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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Nichiren Shoshu once again caught in a lie

"On 11/10/1332, Nikko Shonin sent to Nichimoku Shonin his work entitled "Nikko ato joujou no koto" (Articles to Be Observed after Nikko's Passing), in which he designated Nichimoku Shonin to be the great master of the propagation of the essential teaching. In that document he also transferred the Dai-Gohonzon of the 2nd year of Koan (1279) to Nichimoku Shonin. Taisekiji again possesses the original document."

Nikko transfered the leadership of his Sangha to several disciples at Honmon-ji Temple where he lived for 36 years and where he is buried and to several disciples, including Nichimoku, from Taisekeji. These two Temples fought it out for centuries over which was Nikko's head Temple. It is an indiputable historical fact that they fought long and hard over this. There is absolutely no document that has ever been independently verified of Nikko mentioning the" Ita madanala". The abbot of Honmon-ji was shocked and denounced the Ita Mandala when it first appeared, some one hundred and fifty  years after Nikko's death. His letters of protest still exist. So if this document of Nikko's was authentic, it had to have been hidden away for an awfully long time. Why wouldn't Taisekiji have produced it earlier to win the long dispute with Honmon-ji ? 

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