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Monday, December 8, 2014

Nichiren's guidance for SGI members

"On the surface, it appears that the teachings of Buddhism flourish throughout Japan today. There is something strange about these teachings, but the people do not seem to sense it. For instance, just as an insect flies into a flame or birds fly into the mouths of snakes, the masters of Shingon, and the followers of the Kegon, Hosso, Sanron, Zen, Jodo and Ritsu sects presume that they have obtained the true teachings of Buddhism; they think that they have freed themselves from the cycle of suffering of birth and death. However, without comprehending the sutras’ significance, the founders who established these schools merely followed their own personal concepts of Buddhism while appearing to give patronage to the sutras.  With this superficial approach, the founders of each of the various schools propagated their doctrines without realizing that in turning their back on the Lotus Sutra, the true intent of the Buddha would not be realized. The sovereign and many people throughout the nation completely and blindly placed their beliefs in these teachings.   
"It has now been many years since these doctrines were transmitted  to our country. Later scholars not realizing the errors of the founders  of these schools, regarded those who mastered and then spread these mistaken teachings as sages.  If the source of a stream is muddy, that stream will not run clear. If a body is bent, its shadow will not be straight.  Shan Wu Wei and the founders of the other schools must have  already fallen into hell.  Perhaps, however, there were some amongst them who modified their beliefs and practices, repented and thus escaped the suffering of falling into hell.  There may have been some that merely  propagated their own sutras without either praising nor criticizing the  Lotus Sutra, and even though they not able to liberate themselves from the cycle of life and death, they avoided falling into the evil paths. Even so, there are people in this later age who are not aware of this, they all  continue to believe in the misguided teachings of the followers of these schools. This is as dangerous as boarding a wrecked ship and sailing out onto the open seas or a drunken person who lies down and falls asleep in a burning house. 
"I, Nichiren, saw how these mistaken forms of Buddhism were spread and was at once awakened with aspiration for enlightenment [to save the people]. I therefore began preaching the true doctrines of the Lotus Sutra.  I was fully aware from the very start that no matter how I explained this situation to the people, they would not believe me and I would instead be faced with exile and execution. Today, since the nation of Japan has turned its back on the Lotus Sutra and abandoned Sakyamuni Buddha, its people will certainly fall into Avichi Hell in their next life. Not only that, they will without fail also be faced with great suffering in this lifetime too.  That is to say, foreign military forces will invade our country and every single individual will lament as they encounter great adversity, from the Emperor all the way down to the common person. If, for example, one thousand brothers were to kill a parent, the sin from that act would not be divided into one thousand separate parts, each one would have to fall into the Hell of Incessant Suffering and endure its torment for the long period of an entire kalpa. The country of Japan is also like this in which every single human being must be subjected to their offenses against Buddhism. 

"Since the infinite past of Gohyaku Jintengo, this Saha World has been the domain of the Revered One, Sakyamuni Buddha, founder of the teachings of the Lotus Sutra.  The immense land, air, mountains and oceans, plants and trees belong to no other Buddha than him. Furthermore, all living beings are the children of Sakyamuni Buddha.  Since this earth first came into being during the Kalpa of Formation, Bonten descended from the heavens and gave birth to the sentiment beings of the six lower worlds. Just as Bonten is the father of all sentient beings, Sakyamuni Buddha is also the parent of all living beings in this Saha World. Furthermore, the Revered One, Sakyamuni Buddha, founder of the teachings of Buddhism, is an enlightened master who accurately guides all living beings throughout this country. Being able to recognize who is one’s mother and who is one’s father is a debt of gratitude we owe the Master. The ability to distinguish between good and evil is also debt of gratitude we owe Sakyamuni Buddha." 

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