No individual or group has ever slandered the Law (Myoho renge kyo) more than Daisaku Ikeda and the Soka Gakkai. They are even greater slanderers than Mahadeva and his followers. That is why their dreams remain unfulfilled, their understanding shallow, and their practice base. I have given dozens of examples of the misfortune of their leaders and members both individually and collectively. Not aware that these terrible, untimely, and untoward events are happening to them as retribution in this present life for their slander of the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Nichiren Daishonin, they continue to make the same mistakes over and over again.
Their hatred of me is particularly perverse but understandable. They are absolutely powerless to defeat me either in debate or in an actual proof challenge, such as a Buddhist rain challenge. Hatred is the world of Hell.
Since I foresaw that these difficulties from the SGI would occur, I resolved that, whatever they might say or do to me, I would not bear any hatred towards them. They mistake my compassion to point out their faults as hatred. This is more actual proof that their faith and practice is bereft of benefit, the benefit of seeing clearly.
The SGI says that they highly respect Nichiren. Incredulously they ask, how could I ever say that they hate Nichiren? They hate Nichiren because they change his teachings and destroy his life's work of spreading faith in the Lotus Sutra and reverence for Shakyamuni Buddha. Never forgetting that the Gohonzon exists in the heart, ostensibly, they take Buddha Shakyamuni out of the Gohonzon and replace him with Daisaku Ikeda, an unenlightened worldling. Sensei Ikeda is in the heart of every last SGI leader and member while Shakyamuni Buddha and even Nichiren Daishonin is an afterthought. Nichiren states: "Hell is in the heart of a person who inwardly despises his father and disregards his mother."
Their father is Shakyamuni Buddha and their mother is the Lotus Sutra. They disregard the teachings of the Lotus Sutra [except those that suit Daisaku Ikeda]. They inwardly despise their father Shakyamuni Buddha, calling him the "Easter Bunny" or "the Buddha of the harvest" while groveling before Daisaku Ikeda. They are ill. They are the Buddhas sick children and they are therefore my sick children. I will continue to prescribe the good medicine of the Lotus Sutra to them so that even their scorched seeds will sprout.