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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Lotus Sutra Bodhi tree

The so-called Nichiren sects are branches of one sect. New branches are forming all the time and some of the new branches will become major trunk sized branches while others will remain small and twiglike. Some of the major branches are diseased and need to be cut off at their base or they will kill the trunk and roots. Other less severely diseased branches should be judiciously pruned. If the tree is cared for properly, all healthy branches, whether large or small, will form buds and flower. 


  1. Nichiren's ashes had not cooled before his followers were fighting over dogma. This was Nichiren's responsibility for not instilling harmony and his rejection of compassionate relief/loving kindness.

  2. "Answer: If a man builds a road for others and someone loses his way on it, is that the fault of the road-builder? If a skilled physician gives medicine to a sick person but the sick person, repelled by the medicine, refuses to take it and dies, should one blame the physician?" -- Nichiren

  3. A large tree develops from a tiny seed. If the DNA of the seed is defective, no healthy tree will result; such is the case with Nichirenism.

  4. And yet, more than 35,000,000 people chant the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra thanks to Nichiren and as the Lotus Sutra states, "then not a one will fail to attain Buddhahood."

    There will come a time in the not too distant future when the raging fires of disunity are extinguished by the great shower of rain that is the Daimoku and then men such as you will be forced to eat their words.

  5. If people chose to chant the title, good for them. Those who teach the Bodhisattva way consists solely of arguing doctrine, persons such as yourself with an obvious chip on their shoulder contribute to Dharma Degeneration in the present age as the Buddha predicted. Time stops for no one, in the meantime I'll continue to take advantage of the time given me. Eat words? I don't eat meat, do you?

  6. "People of small wisdom delight in lesser doctrines"


    "Shariputra, you should understand
    that persons of dull capacity and small wisdom,
    who are attached to appearances, proud and overbearing,
    are incapable of believing in this Law."

    Shakyamuni Buddha Master of Shakubuku

  7. "People of small wisdom delight in lesser doctrines"

    Using the Lotus Sutra as your justification for eating meat is wrong. Yes, I take delight in all Dharma as even emptiness contains "wondrous" existence. That's all part of the Dharma joy.
