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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

More on the adulterated SGI and Nichiren Shoshu translations

"My own participation in the work for those volumes (The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vols. 1 and 2) as one of the principal translators and editors, will account for any similarities between the English versions contained therein and the ones appearing here. The Major Writings was intended chiefly for Nichiren devotees as well as for an interested general readership. I have retranslated these seven pieces here in accordance with the rather different standards of academic Buddhist translation and my own preferences for wording. In some cases I have altered the interpretation of specific passages in ways I now feel more closely approximate the text. I have also worked from a different Japanese edition of Nichiren's collected writings (Showa teihon Nichiren Shonin ibun, 1989.)"-- From Some Disputed Writings in the Nichiren Corpus Dr. Stone's Ph.D. Dissertation UCLA, 1990

Her original translations of the Major Writings [MW] and the subsequent Writings of Nichiren Daishonin [WND] are derived from the Gosho Zenshu  issued by the Nichiren Shoshu, admittedly Gosho not written in their original form. In addition, the translators [translations] were influenced and modified by feedback from non-Japanese speaking SGI-USA senior leaders and editors.

Article from Nichiren Shoshu Shinyo, September, 1995

"...This Gosho differs from the Gosho Zenshu and the Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin in that the writings published in the Showa Shintei (New Edition) Gosho appear in the precise order in which they were initially written by the Daishonin and in their entire original form, that is all archaic Chinese characters and texts have been left intact, and no modifications have been made."


  1. The Nichiren Shu translations from their Gosho Zenshu differs from the Nichiren Shoshu Gosho Zenshu but they too can not be completely trusted. One day, there will appear a man or woman knowing Nichiren heart who can perfectly read and understand classical Chinese, medieval Japanese, and English and will give us a most excellent translation of the Daishonin's writings.

  2. The correct understanding of ichinen sanzen from all the available teachings in classical Chinese, medieval Japanese, and English would be a start for a deeper understanding, this is where the greatest confusion and tension exists between the waring sects and schools of Buddhism in general

  3. however, the real problem is that to a man, and over time, people have turned there backs on nichiren. which also means shakyamuni and the lotus sutra.

    1. There are those who have not only turned their backs on Nichiren and Shakyamuni, but the Buddha's and Bodhisattvas of the ten directions and all the other Sutras not just the Lotus Sutra out of frustration of not being able to make any sense of it all but only to latter turn around again looking for clues when everything becomes grim and the feeing of desperation and hopelessness becomes too overwhelming

    2. Yes, some will turn to the Lotus Sutra when things are most grim and others will abandon the Lotus Sutra when confronted with the Three Obstacles and Four Devils.

    3. Yes, some will turn to the Lotus Sutra when things are most grim and others will abandon the Lotus Sutra when confronted with the Three Obstacles and Four Devils.

  4. Some of those who have turned their backs on the teachings of Nichiren have given up hope because they have lost trust in the NB commentators or just completely exhausted because they haven't found a system that they can use to harmonise the complexities

    Then again there are those like ohgee that say 'The world would be better off if Nichiren never manifested. The world would still have the Lotus Sutra with a lot less religious divisiveness.'

  5. Then, any old Tom, Dick, and Harry, like Shan-wu-wei, Kobo, Josei Toda, Daisaku Ikeda, Nikkyo Niwano, Nissen, Nichiu, or ohgee could interpret the Lotus Sutra any way they chose and the True Law hidden in its depths would be lost. Of course, that will never happen because Nichiren is alive.

  6. The Gakkai use to say that Nichiren was a live in the Dai Gohonzon, does that now mean that he wondered off someplace else like into the words of his authentic Gosho's.

    The only way to find out if he is alive is to meet with him by listening to what he says in the words that he left for us and the power that comes through Gohonzon

  7. There will always be people like us who say, "but Nichiren said this." Very inconvenient and very uncomfortable for the modern Nichiren sects and cults.

  8. Its like what the climate scientists said about the melting of the earths glaciers caused by the greenhouse effect.

    Very inconvenient and very uncomfortable for Fossil Fuel multinational corporations

  9. I don't think they care. The few at the very very top want to kill off the rest of us anyway. They probably have the technology to reverse the destruction they have wrought and they have the means to survive any calamity save for nuclear war.

  10. Well in that case if they decide to commit suicide it will be a Nuclear Armageddon for rest of us. A good time to be in tune with Nichiren's teachings that give us a never-ending hope of eternal life

    "There is no true happiness other than upholding faith in the Lotus Sutra. This is what is meant by peace and security in their present existence and good circumstances in future existences.”

    "Make every possible effort to deepen your faith, and reach the pure land of Eagle Peak."

    "I have received the two swords—a long one and a short one—that you sent as an offering for prayers. The long sword must have been made by a renowned swordsmith. It is fully equal to the celebrated swords Amakuni, Onikiri, and Yatsurugi, or to those famous Chinese swords Kan-chiang and Mo-yeh. You have offered this sword to the Lotus Sutra. While you wore it at your side, it was an evil sword, but now that it has been offered to the Buddha, it has become a sword for good, just like a demon who conceives a desire to attain the Buddha way. How wondrous, how wondrous!

    In the next life you should use this sword as your staff. The Lotus Sutra is the staff that helps all the Buddhas of the three existences as they set their minds on enlightenment. However, you should rely on Nichiren as your staff and pillar. When one uses a staff, one will not fall on treacherous mountain paths or rough roads, and when led by the hand, one will never stumble. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo will be your staff to take you safely over the mountains of death. The Buddhas Shakyamuni and Many Treasures, as well as the four bodhisattvas headed by Superior Practices, will lead you by the hand on your journey. If I, Nichiren, precede you in death, I will come to meet you at your last moment. If you should precede me, I will be sure to tell King Yama all about you. Everything that I tell you is true. According to the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren is the guide who knows the passes and gorges along the way. Devote yourself single-mindedly to faith with the aim of reaching Eagle Peak.

    Money serves various purposes according to our needs. The same is true of the Lotus Sutra. It is a lantern in the dark or a boat at a crossing. At times it is water and, at times, fire. This being so, the Lotus Sutra assures us of “peace and security in our present existence and good circumstances in future existences.”
