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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Karma test revisited

Karma Test Part 1

Select the best answer

Whose Karma Is It?
1). A lady who lives in Flint Michigan goes into the Lotto store, buys a quick pick ticket and wins $168,000,000.00

a. Lancelot Link's (the star chimp)
b. The lady's next door neighbor
c. President Bush's
d. Everyone's in Flint Michigan because the Lady is sure to share her winnings with everyone there.
e. The lady's who bought the ticket?

Whose Karma Is It?
2). Capone the street thug has been mugging little old ladies for five years and was just convicted of five counts of manslaughter. He gets forty-five to sixty years in prison without the possibility of parole.

a. President Bush's
b. The Icelandic peoples' who haven't had a case of manslaughter in thirty years
c. Vito Corleone's because, Capone, Corleone, Napolitan, what's the difference
d Capone's
e. None of the above, karma doesn't exist

Whose Karma Is It?
3). 37 countries made an olympic bid to become the next host of the olympics. China won and it is jubilant.

a. Charley Chaplin's 
b. Dolly Parton's
c. The Ivory Coast's
d. Tibet's
e. China's

Whose Karma Is It?
4). Six Million Jews are killed in the Holocost.

a. The Irish people's
b. The Bolivian's
c. The Mennonite's
d. The Jew's
e. Hitler's

Whose Karma Is It?
5). A child of six has never picked up an instrument before. His mother buys him a little piano. He hears Bach's Fugue 13 For the Harpsichord one time on the radio and he perfectly mimics it note for note while his mother almost feints in amazement.

a. Sharon Stone's because she too plays the piano
b. The Jews'
c. The child's
d. The piano's because it is a magic piano
e. Bach's. He wrote the Fugue

Whose Karma is it
6). Indonesia suffers the worst natural disaster of the century. An Earthquake magnitude 9.0 causes a tidal wave, the likes of which no one has seen for millenia. 400,000 people die and 2 million people are made homeless.

a. Betty Midler's
b. The Indonesian people's
c. The Blarney Stone's
d. President Bush's because he is the cause of all things wrong in the world
e.Russia's because they gave $2,000,000.00 in relief while having a GDP of $1,200,000,000,000.00 and spending two hundred billion a year on new weapon systems.

Whose Karma Is It?
7). Tania Flores, born into a poor family in East Harlem, loves to study everything she can get her hands on. Everyday for twelve years she comes home from school and does four hours of homework. She then does her chores and reads a new book. She is number one in her high school class and enters the six year college-medical doctor program at city college where she excells and becomes a brain surgeon who invents a new cerebral artery bypass system that prevents the death of thousands of stroke victims and the severe morbidity of tens of thousands of other stroke victims.

a. The Puerto Rican people's
b. Tania's father who was a drug addict and abused Tania from the day she was two years old until the day he died (when she was 6) from an overdose of heroin
c. Tania's
d. Jesse the Body Ventura's
e. Rev. Ryuei's because he is a Nichiren priest

Karma Test Part 2

Good Causes? Bad Causes? Neither? Both? Can Not Be Determined? 

Select the BEST Answer.

1). An SGI Senior Leader has been teaching the Human Revolution at the expense of the Lotus Sutra for 15 years. He has sometimes taught that Nichiren Daishonin is the True Buddha, sometimes that Nam Myoho renge kyo is the True Buddha, and sometimes that Daisaku Ikeda is really the incarnation of Nichiren Daishonn. It is a perfectly clear day and the streets have been cleared of all the snow. A snow plow is returning from cleaning the streets. The snow plow driver takes his eyes off the road for a moment to light his cigarette and runs over the SGI senior leader's car. The SGI senior leader doesn't die for 18 hours, is conscious, and aware the whole time.

a.Good Causes
b.Bad Causes 
e.Can Not Be Determined

2). A true disciple and believer of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren overcomes severe dessiminated tuberculosis and recurrent multiple organ failure during a one year hospital stay. He goes on to spread Namu Myoho renge kyo, the doctrines of the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni, and The Succession Through the Scrolls of the Sutra in Japan and the United States. He is 91 years old and continues to chant twice a day every day.

a.Good Causes
b.Bad Causes 
e.Can Not Be Determined

3). A young man hears about Nam Myoho renge kyo through his friend who is a new SGI member. They both don't really know anything about Buddhism, the Lotus Sutra, or the Eternal Buddha but they love the chant, the way it makes them feel and the philosophy that they can get anything they want by chanting this phrase to their Nichikan Gohonzon. Since the young man quickly gains tremendous energy, awareness, and perceives for himself propitious circumstances, he believes every word of his SGI senior leaders. He believes it is all due to Daisaku Ikeda and the SGI that he is receiving all these benefits. He reads the Human Revolution and the World Tribune every day on the advice of his senior leaders. He tells all his friends that they have to chant and buy the World Tribune because Daisaku Ikeda and the SGI are so great and the evil priests of the Nichiren Shoshu, Kempon Hokke, and Nichiren Shu will destroy the world and any chance for people to attain Buddhahood. He reaches a stalemate in his faith no matter how much he chants, reads the Human Revolution and goes to one meeting after another.

a.Good Causes
b.Bad Causes 
e.Can Not Be Determined

4). A devout orthodox adherent of Nichiren's Lotus Sutra Buddhism and pioneer who has brought the teachings of the Eternal Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin to Cambodia is returning to Cambodia. Her plane loses a wing and she is killed along with the rest of the passengers.

a.Good Causes
b.Bad Causes 
e.Can Not Be Determined

5). The mother of a new believer of the authentic teachings of Nichiren is shocked that her daughter gave up her quaker faith for Buddhism but despite pressure from the community that there is no room for a "Buddhist fundementalist" in their midst, the mother refuses to turn out her daughter. 

a.Good Causes
b.Bad Causes 
e.Can Not Be Determined

6). A non-Buddhist hears the Daimoku, notices changes in his best friend who has become SGI and slanders the Daimoku, the Nichikan Gohonzon, and denounces Daisaku Ikeda and the SGI as a cult.

a.Good Causes
b.Bad Causes 
e.Can Not Be Determined

7). A non-Buddhist hears the Daimoku, notices changes in his best friend who has become a believer in the authentic teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. He slanders the Daimoku, the Nichiren Gohonzon, and the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni while calling the orthodox faith worse than the SGI.

a.Good Causes
b.Bad Causes 
e.Can Not Be Determined

8). An SGI member notices changes in a friend who has become a disciple and believer in Nichiren. He tells his friend the only way to attain Buddhahood is through the mentor Daisaku Ikeda and the body of SGI believers. 

a.Good Causes
b.Bad Causes 
e.Can Not Be Determined

9). A faithful Nichiren Shu believer has a best friend who is SGI, won't chant to his friend's Gohonzon but won't criticize his friends beliefs.

a.Good Causes
b.Bad Causes 
e.Can Not Be Determined

10). A faithful SGI believer has a best friend who is Nichiren Shu He chants to his friend's Gohonzon while criticizing his friends beliefs.

a.Good Causes
b.Bad Causes 
e.Can Not Be Determined

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