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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Experience of an SGI convert with the Denpo Gohonzon

"I usually chant an hour of Daimoku in the morning and an hour in the evening. Tonight I didn't quite feel like chanting. I was having a hard time concentrating; I kept slipping off into a trance or something, and then a daydream. In all honesty, I was a little upset about some of the catty comments and infighting in this web group. But I took it to the Gohonzon, and chanted through it. I was tempted to stop after thirty minutes or so, but I lit another stick of incense and redoubled my efforts. Suddenly the heavens rained down mandarava flowers and I was surrounded by infinite numbers of Bodhisattvas. Shakamuni Butsu, Taho Nyorai, and I was at once the points of a single triangle, with Namu Myoho Renge Kyo vibrating in the middle. The Gohonzon had become three dimensional, and I was a part of it. I merged with the Gohonzon and became one with it. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo." -- believer who recently received the Gohonzon for the Transmission of the Dharma


  1. The temporary joy experienced through group dynamics is like nothing compared to the joy derived from being one with the Law. The fusion of subjective wisdom and objective reality. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo x 3

  2. Yes. SGI meetings are a dime a dozen. I have little memory of any of them save for the 1976 and 1982? conventions and one ten hour chanting session at a friends house with five or six other people.. Even then, they hardly compare to the 2 one million Daimoku sessions I did when I first received the Gohonzon for the transmission of the Dharma, 3 hours a day for two months and two hours a day for three months. I was lit up like the full moon.

  3. Now I'm just traveling through the universe righting the wrongs of the various Nichiren sects on the shoulders of the Master Nichiren, a blue fly on the shoulders of a thoroughbred horse.

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  6. You have certainly chosen wisely as their are plenty of blue arsed flies travelling about the rectum of Asses/Donkeys that they have been mistaken for a thoroughbred horse. Hopefully rather sooner than latter they will be able to see through the crap or end up deeper in donkey doo

  7. May I never bite my thoroughbred who takes me across the finish line.

  8. That's gratitude, like not biting the hand that is feeding us with spiritual food
