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Monday, March 23, 2015

I post this not to praise Nichiren Shoshu but to bury Soka Gakkai

"Lastly, I want to talk about the extremists in SGI. I can count over 20 different people who I have had direct contact with from SGI that has either accosted me at my own temple, gone after my friends, and now even my shakabukus are calling me telling me they are just "showing up" at their door and asking for other NST members addresses! This is OUTRAGEOUS! Take your fake Gohonzons, political games, and deceitful behavior else where. Leave NST members alone. We do not want to chant for Ikeda." -- temple member

By posting this, I'm sure SGI will label me a temple supporter. I post this not to praise Nichiren Shoshu but to bury the SGI.

1 comment:

  1. sgi is a sick group. shoshu is not much better. both are phonies after money and control. shame!
