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Friday, December 12, 2014

On the Counterfeit Board Mandala

Yasunaga's Bentetsu's book, "Ita Honzon Gisaku Ron" (On the Counterfeit Board Mandala)

Here's the contents of Chapter 3: 

Chapter 3-  False writings on the Ita  Honzon: 

1. Believers in the Ita Honzon have been punished.  This is proof that 
Nichiren Shoshu is an evil religion.    pg. 119 
2.  The facts about the Ita Honzon:  "The false writings were written by 
those who did not even know the meaning of 'Sandaihiho Sho' "  pg. 121 
3.  Yashiro Kunishige, the leader to whom the Ita Honzon is dedicated to, is 
unknown.  Thus, the sect made up the story that he died a martyr. 
4.  Nichi-u, the 9th High Priest of Taisekiji Temple, died of leprosy, which 
is a punishment from Buddha. 
5.  Many priests of Nichiren Shoshu came down with sicknesses like palsy and 
leprosy, went crazy and died   pg. 127  (History of these priests is covered 
in Chapter 1) 
6.  "Shonin Gonan Ji" (On the Persecution (or Difficulties) befalling the 
Saints, written in 1273), one of the documents of Nichiren that is used as 
evidence of the Ita Honzon's authenticity, has no connection with the Ita 
Honzon  pg. 129 
7.  There was no mandala given to Nikko  pg. 130 
8.  Nikko strictly forbade the production of wooden honzons such as the Ita 
9.  The 3rd and 4th High priests of Taisekiji never mentioned the Ita Honzon 
in their writings   p. 132 
10.   Nikko's disciples were also opposed to the making of any Ita Honzon. 
11.  Ita Honzon of Taisekiji appeared about 200 years after Nichiren died. pg. 
12.  Why did Nichi-u forge the Ita Honzon?  pg. 138 
13.  Camphor trees do not grow in the mountains;  they are found only in 
subtropic areas.  The ita Honzon, therefore, could not have been made in the 
mountains  pg. 140 
14.  Nippo ( supposed sculptor of the Ita Honzon) never made statues of the 
Buddha or the Ita Honzon at Nichiren's Minobu hermitage  pg. 142 
15.  Nichiren Shoshu is skillful at falsifying documents, books, etc.  p. 143 
16. The signatures (Nichiren's and the one of the Ita Honzon) are different 
pg. 145 
17.  The size of the kanji of the Ita Honzon did not exist in mandalas made 
in 1279.  The characteristic size of all mandalas by Nichiren in 1279 were  
5/8th ( almost half) the size of those of the Ita Honzon. The size of the 
kanji of the Ita Honzon are only found in the authentic mandalas of 1280, 
such as the authentic mandala at Myokaiji, which bears a strong resemblance to 
the form of the Ita Honzon  pg. 146 
18.  Evidence of falsification:  the way the kanji for "kyo" is written is 
different from Nichiren's handwriting.  #a-f...Proof that the signature is a 
fase one: style, size, etc.    pg.  146 
19.  The Ita Honzon is a forgery by a person who didn't know Nichiren's 
styles of writing from year to year  pg. 152 
20.   The Ita honzon that was dedicated to Taishakutenno was a fake   pg. 
21.  The Ita Honzon closely resembles Myokaiji's mandala  (Myokaiji is in the 
Fuji area)  pg.156 
22.  The Ita Honzon of Taisekiji is an imitation of Myokaiji's mandala   
#a-d....Evidence that the Ita Honzon imitated sentences, words, etc. from the 
Myokaiji Mandala 
23.   The Ita Honzon of Taisekiji was falsified by a vicious man with no 
faith, moral code, or ethics pg. 162. 

Please note that not all of these arguments have shown to be true, only about 90% of them.

1 comment:

  1. "There was no mandala given to Nikko" pg. 130

    To be reasonable Nikko would of have to had one authentic Gohonzon at least,(what was it?) not the one that they made up.

    Camphor laurel slabs could of been transported from subtropical areas, the absence of Camphor laurel trees growing in that area doesn't prove that a Mandala could be not carved from it. I'm just making some points of what may not be true in Chapter 3- False writings on the Ita Honzon
