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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Poor Artie, he is suffering so, deprived of the warmth of the SGI sunlight."

Lady Diogenes:
>Mr. Craig Bratcher, (or anyone else) And what is the "Dai-Nichiren"
> and/or other NST publication circulation in the U.S.? What are the 
> membership figures for NST in the U.S.? If you do not wish to answer the
> following questions, I shall not press, but you mentioned that you were a
> member of SGI-USA until 1990, and subscribed to the "World Tribune." Why
> the sudden change of heart? Has it not wrenched your heart to turn your
> back on the very cause you ardently believed in only yesterday to enter a
> garden of dying weeds? Do you believe that you are punishing those who
> may have slighted you by boycotting and uncontrollably attacking it with
> the venom of gleeful hatred behind a wall of anger to conceal the
> anguish? Is there no other way for you to fill the agonizing void other
> than in the momentary glee after engaging in activies designed to damage?
> Have you no other purpose in life or pleasures to consume your time? Do
> you believe that your existence becomes noticed and important through
> such actions? Does not an outlet for you to assert your place in the
> world or get attention exist elsewhere? Have you no other people to
> converse with everyday other than arbn? How will the world, a
> non-buddhist world, judge you in terms of the value or contributions you
> have made to humankind, or even to living a simple yet rosy life? They
> could care less about what you thought, said, or heard about NST or Mr.
> Ikeda. Would they not be more interested in what you have done for
> yourself or who you've become as a person? Momentary glees derived from
> hate-induced actions do not last, and after a while start becoming a sort
> of chore and a bore, which you may have already experienced. Moreso if
> the side you're valiantly typing for loses interest and appreciation.
> It's never late to take up a new hobby. I just wonder how you can bear
> to sit in front of that computer for so long. I would not last. Is not
> even the mindless tube more interesting? (T.V.) Or even taking a long
> walk outdoors--that outght to be more of a stress-reliever. Perhaps I am
> not as dedicated a buddhist as you are, undergoing such austerities as
> enduring hours on the computer.

Dear Lady, 
I cannot presume to speak for Craig, though as a former SG member, I
certainly share some of his feelings. For myself, I think it is precisely
because I devoted myself so tirelessly (actually I got quite tired), and
believed in its mission so wholeheartedly, that I came to feel so betrayed.
I don't think any of us parted happily from SG, but each of us left for
reasons which we felt compelling. I think we should be afforded at least
the credit to which you feel entitled for your decision to stay. I, for
one, do not like or use terms like Nikken Sect, Ikedabots, Daisaku Shu,
etc., but I do feel strongly that SG does not correctly reflect the
Daishonin's teaching. I think there is enough hate on all sides to go
around, and if you open your eyes, you will find it discernable on your
side of the fence as well. I do not have the time or inclination to post in
the volumes of Craig, Jim Cub, Rogodoc (of late), nor to quote from the
Bard as is your wont. My own experience has convinced me that being right
(assuming I'm right) is no guarantee of Enlightenment. Rather, it is far
more necessary to focus on one's own practice and worship of the Gohonzon,
than on scoring points in this NG.

I will confess fascination with the WT subscription figures though numbers
are hardly the point. For most of the 700+ years of its history, Nichiren
Shoshu's membership has been more that superceded by that of Nichiren Shu,
and probably 50 other Nichiren sects. What the subscription figure does do,
however, is give some quantitative evidence as to whether SG has been
growing by leaps and bounds since I (in 1981) or others left. It seems to
indicate to the contrary. In explaining the significant decrease in
readership, we can postulate that the SG membership, now free to think for
themselves, decided they didn't want the WT, or that they're not yet on
their own and find it harder to mail a check than to give it to the World
Tribune lady (ah, sexism!). Anyway, I say this mostly tongue in cheek. Time
will tell whether this is bad news, or an anomaly, as SG partisans (and I'm
sorry, they are partisans) suggest. In the face of highly subjective
evidence put forward that SG is growing and growing, it is interesting to
see hard quantitative evidence that suggests the opposite.
Well, back to other matters.

Lady Diogenes:Sir Artie, Indeed, I shall afford you credit for your reasons 
to part from the organization; I trust that when you say "compelling" that 
they were indeed so from your point of view. It is a shame that they've lost 
one who was once so wholeheartedly dedicated to its mission, such as
yourself. I am most sorry that you felt betrayed, whatever the
circumstances were. Indeed, I am compelled to apologize on behalf of
those who have wronged you, by virtue of being associated with them in
membership; with the intention only of alleviating some of the injury
that has been too long neglected. You have my utmost sympathies. "A
thousand apologies." --Agatha Christie (Hercule Poirot) At the same
time, I find it lamentable that you must continue to suffer so. Although
I do not expect you to return, I do hope that that over time, your
injuries shall heal; that you find comfort in the great mercy of the
gohonzon; that your luck or fortune in being in the company of good
people shall improve. As you are probably aware, "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo 

is the greatest of all joys." "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is like the roar of a
lion. What sickness can therefore be an obstacle?" "Although I and my
disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbor doubt
in our hearts, we will as matter of course attain Buddhahood. Do not
harbor doubt simply because heaven does not lend you protection. . . .
because you do not enjoy an easy and secure existence in this lifetime. .
.. . and yet they harbor doubt when the crucial moment comes." 

>Rather, it is far
> more necessary to focus on one's own practice and worship of the 
>Gohonzon, than on scoring points in this NG.

You have my best wishes in finding your way back to the warmth of the sunlight.>>>>> 
"Poor Artie, he is suffering so, deprived of the warmth of the SGI sunlight."

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