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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How much better were one to take faith in the Lotus Sutra?

"If one sees others listening to the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, one may declare that “not even one person in a thousand” can be saved by such teachings, that they represent a “sundry practice,” and that “not a single person has ever attained Buddhahood” through them, and then thereby urge them to “abandon” and to “close” the door to the Lotus Sutra. But even if one speaks slanderously of the sutra and as a result falls into the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering, in the end one is certain to gain release from the sufferings of birth and death [because of the connection one has formed with the Lotus Sutra]. And since that is the case, how much better it would be if now, in one’s present existence, one were to take faith in its teachings!"

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