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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Some teachings of Dengyo the Great [Saicho]

A devout believer in the Buddha's Law who is also a wise man is truly obliged to point out to his students any false doctrines, even though they be principles of his own sect. He must not lead the students astray. If, on the other hand, he finds a correct doctrine, even though it is a principle of another sect he should adopt and transmit it. 

Men shall make the right religion prosperous, but the right religion shall not make men prosperous. Practicing the dharma includes food and clothes, but in food and clothes the practice of dharma is not found. 

Monetary wealth is not a national treasure; rather a national treasure is a person who illuminates a single corner. 

By holding grudges and repaying with hatred, hatred never ends; but by repaying with virtue, hatred is completely exhausted. Rather than bearing grudges about things happening in this long-night's dream called the world, cross the boundary into the dharma realm of the true Buddha. 

The Lotus Sutra says, "choose the straight way and cast aside expediencies; preach the peerless doctrine." It also says, "What we should practice now is the Buddha's wisdom alone." 

Buddhists whose minds are set on the Way are called . . . Bodhisattvas. They hold themselves responsible for all bad things, while they credit others with all good things. Forgetful of themslves, they benefit others: this represents the summit of compassion. 

The worthless Saicho (Dengyo Daishi), tired from all his labors, has exhausted his life . ... I will be gone soon, and I have done only two things of merit: never letting harsh words pass my lips nor allowing my hands to injure a living being. 

I have never spoken abusively, nor administered any corporal punishments. I would be greatly appreciative if you, my colleagues, will not hit and abuse your young acolytes and servants. 

My life will not last long. After my death, do not grieve in mourning attire. My colleagues of this mountain cannot drink sake because of complying with the prohibition. If you violate this rule, you are neither my colleagues nor my disciples. Recite the Hokkekyo daily, study the correct teachings, strive in practicing meditation, and cause the Law to live forever . . . put forth your utmost efforts, do not be lethargic in the practice of the Four Kinds of Meditation. 

It is a great joy to be mindful of the world's emptiness each moment yet not be separated from great compassion. It is a delight to be engaged in a thousand affairs yet not be ruled by emotion because the heart of emptiness is not forgotten. 

Maintain these admonitions in your heart and there will be great happiness, great happiness.

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