the help of all, for the most desirable course. 

"Indeed, everyone of us should realize that we possess the nobility of spirit to be the main actor in changing the course of history, and with that conviction, to undertake the task of solving the global issues of our time. 

"We at SGI, firmly committed to that conviction will further expand the network of solidarity based on renewed humanism through our Buddhist-oriented movement fostering peace, culture, and education. Working together with people of good throughout the world, we will rally courage and and pool our wisdom to overcome the crises of civilization, the greatest challenges humankind has ever faced, and open the door to a third millenium where the sanctity of every individual life shines with hope and glory."
Ikeda couldn't even create solidarity in his own professed religion. In fact, he was the divisive force. No one talks the talk better than he and no one walks the walk more ineffectually. It is a dishonor to follow such a hypocrite. 

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