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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Please note Marlene, Shakyamuni Buddha NOT Daisaku Ikeda should be conceived in your heart

Dated the 1st of the 9th month in the 3rd year of the Koan Period (1280), this letter was written on Mt. Minobu, acknowledging offerings of the wife of Matsuno Rokurozaemon-no-jo of Matsuno in Suruga Province (Shizuoka Prefecture).  However, the original manuscript has not been found.  Lord Kai mentioned in the letter is believed to be Nichiji Shonin, one of the Six Elder Disciples of Nichiren Shonin.  Lady Matsuno was a sister-in-law of both Nichiji Shonin and Nanjo Tokimitsu's mother. 

MATSUNO-DONO NYOBO GO-HENJI (A Response to the Wife of Lord Matsuno) 

Thank you very much for one "to (about 5 gallons) of rice", a horse-load of taro, a basket of pears, Japanese ginger (myoga), ginger roots, green soybeans, wasabi (Japanese horse radish), and other gifts. 

The moon does not reflect on dirty water, and birds do not build nests in dead trees.  Likewise, Sakyamuni Buddha does not reside in the body of a woman without faith.  However, a woman who believes in the Lotus Sutra is like a body of pure water.  The moon, Sakyamuni Buddha, reflects upon it.   To put it figuratively, a woman can't feel her pregnancy in the beginning, but after awhile she begins to suspect it until she knows for sure that she is pregnant.  An attentive woman can even tell whether she has conceived a boy or a girl. 

The same could be said about the doctrines of the Lotus Sutra.  If we believe in the merit of "Namu Myoho Renge Kyo", Sakyamuni Buddha will be conceived in our hearts before we know it, just as a woman is pregnant before she knows it.  We can't feel it in the beginning, but as the months pass we begin dreaming of the Buddha residing in our hearts, until we feel happiness within us.  There are many doctrines, but I will stop talking about them for now. 

It is easier to begin putting faith in the teaching of the Lotus Sutra than to keep on believing in it to the very end.  It is as though water flows in the direction of the wind and the color of flowers fade with dew. You have steadfastly maintained your true faith in the Lotus Sutra till today, which is very rare.  How do you think you have had such a strong true faith in the Lotus Sutra?  It was solely due to the good karma you accumulated during your lives in the past, in addition to the divine protection of the Buddha.  Lord Kai will explain it in detail. 

Sincerely yours, 

In Response to Lady Matsuno 


Please note, Shakyamuni Buddha NOT Daisaku Ikeda is conceived in your heart.

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