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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Mixing Shongon with Lotus Sutra Buddhism

Myoon was a Tendai priest who used the Shingon rituals to pray for the victory of the imperial armies over the warrior clans. While he was praying, a few warriors climbed mount Hiei, decapitated Myoon, and rolled his head off the mountain. Shortly thereafter, the imperial armies were defeated. Nikkyo was a Nichiren Shoshu High Priest who prayed to the DaiGohonzon for the Japanese imperial army's victory over the United States during World War 2. 

"Today His Majesty declared war on the United States of 
America and the United Kingdom." I can hardly suppress my 
awe and joy at this ..." 
 I ask that all believers summon forth the faith and practice 
 they assiduously developed thus far and ensure victory in 
 this great, unprecedented battle, through their resolve to 
 endure any hardship and exert their utmost in their respective 
 positions and capacities." 

Not only was Japan defeated and reduced to rubble but shortly after the allie's victory, Nikkyo was fatally burned in a fire and only his entrails remained. The heretical DaiGohonzon of Nichiu breeds evil men. It is powerless to lead either man nor events towards Buddhahood and benefit. On the contrary, worshipping the DaiGohonzon leads people into the Lower Four Worlds and misfortune.


  1. O próprio Nichiren Shonin fala em não misturar vertentes budistas com o Sutra do Lotus ( o verdadeiro ensino).

  2. E além destes fato citados acima sofreu ataques com duas bombas nucleares.
