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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

When will SGI refute these forgeries?

Present and official SGI view of the Nichiren Shoshu Gosho On The True Cause which Nichiren Shoshu claims was written by Nichiren Daishonin.

(i) According to Nichiko, the 59th high priest and renowned 
Buddhist scholar, the passage quoted above was added later to 
the text of "On the True Cause" by someone other than the 
Daishonin or Nikko Shonin. (In The Essential Writings of the 
Fuji School, vol. 1, p. 8, Nichiko underlines this passage and 
adds a cautionary footnote explaining that it was appended at a 
later date, long after the Daishonin wrote the body of the 

We have been making it known for hundreds of years that the Nichiren Shoshu has forged  and altered Gosho. What other Goshos have the Nichiren Shoshu altered to fit their Daigohonzon and Nichiren as True Buddha doctrines? When will SGI criticize these forgeries? What about the Ongi Kuden and The True Aspect of All Phenomenon?

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