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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Nitcho and Nikko, the real story

>>Marc you are spinning and twisting.  I did not say WHAT Nitcho did.  I said what Nitcho DID NOT DO<<

The order of events shows how NST has lied. Nitcho and Nikko formed a partnership in the end. Therefore, he could not be "evil" at that point. If NST were not so bent on slandering everyone, should say 4 evil priests or at least 4.5 evil priests. 

>He did not support Nikko at that crucial time.   

Propaganda. Nikko walked away in a huff. There was no DaiGohonzon or Nichiren as Super Buddha or succession disputes to side with for or against. The Junior grade Nikko got into a snit and there is little more to it than that. It was a minor schism 

>He was proably Influenced by his Tendai Temple post.

Oh really... At which Temple? What post? When?

> Eventually he had a parting of the ways with Uncle Toki.  We can only speculate that this was >because he had recognized his errors in not being there with Nikko when needed, 

Riight... You live within a fantasy world. not all your fault. You are a victim of Nichiren Shoshu 

>At any rate your spin is meaningless.   

Except that it is based on the evidence. 

>You have no information on this and are unable to show anything. 

I just showed that the NST line about five evil priests does not add up since Nitcho and Nikko formed a partnership... Which part of that does not compute? 

> All you do is repeat yourself 

I just showed that the NST line about five evil priests does not add up since Nitcho and Nikko formed a partnership... Which part of that does not compute?

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