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Saturday, March 21, 2015

More Ikedaisms

"President Ikeda has the wisdom to enable each individual to gain happiness from
the strictness of the Law."  World Tribune (September 12, 1994, p. 5) Mr David
Kasahara,Senior Vice General Director of SGI-USA

"The importance of having a mentor in faith has been encouraged by the SGI only
because this is what Nichiren Daishonin taught. Thus the lifeblood of the
mentor-disciple relationship has lived on in the organization's *successive
presidents*, each courageous enough to assume the *awesome task* of *being a
mentor* in modern times... The members of the Soka Gakkai today have been taught
the principles of the Daishonin's Buddhism by their Mentor, President Toda ..
SGI *President Ikeda* now continues this "true practice of the way of the Lotus
Sutra" with the belief that upholding this relationship, leaving it to the *next
generation,* is the very root of Buddhism." "Understanding Mentor and Disciple."
SGI Leader Ted Morino's response to a letter, World Tribune 6/27/97

"So when we consider how to actualize the oneness of Master and Disciple in
everyday life, we should consider, "If I were Sensei, how would I think about
this?" or, "If I were Sensei, what would I do about this?" I think that our
taking action that President Ikeda would take is, in one sense to actualize the
oneness of master and disciple." Seikyo Times, August, 1990

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