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Friday, January 23, 2015

Don't flatter yourself Thomas

"And now, within hours of this morning's post, I am already being attacked on the internet!!! LFAO! 

And by a leader of his own Nichiren cult, who demonstrably has never achieved a single one of his stated goals, other than to slander others with enmity which is completely against the Daishonin's teachings!

To be slandered by a fool is no disgrace and to be praised by a fool is no honor. Go for it Mark, great leader of 45 followers! You have no idea how much I really have no problem with anything you say. I already explained it above. And I meant every word of what I said.

People perceive what they will. It has little to do with what I actually say. By the way, keep helping others hear what I have to say. I appreciate you helping me out that way, even though it is not your intention.

Hugs and deepest appreciation!


There is only one Supreme leader of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, that is Nichiren Daishonin and there is only one original teacher my dear Thomas and that is Shakyamuni Buddha. I follow Nichiren and seek no followers. Were I to seek followers, I would be no better than your perverse mentor. My fingers point only to the Law, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Nichiren Daishonin. 

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