Her mentor has shackled her to himself like a sick siamese twin who will eventually kill both himself and his sibling.
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Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
King Ajatashatru and the Soka Gakkai
Impartiality is one aspect of Buddhahood. The Buddha rebukes all who alter the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin whether they be handsome, ugly, glib, tongue-tied, illiterate, or the author of four hundred books. We who enjoy the "Merits of Joyful Acceptance" and the "Merits of the Preacher" [Chapters 18 and 19 of the Lotus Sutra] are also impartial. Nichiren writes, referring to these two chapters of the Lotus Sutra:
"Moreover, as life does not go beyond the moment, the Buddha expounded the blessings that come from a single moment of rejoicing [on hearing the Lotus Sutra]. If two or three moments were required, this could no longer be called the original vow of the Buddha endowed with great impartial wisdom, the single vehicle of the teaching that directly reveals the truth and leads all living beings to attain Buddhahood." (Questions and Answers About Embracing the Lotus Sutra)
"If a vessel is free of these four faults of overturning, leaking, being defiled, and being mixed, then it can be called a perfect vessel. If the embankments around a moat do not leak, then the water will never escape from the moat. And if the mind of faith is perfect, then the water of wisdom, the great impartial wisdom, will never dry up."(Akimoto Gosho)
Question: Then, why do you single out SGI and Daisaku Ikeda for rebuke?
Answer: I will let Nichiren Daishonin supply my answer:
"At the time of his extinction, the World-Honored One of Great Enlightenment lamented, 'Now I am about to enter nirvana. The only thing that worries me is King Ajatashatru.' Bodhisattva Kashyapa then asked him, 'Since the Buddha’s mercy is impartial, your regret in dying should stem from compassion for all living beings. Why do you single out only King Ajatashatru?' The Buddha replied, 'Suppose that a couple has seven children, one of whom falls ill. Though the parents love all their children equally, they worry most about the sick child.' T’ien-t’ai, commenting on this sutra passage in his Great Concentration and Insight, said, 'Even if the parents of seven children are never partial, they are still particularly concerned about the sick one.' In essence, the sutra is saying that, even if there are many children, the parents’ hearts are with the child who is ill. To the Buddha, all living beings are his children. Among them, the sinful man who slays his own parents and becomes an enemy of the Buddha and the sutras is like the sick child." (Winter Always Turns to Spring).
Rita Ripulsa reveals the content of his prayers for the happiness of others
"Please let him come to understand the greatness of Sensei. He can not be happy if he rejects Sensei and SGI"
Believe in the Lotus Sutra, Buddha Shakyamuni, and Nichiren Daishonin.
No matter what, we will not compromise Nichiren Daishonin's teachings, not for converts, not for a peaceful and secure existence in this lifetime, not to appease the authorities, and not to make friends and influence people.
Shakyamuni Buddha is not mentioned at all and Nichiren Daishonin is mentioned once, for example, in SGI's document for public consumption in Brazil http://www.bsgi.org.br/. Are they embarrassed by Shakyamuni Buddha and the real Nichiren? Is that why the foundation of their religion is Daisaku Ikeda's Human Revolution rather than the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren Daishonin? Is that why they emphasize the questionable writings of Nichiren, those most likely authored by those with the same placater mentality?
Nichiren was correct about the nature of the Lotus Sutra in Mappo. The Rissho Kosekai, HBS, NST, Nichiren Shu, and especially the SGI is wrong. Many so-called Nichiren priests and members, possibly a majority, especially in the Nichiren Shu and in the Kempon Hokke are wrong. The way to establish the Buddha's land is to transmit the teachings exactly as laid down by Nichiren Daishonin. The Dharma, the truth of the teachings is what is important. We see how the SGI teachings on the Third Great Secret Law culminated...in abject ruin. That is because the Dharma which they propagate is not the Lotus Sutra for Mappo. They are a disgrace.
Social programs too were eschewed by Nichiren Daishonin who believed in personal liberty, the ultimate responsibility of the individual, and the belief that the Buddhist gods would absolutely protect those who embrace the True Dharma. There are no exceptions. the Buddhist gods in the form of family members or rulers will protect those who are disabled. All others must fend for themselves which is as easy as spreading honey on bread for those who embrace the Right Law. The Lotus Sutra promises that none of those who embrace the True Law will want for food, clothing, and shelter. Nichiren Daishonin also promises that a great collection of believers will activate all the protective functions of the universe and the Buddha's land will manifest as the Land of Eternal Quiescent Light.
Monday, September 28, 2015
You're not chanting for Greg's happiness. You're chanting for him to think like you.
Rj Peters: Wow. Once upon a time NSA was a noble and inspiring movement. We all know that. But when the Gakkai took it over, what ensued was a Schism. It became a corporate money-making political organization - not that the Hokkeko is any much better. And anyone who was there knows this.
And Patty, you pretty much used the same format in an open note in a public forum to me as you did with Greg. For whatever your reason, you you drag perfectly good laundry into a public forum. That's not at all correct.
And I for one resent your trying to manipulate anyone. You have no right to do that; despite the perverse training you and Jim passed on to the rank and file.
We disagree. I strongly disagree with the SGI and the Hokkeko and Shu and almost all religions, be they western or eastern.
But aside from the brainwashing and conditioning that NSA pushed on all of us, the effort was more than doubled down when the SGI took over; and you know that.
The SGI makes Manchurian Candidates in all levels of society. Doctors - remember the one that allowed Bill Goldman to die without medical tests or care and told him it was just a headache? What about others who've committed suicide like Carol? Lawyers - Beverly Hills is rife with them. Actors - don't even get me started. Security professionals - I was one, many of my Shakubuku were turned against me. For what? For speaking out?
You have no right to reach out and admonish Greg for speaking his mind. None. That's not even close to being a correct practice.
South Bay Chapter brainwashed it's members and when it couldn't do that, it humiliated them or denied them access to family, friends of different beliefs and even wouldn't allow them into meetings, arranged marriages that couldn't work, made people spend thousands and thousands of their own money to support a staff of Japanese administrator's life-styles and stole people's personal identities and lumped them into a horde of zealous fanatics prowling the streets, airports and malls for inductees.
This is a public forum. Here adults speak their mind. This is not a Jewish Synagogue where dissent is trounced with humiliation tactics and mind control or the SGI where brainwashing is standard practice.
And as you've probably noticed, mind control and manipulation simply doesn't fly with freedom-of-thought loving people.
You're not chanting for Greg's happiness. You're chanting for him to think like you.
Soka star on FBI's most wanted list captured in Mexico
As I've been saying for years, the Soka Gakkai has its Code of Conduct for Leaders because Ikedaism has no ability to create Buddhas. Furthermore, there are so many guidelines for members that they might as well be practicing Theravadan Buddhism like the "peaceful" monks in Burma.
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Not So Fast Ted
Ted: It is conceivable that this new group, who aimed to revolutionize the conservative teachings of the elite Theravada School, must have met numerous persecutions. The persecutions befalling the votary of the Lotus Sutra as described in the 13th and 20th Chapters of the Lotus Sutra, and repeated emphasis to persevere against these persecutions, may be the accounts of their own experiences. In other words, Lotus Sutra had been kept added with new experiences and interpretations.”
To say that Shakyamuni Buddha was no stranger to persecution is an understatement. Shakyamuni Buddha suffered more persecutions than the entire Nichiren Shoshu and Soka Gakkai in their scurrilous seven hundred year history. You would think that Ted Morino never heard of the Nine Great Persecutions of Shakyamuni. Of course, it is impossible that he doesn’t know the Nine Great Persecutions but it is inconvenient for his false argument that other(s) than Shakyamuni composed and preached the Lotus Sutra. Ted Morino and the other leaders of the Soka Gakkai will fall into the Hell of Incessent Suffering for far longer than those who persecuted Bodhisattva Neverdespise.
Ted Morino: "After Shakyamuni's death, his followers split into two groups. One group was the Therevada school [Teaching of the Elders], which consisted of old conservative monks emphasizing monastic practice and strict adherence to precepts and literal interpretation of doctrine. This school was later introduced to Sri Lanka and became known as Southern Buddhism or Hinayana Buddhism. Another group was established around the first century BC and the beginning of the first century AD, by believers who were dissatisfied with what they saw as the self-complacency and monastic elitism of the earlier schools. The new group aimed at the salvation of all people based upon the bodhisattva practice, and called their teaching the Mahayana school. Coincidently, it was the time when Jesus apeared in Jerusalem and emphasized the salvation of all people through his bodhisattva-like behavior. The Lotus sutra was compiled by the Mahayana group.
Mark: Ted Morino, echoing his mentor Daisaku Ikeda, praises the early lay movement led by Mahadeva, in order to deprecate and diminish the Buddhist order of elders [monks]. The inference is that the Soka Gakkai's “glorious achievments” in this era can be likened to those of the early Buddhist lay movement and can be contrasted to the inglorious failures of Nichiren priests and the early Buddhist monastics [elders]. Another purpose of his essay is to rationalize the acceptance of alms by laymen. Still another purpose is to put into doubt the preaching of the Lotus Sutra by Shakyamuni Buddha, a particularly devious and insidious assertion, in light of Nichiren Daishonin’s and Tientai’s teachings and the latest scholarship.
Daisaku Ikeda and Ted Morino are wrong in light of history, actual facts, and the opinion of Nichiren Daishonin.
The actual Buddhist heros of that era were, in fact, the group composed of elders [monks].
The relation of the Soka Gakkai to early Buddhist history:
The idea of professional Buddhists was taken up as early as the second Buddhist council. One group argued that it was OK to accept monetary donations and the other group believed it would corrupt the Sangha. Guess who won out? Right, those who argued for accepting money won out after purportedly bribing the groups from the west, north, and the local monks. Anyway, the group who argued against taking money was banished, ended up in Kashmir, and became known as the Sarvisthatins. Mahayana probably arose from the influence of the Sarvisthatins (the non-money acceptors) in Kashmir. The money accepting monks became known as the Madhyamika which was led by Mahadeva who persecuted the Sarvisthatins. Daisaku Ikeda lavishes praise on Mahadeva and his movement in his book, “Buddhism the First Millenium.” Nichiren Daishonin, on the other hand, writes:
“Beside them, evil men such as Devadatta and Kokalika are as nothing. In fact they are in a class with Mahadeva and the Great Arrogant Brahman. And those who put faith in the teachings of such men— they too are a fearful lot indeed.” — Repaying Debts of Gratitude
He also states:
“True priests are those who are honest and who desire little and yet know satisfaction” — The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood
How far Daisaku Ikeda and the high salaried Soka Gakkai leaders have strayed from the true spirit of Buddhism and Nichiren Daishonin!
Ted: It is conceivable that this new group, who aimed to revolutionize the conservative teachings of the elite Theravada School, must have met numerous persecutions. The persecutions befalling the votary of the Lotus Sutra as described in the 13th and 20th Chapters of the Lotus Sutra, and repeated emphasis to persevere against these persecutions, may be the accounts of their own experiences. In other words, Lotus Sutra had been kept added with new experiences and interpretations.”
Mark: The Sarvisthatin elders of Kashmir suffered a myriad of persecutions at the hands of the Mahadevan lay group. All faithful Buddhist practitioners suffer persecutions at the hands of the corrupt, whether these enemies of Buddhism be laymen, laywomen, monks, or nuns. However, this has nothing to do with the origin of the Lotus Sutra [from the golden mouth of Shakyamuni Buddha]. He puts forth a particularly weak argument here, citing the false history and imaginary persecutions of the lay believers at the hands of the monks. SGI is always making up history to suit its evil self-serving agenda, so we shouldn’t be surprised.
To say that Shakyamuni Buddha was no stranger to persecution is an understatement. Shakyamuni Buddha suffered more persecutions than the entire Nichiren Shoshu and Soka Gakkai in their scurrilous seven hundred year history. You would think that Ted Morino never heard of the Nine Great Persecutions of Shakyamuni. Of course, it is impossible that he doesn’t know the Nine Great Persecutions but it is inconvenient for his false argument that other(s) than Shakyamuni composed and preached the Lotus Sutra. Ted Morino and the other leaders of the Soka Gakkai will fall into the Hell of Incessent Suffering for far longer than those who persecuted Bodhisattva Neverdespise.
SGI leaders are icchantikas [men of incorrigeable disbelief] by definition
"What is the essential quality of the icchantikas? The rejection of scriptures." -- Mahayana Nirvana Sutra
Another sutra maintains that those desirous of profit [GAIN] are icchantikas. Does "Beauty, goodness, and GAIN" ring a bell?
A challenge to Jan Nattier, world famous buddhologist and SGI member
I welcome Jan Nattier, world famous Buddhologist and SGI member to debate the true meaning of the Nichiren faith
I would be especially interested in debating the significance of the mentor disciple relationship and interfaith practice. Good luck [in advance] Professor. Why don't you bring along Greg Martin, Eric Toro, Bill Aiken, and Thomas Pass the Doobie?
Hypocrisy squared
How very strange that the Soka Gakkai doesn't refute Professor Kanno for teaching that Shakyamuni is the Eternal Buddha in their Journal of Oriental Studies but they call us deluded!
It is just plain lying
"All forms of Buddhist philosophy are Great in and of themselves. It is, in the course of seeking to benefit the world with one's calling and when one has to navigate through the numerous layers of consciousness within the many mind worlds of sentient beings that the relativity of the various teachings become apparent and one has to employ the principles of expedient means. This has been the case and the issues all throughout the history of Buddhism. It is also the same issue in todays world as well." -- SGI Senior Leader Eric Toro
In this Latter Day, expedient means are abandoned for a direct exposition of Law or Namu Myoho renge kyo. An SGI mentor in the seat of the Law is not even an expedient means, it is just plain lying.
In this Latter Day, expedient means are abandoned for a direct exposition of Law or Namu Myoho renge kyo. An SGI mentor in the seat of the Law is not even an expedient means, it is just plain lying.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
“Shame on such monks! — they will preach their own fictions.”
"First, religion needs to center on the human being. In the world of fundamentalism, abstract principles — creeds and beliefs — are treated as absolutes, while humans are seen as subordinate to these greater gods, ideas, and purposes." -- William Aiken
Bill, you are going against the teaching of your Sensei who teaches that "the Soka Gakkai is more important than my life."
Jim Celer, another SGI senior leader, wrote that nothing is ceded from the Gohonzon (power of the Buddha and power of the Law) to the believer because all spiritual power derives from the faith and practice of the believer.
To demonstrate SGI's error, I turn to two fundamental principles of Buddhism, Dependent Origination and Ichinen Sanzen [Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Life].
These principles demonstrate that everything in the universe is inextricably connected to everything else. Therefore, not only does one's thoughts words and deeds affect ones own being but all beings both sentient and insentient and all phenomena equally affect us. This is the rational for chanting for other people's welfare, those dead and alive, praying for rain, good weather, lack of accidents etc. The environment equally has the power to influence us. Rainy days are gloomy or cause our joints to hurt, for example.
When examining one's own power compared to the power of the Buddha and Law, it is impossible to fail to acknowledge that our power alone is indeed limited. Whether in the religious or in the secular realm, a team can accomplish more than an individual and an individual with a tool can accomplish more than one without a tool. Were our power not limited, we could, by our own power, obtain Buddhahood but according to Nichiren Daishonin, we require both the help of others [the Buddha, the Law, and good friends in the dharma] and the hindrances of others [those who obstruct our faith and practice]. Believing that we can utilize our power alone to attain Buddhahood is a shallow mechanistic approach to Buddhism, denying others assistance and the utility of a tool. It also deprecates the Gohonzon thinking that the paper and ink of the object of devotion is inferior to the flesh and bones of the human being. In the secular realm, millions have given their lives for the sake of ink and paper, ie: for the Constitution of the United States. How much more so in the realm of Buddhism where the Law is supreme so the person is worthy of respect, not the other way around.
Some thoughts on SGI Australia Depression Initiative
"The reason for dialogue is that it opens up new avenues in our lives by breaking down habitual notions about depression and challenges the perception of it as a disease that must be eradicated."
Of course depression must be eradicated or, at least, we should attempt to eradicate it just as we would any disease. Actually, there are two major types of depression, exogenous and endogenous. Another name for exogenous depression is reactive depression: The person is depressed as a reaction to a very real psycho-social stressor. Endogenous depression refers to depression due to a chemical imbalance in the brain and is often independent of external circumstances. Of course, there may be an overlap. Sadness is a component of depression but sadness is not necessarily pathological. Depression is pathological when it interferes with one's activities of daily life. Depression can be eradicated when a person and a person's family and friends are all chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo with strong faith in the Lotus Sutra. Dialogue about the wonderfulness of the Soka Gakkai and its mentor has absolutely nothing to do with control of depression, let alone its eradication. It is precisely because SGI's faith in the Lotus Sutra is warped that it must by necessity assert that it is a disease that can not be eradicated. SGI faith and practice has absolutely no power to either control nor eradicate depression. In fact, their are many more depressed people in the Soka Gakkai than in the general population, again, because the SGI faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra is warped:
The four dangers of the Soka Gakkai from the perspective of the Lotus Sutra and teachings of Nichiren:
The first danger of the SGI teachings is mixing the clean with the unclean. No dog would ever intentionally eat ground glass. No infant would ever intentionally ingest a toxic substance nor would any mother intentionally give her baby a toxic substance. However, a dog will eagerly eat a steak inundated with ground glass and an infant will readily drink tainted breast milk. A mother, not knowing that the noxious drug is excreted into her breast milk, inadvertently gives it to her baby. This is what the SGI members serve to the children of the Buddha. They serve the poison of the heretical doctrines of Nichiren as True Buddha, The DaiGohonzon, and the Oneness of Living Mentor and Disciple to their children in the milk of Namu Myoho renge kyo. Or they, like a mean and deranged farmer, serve their loyal dog the ground glass of slander of the orthodox sects in the steak of the Jiga-ge.
The second danger is as noxious as mixing the clean with the unclean: Taking a piece of the teachings from the middle, a piece from the end, and a piece from the beginning and re-attaching them in reverse order or mixing them up. The former practice is like a surgeon who reverses a vein when creating an arterial bypass. The flow of blood ceases and the patient dies. The latter practice (that of mixing up the teachings) can be likened to a physician who is ignorant of adverse drug-drug interactions. He mixes two or three safe and efficacious drugs together which turns them into a powerful poison. The former practice of rearranging the teachings is commonplace in the SGI. For example, those teachings that Nichiren Daishonin taught before he had fully developed his faith are given precedent over the later complete teachings or they promote the theoretical teachings of expedients over the essential teachings of abandoning expedients and the exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra. An example of the danger of mixing several efficacious practices which when mixed have a deleterious effect, are the practices of shoju and shakabuku in the Soka Gakkai which are practiced without understanding the times or the circumstances in which we live. They practice shoju towards the slanderers of the Dharma such as the Zen men, Nembutsu adherents, and believers in Islam and practice shakabuku towards the members of the Kempon Hokke and the Nichiren Shu. These sundry practices the SGI perpetrates on the children of the Buddha. Neither Greg Martin nor Dave Baldshun nor any of the salaried SGI leaders are good persons and neither is their master, Daisaku Ikeda. Both have the mission of destroying the teachings and harming the children of the Buddha, Daisaku Ikeda from above and the salaried SGI leaders from below.
The third danger of the SGI is that they arbitrarily add doctrines and concepts to the Great Pure Teachings where none exist and claim them as “the original and authentic teachings of Nichiren Daishonin”. This is worse than forging Gosho because it is more insidious. By altering a word here or a word there, to already extant and authentic Gosho (literally putting words in Nichiren’s mouth), they become adept at fooling the people. This cunning and treachery they inherited from the perverse seven hundred year tradition of the Taisekaji priests and their Gosho Zenshu, Oral Teachings, and faked transfer documents. Fortunately, we have the unadulterated Showa Tehon Collection of Original Gosho (as well as expert linguists), to keep them honest. We also have the disciples and believers of the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin whose correct faith and understanding renders them capable of clarifying such matters.
The last danger is that many innocent people fall prey to the Soka Gakkai's argument, “Nichiren said this but meant that” which is the teachings of the delusion of fundamental darkness. Since this is a visceral and emotional argument and the people are steeped in the Three Poisons, no amount of logic or scholarship will suffice to overturn it. Most people can no more see their own eyebrows than heaven in the distance [Nichiren]. It will require the wisdom of the Buddha born of faith in Nichiren Daishonin’s Gohonzon and the Lotus Sutra to destroy these arguments and devils.
Sickest SGI experience of the year? decade?
Well I stand corrected. As this site says above - You can chant for whatever you want, wherever you want, for however long you want. Our neighbor's dog was always sticking his head over the fence and annoying us. Someone gave us a card that said Nam-myoho-renge-kyo on it and wanted my wife and I to go to a SGI meeting. We said no thanks. Then one day, we had some friends come over for a BBQ, and the dog is sticking his head over the fence and barking. We still had the card with the chant on it, so I said to my wife, "Let's chant, for this to stop, what could it hurt." We chanted for two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening to get the dog to stop annoying us. A week later, an ambulance goes to our neighbor's house. The girlfriend hung herself. The girlfriend left the house to her son, not the boyfriend. So the boyfriend left and took the dog with him. No more dog! Chanting really works!
The Brahmins suppressed the Lotus Sutra because it will liberate the Dalits [Untouchables].
Published Letter to the Dalit (Untouchable) Voice.
I am a disciple of Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin who would never condone the SGI's cordial relationship with the Brahmins and the SGI's compromise of the teachings of the Lotus Sutra which teaches the absolute equality of all people.
Dalits are the real voice of the oppressed people of India but the SGI and traditional Buddhists are more interested in the money, power, and influence of the Brahmins. How strange that these so-called Buddhists place Ghandi on a pedestal while abandoning the true champions of the people, Shakyamuni Buddha and his faithful disciple Nichiren Daishonin!
Your question, "How can we revive the Lotus Sutra in India?", is the most difficult to answer. I think dialogue between the voices of the Dalit and the disciples and believers of Nichiren is an excellent first step. Secondly, if the people are pure through the chanting of Namu Myoho renge kyo and belief in the True Object of Worship, Lord Shakya of the Original Doctrine, their land will be pure. There is a concept in the Lotus Sutra of the immeasurable merits and virtues of the 50th person who hears the Sutra and experiences one moment of faith and joy. How much greater are the merits of the first person! You, V.T. Rajshekar, are the first person. Your good fortune, benefits, and good name will be known for ten thousand years and from ten thousand miles afar. Tears well up and joy fills my heart. Please protect your good followers also.
I will send you 300 daily use Sutra books in English, several collectors edition Sutra books and several Tradition of Nichiren Doctrine glossy print books. I am looking forward to what you can provide about your movement and the Good Doctor Ambedkar.
India Lost Buddhism:
I have read all the copies of Dalit Voice you sent and I commend you on your deep interest in the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin, the Lotus Sutra's Supreme Votary. The Lotus Sutra will once again spread throughout India as predicted by the Great Buddhist Prophet:
"Answer: The moon appears in the west and sheds its light eastward, but the sun rises in the east and casts its rays to the west. The same is true of Buddhism. It spread from west to east in the Former and Middle Days of the Law, but will travel from east to west in the Latter Day. The Great Teacher Miao-lo says, “Does this not mean that Buddhism has been lost in India, the country of its origin, and must now be sought in the surrounding regions?” Thus, no Buddhism is found in India anymore. During the 150 years or so since barbarians from the north invaded the Eastern Capital in the time of Emperor Kao-tsung, both Buddhism and imperial authority became extinct in China. Concerning the collection of scriptures kept in China, not one Hinayana sutra remains, and most Mahayana sutras have also been lost. Even when Jakusho and other priests set out from Japan to take some sutras to China, no one was found there who could embrace these sutras and teach them to others. It was as though there were only wooden or stone statues garbed in priests’ robes and carrying begging bowls. That is why Tsun-shih said, “It [Buddhism] came first from the west, like the moon appearing. Now it is returning from the east, like the sun rising.” These remarks make it clear that Buddhism is lost in both India and China." (On the Buddha's Prophecy).
Buddha taught that one becomes a Brahmin through virtue not birth. As the Lotus Sutra spreads in India, freeing the oppressed peoples of India from their mortal bonds, those "Brahmins" by birth are sure to rise up against the Brahmins of great virtue who embrace the Lotus Sutra and revere Shakyamuni Buddha. Your people are sure to encounter the Three Obstacles and Four Devils.
Nichiren writes,
'The doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life revealed in the fifth volume of Great Concentration and Insight is especially profound. If you propagate it, devils will arise without fail. If they did not, there would be no way of knowing that this is the correct teaching. One passage from the same volume reads: “As practice progresses and understanding grows, the three obstacles and four devils emerge in confusing form, vying with one another to interfere . . . One should be neither influenced nor frightened by them. If one falls under their influence, one will be led into the paths of evil. If one is frightened by them, one will be prevented from practicing the correct teaching.” This statement not only applies to me, but also is a guide for my followers. Reverently make this teaching your own, and transmit it as an axiom of faith for future generations.
The three obstacles in this passage are the obstacle of earthly desires, the obstacle of karma, and the obstacle of retribution. The obstacle of earthly desires is the impediments to one’s practice that arise from greed, anger, foolishness, and the like; the obstacle of karma is the hindrances presented by one’s wife or children; and the obstacle of retribution is the hindrances caused by one’s sovereign or parents. Of the four devils, the workings of the devil king of the sixth heaven are of this last kind.
In Japan today, many people claim they have mastered the practice of concentration and insight. But is there anyone who has actually encountered the three obstacles and four devils? The statement “If one falls under their influence, one will be led into the paths of evil” indicates not only the three evil paths but also the worlds of human and heavenly beings, and in general, all of the nine worlds. Therefore, with the exception of the Lotus Sutra, all of the sutras— those of the Flower Garland, Agama, Correct and Equal, and Wisdom periods, and the Nirvana and Mahavairochana sutras— will lead people toward the paths of evil. Also, with the exception of the Tendai school, the adherents of the seven other schools are in reality wardens of hell who drive others toward the evil paths. Even in the Tendai school are found those who profess faith in the Lotus Sutra, yet actually lead others toward the pre- Lotus Sutra teachings. They, too, are wardens of hell who cause people to fall into the evil paths."
The false but powerful "Brahmins by birth", are the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven who now reside in India. Do not be swayed or frightened by them. It is proof that you embrace the true teachings. You must teach your members this night and day for many will be killed and exiled on account of their faith.
Nichiren writes in one of his two most important writings, the Opening of the Eyes,
"Although I and my disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbor doubts in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain Buddhahood. Do not have doubts simply because heaven does not lend you protection. Do not be discouraged because you do not enjoy an easy and secure existence in this life. This is what I have taught my disciples morning and evening, and yet they begin to harbor doubts and abandon their faith.
Foolish men are likely to forget the promises they have made when the crucial moment comes. Some of them feel pity for their wives and children and grieve at the thought of parting from them in this life. In countless births throughout many long kalpas they have had wives and children but parted from them in every existence. They have done so unwillingly and not because of their desire to pursue the way of the Buddha. Since they must part with them in any case, they should remain faithful to their belief in the Lotus Sutra and make their way to Eagle Peak, so that they may lead their wives and children there as well."
As far as violence in the Lotus Sutra, there is no exhortation to kill unbelievers. There is no need. They will have their heads split into seven pieces as a matter of course. Nichiren writes, "Thus, although one may exert one’s full effort to save others, it is very difficult to save them from the karmic retribution that they have brought upon themselves." (On Repaying Debts of Gratitude) Cause and effect is very strict.
Likewise, there is no exhortation not to protect yourself. We must protect the precious children of the Buddha at the cost of our own lives.
There is much more I wish to say to you but I will keep this letter brief. We will talk again.
Ikeda SGI chose a demon infested object of devotion as their banner of propagation
One's choice of honzon [object of devotion] is based on one's state of life or Realm [of the Ten Realms]. Conversely, the honzon has a power and influence on the believer, directly imbuing either merits and virtues or illusions and sufferings [effects].
The SGI chose a demon infested honzon as their banner of propagation because the leader of their movement is himself demon infested. As like is drawn to like or as a magnet attracts iron, the demon infested leader of the SGI chose a demon infested Nichikan honzon. Those pure sincere members who know no better, chanting and faithfully worshiping the Nichikan Gohonzon, soon too become demon infested [fall into the Lower Three or Four Worlds]. This is readily apparent in their words and actions. It is a pity. Nichiren Daishonin states:
"The Nirvana Sutra, referring to the Lotus Sutra, states: “Even the offense of slandering this correct teaching [will be eradicated] if one repents and professes faith in the correct teaching. . . No teaching other than this correct teaching can save or protect one. For this reason one should take faith in the correct teaching.” The Great Teacher Ching-hsi said, “The Nirvana Sutra is itself pointing to the Lotus Sutra and saying that it is the ultimate.” He further said: “It is like the case of a person who falls to the ground, but who then pushes himself up from the ground and rises to his feet again. Thus, even though one may slander the correct teaching, one will eventually be saved from the evil paths.
Bodhisattva Vasubandhu was originally a scholar of Hinayana Buddhism. In an effort to prevent Mahayana Buddhism from spreading throughout the five regions of India, he wrote five hundred treatises on Hinayana. Later, however, he encountered Bodhisattva Asanga and abandoned his erroneous views on the spot. Facing Asanga, he said that, in order to eradicate this offense all at once, he wanted to cut out his own tongue. Asanga stopped him, saying, “Vasubandhu, use that tongue to praise Mahayana.” Vasubandhu immediately wrote five hundred Mahayana treatises in which he refuted Hinayana. He also made a vow that, as long as he lived, he would never place the Hinayana teachings on his tongue. In this way he eradicated his past offense and was later reborn in the heaven where Bodhisattva Maitreya dwells.
Bodhisattva Ashvaghosha, a native of eastern India, was thirteenth among the successors of the Buddha’s teachings. At one time Ashvaghosha had been a leader of Brahmanism. When he debated with the Buddhist monk Punyayashas over the validity of their respective teachings, however, he quickly realized the superiority of Buddhist teachings. Ashvaghosha was prepared to behead himself in order to pay for his past offense, saying, “I have been my own worst enemy, leading myself to hell.” But Punyayashas admonished him, saying, “Ashvaghosha, do not behead yourself ! Use that head and mouth to praise Mahayana.” Ashvaghosha soon thereafter wrote The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana, in which he refuted Brahmanism and Hinayana. This marked the beginning of the spread of Mahayana Buddhism in India.
The Great Teacher Chi-tsang of Chia-hsiang-ssu temple was among the most outstanding scholars in China. He was the founder of the Three Treatises school, and lived on Mount Hui-chi in Wu. Believing that none could equal him in knowledge, he raised the banner of his pride to its highest. He challenged the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai to discuss the meaning of the passage that states, “Among the sutras I have preached, now preach, and will preach, [this Lotus Sutra is the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand].” In the debate Chi-tsang was soundly defeated and thereupon renounced his misguided beliefs. In order to expiate his serious offense of slander of the correct teaching and of those who uphold it, he gathered more than one hundred eminent scholars and begged the Great Teacher T’ient’ai Chih-che to lecture to them. Chi-tsang used his body as a bridge for the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai to climb [onto the preaching platform], supporting T’ien-t’ai’s feet with his head. Moreover, he served T’ien-t’ai for seven years, cutting firewood and drawing water for him. He ceased giving lectures of his own, dispersed his followers, and in order to purge himself of his great conceit, refrained from reciting the Lotus Sutra. After the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai’s death, Chi-tsang had an audience with the emperor of the Sui dynasty to pay his respects. As he was leaving, he clutched His Majesty’s knees and tearfully bade him farewell. Sometime later, Chi-tsang looked into an old mirror and, seeing his reflection, condemned himself for his past errors. All these many acts of penitence were done to eradicate his karmic disease.
The Lotus, the wonderful sutra of the single vehicle, is the golden words of the three kinds of Buddhas. Likened to a bright jewel, it ranks highest among all the sutras that “I have preached, now preach, and will preach.” There are passages in the Lotus Sutra that say, “Among the sutras, it [the Lotus Sutra] holds the highest place,” and “[Among those sutras] the Lotus is the foremost!”14 The Great Teacher Dengyo said that [the Lotus school is] the school founded by the Buddha himself" -- On Curing Karmic Disease
One need not pass through kalpas cycling through the Lower Worlds. One may choose to push himself off the ground he has fallen to and immediately renounce the Nichikan Gohonzon and the Soka Gakkai and embrace the One Pure Vehicle as practiced by Nichiren.
Nichiren Daishonin also states:
"Thus, T’ien-t’ai and Miao-lo, following this principle, state in their commentaries that one should persist in preaching the Lotus Sutra. For instance, a person who stumbles and falls to the ground pushes himself up from the ground and rises to his feet again. In the same way, though persons [who slander the Lotus Sutra] may fall into hell, they will quickly rise up again and become Buddhas.
The people of today in any event already turn their backs on the Lotus Sutra, and because of that error they will undoubtedly fall into hell. Therefore, one should by all means persist in preaching the Lotus Sutra and causing them to hear it. Those who put their faith in it will surely attain Buddhahood, while those who slander it will establish a “poison-drum relationship” with it and will likewise attain Buddhahood." -- Those Initially Aspiring to the Way
Do not turn your back on the Lotus Sutra as ByakurenK and the other leaders of the Soka Gakkai. There may be some solace in the "poison drum relationship" you have with the Lotus Sutra but why pass through a thousand kalpas as did those who persecuted Neverdespise Bodhisattva? Exchange your Nichikan Gohonzon now and renounce your affiliation with the slanderous Soka Gakkai.
SGI members say the darndest things
"Having continuous faith in something greater than ourselves (God, Allah, Buddha, Jesus Christ, The Divine, The Law of The Universe…) that will give us the necessary strength and courage to weather any storm and celebrate any joyous miracle. It is what makes all things possible. The path of absolute happiness –true happiness from within." -- Liz Isaacs SGI senior leader and "life coach".
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Never forget the gratitude we owe to Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin.
The character Myo is the rain of the Law. Even in the depths of hell Myo is the rain that puts out the great fires of suffering and delusion. Everything changes save for the eternal nature of the Law and the Buddha. Jihi or Buddhist mercy is the essential nature of Myo. Buddha Shakyamuni displayed his mercy by confronting the nine great persecutions for the sake of people and Nichiren overcame five great persecutions. Both these great men renounced a life of luxury for the sake of the Law. Both could have been or done anything they chose, monarch, adviser to the nation; entrepreneur, physician, or general. They chose to preach the Law, living in the open under the stars or in thatched hermitage. Neither was respected by the powers that be. Ajatashatru loosed a herd of wild elephants on the Buddha and Hojo Takenobu sentenced Nichiren Daishonin to death. Never let those impoverished SGI leaders who claim to have attained what they have not degrade your faith or your efforts for the Law. You will see in ten or fifteen years who is being tormented by the guards of hell and who is enjoying the boundless benefit of the Law. The rain of Myo benefits all equally, not just "holy" leaders or priests who are anything but holy or true priests. You yourself are a Bodhisattva of the Earth, exalted beings who drink the life sustaining rain of the Law. Never forget this. Never forget the gratitude we owe to Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin.
Even the lowly Dhammapada far surpasses the Koran. How much more so the Lotus Sutra?
Buddhism [from the Dhammapada]
” In this world hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, Ancient and inexhaustible. ”
“All things, including you too shall pass away. Knowing this, how can you quarrel?
“It is better to conquer your own mind, than to win a thousand battles.”
“The mind is everything; what you think you become”
“It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.”
“Never speak harsh words. For they will rebound upon you.”
“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth”
“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
Islam: (From the Koran)
“cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads”
“Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other,”
“When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them”
“Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you.”
“Believers, know that the idolaters [non-Muslims] are unclean. ”
“Jews are like pigs and monkeys”
“Reclining in paradise with bashful virgins for companions, they will call for abundant fruit and drink.”
“Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.”
Friday, September 25, 2015
The only way we lose the debate
If they cut off our ears and nose just before the debate as the Martyr Nikkyo.
I have complete faith and trust in turtle fur and rabbit horns
"Well it was a day full of happiness, compliments, appreciation and confidence. I can face anything in my life, as I have complete faith, trust in my God and Gohonzon and of course not to forget my darling My Sai [my savior Sensei]." -- SGI-India member Aruna
"Todos Somos Budas" - Core Soka Gakkai teaching that even they don't really believe
??? Ryokan? Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi? They who must sign the SGI code of conduct?
The Ikeda cult of personality
Half of the latest WT was devoted to mentor and disciple.
"Ghandi was not great because he had publications tauting (touting) him, neither was Martin Luther King.
If President Ikeda is a great, wise, man, people will flock to him. We don't need the publications to tell us that.
I am ready to drop all of my subscriptions to SGI pubs.
I would rather read experiences (sanitized by the SGI to sound all the same) rather than read this mentor and disciple stuff.
What is going on with this M&D [sic] crap?
Re: Mentor & disciple, I am sick of it.
They are shoving it down our throats. I think it is their way of solidifying SGI doctrine, which is to be based on this concept. They've had to throw out much of the Shoshu doctrine, and so we have THIS. If we don't buy into it we're bound for the hell of incessant suffering. I wouldn't mind the concept so much if they didn't take it upon themselves to decide who my mentor is going to be. It might be a nice idea if the mentor wasn't mandated.
This summer's Living Buddhism is also almost entirely devoted to the "Mentor/Disciple relationship". This is a pretty strong push in the publications right now, and my feeling about it is that M/D has become a sort of "caulk" for the SGI. As long as the M/D relationship is a prime point of faith, it can be used to distract attention from any policy or doctrinal issue.
As I discussed last week, Japan (and perhaps to a limited extent our own study department in Santa Monica) is very engaged right now in trying to sort through exactly what form of Nichiren Buddhism we are going to be teaching as we nobly march forward into the 21st century. This involves a lot of interpretation, decision-making,and discussion to which we gaijin are cordially not invited. If faith becomes a matter of a personal loyalty oath to an individual rather than about our own inherent Buddhahood, or if we can somehow be convinced that our own inherent Buddhahood is contingent on a fantasy relationship with someone we've never met, then the subject can always be changed whenever there's a conflict. If (like some of us) you have problems with the Gakkai's choice to continue slandering other forms of Nichiren Buddhism, a layer of M/D caulk can be applied to sort of give the appearance of a flat wall of agreement,and the subject can be changed to the questioner's lack of faith and need to build a better fantasy relationship with his or her mentor. It is a strategic means whereby the organization can avoid dealing with the inevitable cultural conflicts which have arisen and will continue to arise. Personally , I think it is doomed to failure, since the caulk will only cosmeticallycover any cracks and not actually strengthen the structure.
At the end of the day, though, people will be able to meet together and chant without an emphasis on building a fantasy relationship if that's what they want to do. If the current emphasis is really disturbing to you,, you can always chant and study with people who feel likewise. The only thing I would offer as a caveat is to try to keep things positive. Our Fifth Wave gatherings out here are not about venting frustrations with any particular group or any particular organization's way of doing things. They are an opportunity for people to get together and do faith, practice and study of Nichiren Buddhism.
Hang in there, hope you are well, Best, Byrd in LA
Yes, I think you have expresse the reality pretty well here. And this is one of the reasons non-denominational meetings will continue to be interesting to a lot of people. Americans have a real aversion to being compelled to admire or emulate anyone. It may not be true, but we like to flatter ourselves that we choose our own leaders and we decide whom we will admire. Non-denominational gatherings will just simply continue to make it possible to understand Buddhism without using a mandatory Mentor as an intermediary between ourselves and the Lotus Sutra, or ourselves and Buddhism. That's one of the basic rules of the Fifth Wave, I think - no mandatory mentors.
Well, I hope everyone has a good week this week. I myself have started a new morning exercise routine. I'm hobbling a bit, but otherwwise feeling well. Best regards, Byrd in LA
"...If President Ikeda is a great, wise, man, people will flock to him. We don't need the publications to tell us that..."
Maybe we need a little reminding now and then...For example, the current issue of "Living Buddhism" repeats the name "Ikeda" some 200 times witnin its 13 pages..not counting footnotes or direct references Ikeda makes to himself...
That's right...the word "Ikeda" is printed over 200 times in one issue...mostly with gushing adulation about his mentorship, his wisom, his compassion...and of course, how the "lifeblood" of Nichiren flows through him to us...
Just reading one issue of Living Buddhism you see the name "Ikeda" 200 times...maybe the guys over there are slipping...I suggest they set a target for 1000 times in the next issue!
Welcome to Ikeda Buddhism. Well, has it really come to that? Is this truly the direction we've been on ALL ALONG? I REALLY do wonder.
I bring this up all the time with my SGI friends and either they are embarrassed about it or don't like it. Ikeda calls the shots in the SGI."
Nichiren excoriates Zen
"It is customary among physicians to name anyone who departs from the basic practices of medicine a “practitioner of outside ways.” In human society one speaks of those relatives who are of a surname other than one’s own as “outside relatives.” And in Buddhism, that which departs from the sutras and treatises is known as an “outside way.”
The Nirvana Sutra states, “If there is any person who does not abide by the expositions of the Buddha, you should understand that this person is a servant of the devil.” And volume nine of On “Great Concentration and Insight” says, “Before the Lotus Sutra, they were disciples of an outside [non-Buddhist] way.”
The Zen school describes itself as something “not transmitted by the Buddha and patriarchs.” [What is your opinion on this?]
Answer: If that is so, then why does the Zen school talk about the “twenty-eight patriarchs of India” and the “six patriarchs of China”? If you speak in this way, you are refuting your own assertion that the teachings were entrusted to Mahākāshyapa, are you not? How do you explain this contradiction in your own words?
The Zen school says, “This superior way of ours has not been transmitted by the sages of the past.”
Answer: If that is so, then the Zen school of today can have no real understanding of this “superior way” either. And if it has no real understanding of it, then it is not true Zen!
All the Zen school does is sing about a “superior way,” resting in arrogance, never correcting its deluded views but instead boasting of “perceiving one’s true nature.” Its greatest mistake is to create gaps between people’s capacities and the Buddha’s teachings. In doing so, it impedes the enlightening process of the Buddha’s teachings and falls ever deeper into error.
The Zen followers talk about a doctrine “outside the sutras” and practice this thing “outside the sutras”; they say their doctrine is “independent of words or writing,” yet they love to take up their brushes and write about it. Their words and their hearts fail to match—how could they be other than followers of the heavenly devil, disciples of a non-Buddhist way?
It is through the use of words and letters that the Buddha saves living beings."
"A woman who keeps the Hokekyo is like clear water: the moon of the Buddha Shakya takes up residence [there]."
"In turbid water the moon does not abide; in a withered tree there are no birds. In the body of a woman without a mind [of faith] the Buddha does not abide. A woman who keeps the Hokekyo is like clear water: the moon of the Buddha Shakya takes up residence [there]. For example, although, when a woman is first pregnant, she is not aware of it in her own body, as the months gradually add up and the days pass, she first wonders if it is so and later thinks that it is certain. A woman of insight even knows whether it is a boy or a girl. The doctrine of the Hokekyo is also thus. When one believes Namu Myoho renge kyo in one's mind, the Buddha Shakya is conceived with the mind as His lodging. Though at first one does not know it, as the months gradually add up, the Buddha in one's mind appears and a joyful mind gradually emerges." -- Letter to Lord Matsuno's Wife
A warning to you who remain in the Soka Gakkai
"I have never known Petry to ever say anything worthwhile or truthful. He is like an intellectual gnat attacking an intellectual giant (John Ayres). What Petry mistakes for the truth is his own inability to deal with facts that he does not like. He simply makes up "facts" that are more suitable to him.This is the best that the Minobu sect has to represent themselves. Typical. His ignorance of his own sect and Nichiren’s Buddhism is very helpful for orthodox Nichiren sects." -- Terry Ruby SGI leader
I suggest you search John Ayres on Google Groups Alternate Religion Buddhism of Nichiren. Then we can most easily judge the perception and judgement of SGI leader Terry Ruby. Were you to find it to be deficient, it is a warning to you who remain in the Soka Gakkai or to those who are thinking of joining. A good search term would be John Ayres and Reginald Carpenter and go down to the 5th post. Thomas Pass the Doobie's perception and judgement is not much better than Terry Ruby's. Should Thomas wish to come here and argue SGI's or Nichiren's doctrines, I would be more than happy to host him. We can have a hundred day debate.
My fingers point only to the Law, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Nichiren Daishonin.
"And now, within hours of this morning's post, I am already being attacked on the internet!!! LFAO!
And by a leader of his own Nichiren cult, who demonstrably has never achieved a single one of his stated goals, other than to slander others with enmity which is completely against the Daishonin's teachings!
To be slandered by a fool is no disgrace and to be praised by a fool is no honor. Go for it Mark, great leader of 45 followers! You have no idea how much I really have no problem with anything you say. I already explained it above. And I meant every word of what I said.
People perceive what they will. It has little to do with what I actually say. By the way, keep helping others hear what I have to say. I appreciate you helping me out that way, even though it is not your intention.
Hugs and deepest appreciation!
There is only one Supreme leader of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth and he is Nichiren Daishonin and there is only one original teacher and he is Shakyamuni Buddha. I follow Nichiren and seek no followers. Were I to seek followers, I would be no better than your perverse mentor. My fingers point only to the Law, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Nichiren Daishonin.
Nichiren replies to an Ikeda cult member
"If you are a devout Christian, i don’t mean to offend you by posting this. Actually, i don’t consider true Buddhism to be a religion. It’s actually a Life Philosophy practiced by a large number of Christians. Since Quantum Physics now proves with out a doubt, that everything is really just Energy disguised as physical matter; Nam Myoho Renga Kyo (the Chant) is simply a very high vibration, that gives more power to that which you desire. Because it is of such a positive frequency, when you repeat it over and over again, it can only give off a harmonizing effect, grounded in Causality. In other words if you make good positive causes, you will receive positive results more frequently and faster. But, if you continue to foster negativity the effect will also come much faster. This is actually a good thing if you need a mirror to see what's wrong with you. This is the Law Of Attraction on steroids so to speak." -- Ikeda cult member
"But the sutra says, “How much more will this be so after his passing?” By this we know that, in a future age after the passing of the Buddha, there are bound to be persecutions and difficulties even greater and more fearful than those that occurred during his lifetime. If even the Buddha had difficulty bearing up under such persecutions, how can ordinary people be expected to bear them, particularly when these troubles are destined to be even greater than those that occurred during the Buddha’s lifetime?
Though one might wonder what great persecutions could possibly be more terrible than the huge rock thirty feet long and sixteen feet wide that Devadatta rolled down on the Buddha or the drunken elephant that King Ajātashatru sent charging after him, if persecutions greater than those that arose during the Buddha’s lifetime keep occurring again and again to someone who is not guilty of the slightest fault, then one should realize that that person is a true votary of the Lotus Sutra in the age after the Buddha’s passing."
"There are no priests in SGI"
Italian SGI leaders [responsabili] are known as "Ministers of Worship".
The SGI are psychological manipulators. Do not be fooled.
Burton Watson translates a passage from Chapter 21 of the Lotus Sutra as follows:
"At that time the Buddha spoke to Superior Practices and the others in the great assembly of bodhisattvas, saying: "The supernatural powers of the Buddhas, as you have seen, are immeasurable, boundless, inconceivable. If in the process of entrusting this sutra to others I were to employ these supernatural powers for a measurable, boundless hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of asamkhya kalpas to describe the benefits of the sutra, I could never finish doing so. To put it briefly, all the doctrines possessed by the Thus Come One, the storehouse of all the secret essentials of the Thus Come One - all these are proclaimed, revealed, and clearly expounded in this sutra.
For this reason, after the Thus Come One has entered extinction, you must single-mindedly accept, uphold, read, recite, explain, preach and transcribe it, and practice it as directed. In any of the various lands, wherever there are those who accept, uphold, read, recite, explain, preach, transcribe, or practice it as directed, or wherever the sutra rolls are preserved, whether in a garden, a forest, beneath a tree, in monks quarters, in the lodgings of white-robed laymen, in palaces, or in mountain valleys or the wide wilderness, in all these places one should erect towers and offer alms. Why? Because you should understand that such spots are places of religious practice. In such places have the Buddhas gained anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, in such places have the Buddhas turn the wheel of the Law, in such places have the Buddhas entered parinirvana."
Bunno, Kato, Etal. translates the same passage:
"At that time the Buddha addressed Emminent Conduct and the host of other Bodhisattvas: "The divine powers of buddhas are so infinite and boundless that they are beyond thought and expression. Even if I, by these divine powers, through infinite, boundless hundred thousand myriad kotis of asemkheya kalpas, for the sake of entailing it, were to declare the merits of this sutra, I should still be unable to reach the end of those [merits]. Essentially speaking, all the laws belonging to the Tathagata, all the mysterious, essential treasuries of the Tathagata, and the very profound conditions of the Tathagata, all are proclaimed, displayed, revealed, and expounded in this sutra.Therefore you should, after the extinction of the Tathagata, wholeheartedly receive and keep, read and recite, explain and copy, cultivate and practice it as the teaching. In whatever land, whether it be received and kept, read and recited, explained and copied cultivated and practiced as the teaching; whether in a place where a volume of the sutra is kept, or in a temple, or in a grove, or under a tree, or in a monastery, or in a lay devotee's house, in a palace or a mountain, in a valley or in the wilderness, in all these places you must erect a caitya and make offerings. Wherefore? You should know that [all] these spots are the thrones of enlightenment. On these [spots] the buddhas attain Perfect Enlightenment; on these [spots] the buddhas roll the wheel of the Law; on these [spots] the buddhas [enter] parinirvana." (Lotus Sutra, Chapter 21, The Power of the Tathagata)
Leon Hurvitz translates this same passage;
"The Buddha then addressed Him of Superior Practice along with the others in the great assembly of Bodhisattvas. "The spiritual powers of all Buddhas are similarly immeasurable and boundless, beyond conception or imagining. Were I, for the sake of entrusting this scripture to others, to expound its merits and virtues for untold and limitless hundreds of thousands of myriad millions of eons by means of these-spiritual powers of mine, I would still not be able to exhaust its riches. In short, all the Teachings that I as a Tathagata possess, all the spiritual powers that I have at my disposal, all my unseen storehouses and all my extremely profound activities are expounded, revealed and explained in this scripture. For this reason, after my parinirvana, you should wholeheartedly accept and hold to it, study and recite it, understand and expound it, write it down and make copies of it and, just as you preach it, so practice in accordance with it.
"If there is anyone in any land or country who accepts, holds to, studies, recites, understands, expounds, writes down, copies or practices it as he preaches it, be it in a place where Scripture books reside, or in a garden, or in a grove of trees, or under a tree, or in a monk's quarters, or in the lodging of a white-clad layman, or within the halls of the nobility, or on a mountain, or in a valley, or in an open plain, therein will a stupa be raised and an offering be made. And for what reason? Know that such a place is indeed a seat for enlightenment: in such places Buddhas find Complete and Perfect Enlightenment, in such places Buddhas turn the Wheel of the Dharma, in such places Buddhas enter parinirvana."
"Because you should understand that such spots are places of religious practice."(Watson)
"You should know that [all] these spots are the thrones of enlightenment." (Bunno)
"Know that such a place is indeed a seat for enlightenment."(Hurvitz)
Now, my dear readers, don't you think that, after seeing these highlighted sentences and reading again and again the three translated passages above, that the SGI advisers to Watson had an agenda to mute the Buddha's message and passion for the Lotus Sutra? Please, think about it. Watson's passage is drab and passionless. Bunno's is vibrant and filled with passion and Hurvitz's is to the point. Do you think the Buddha was passionless or circumspect? The SGI are psychological manipulators. Do not be fooled.
“We can receive the benefit of the greatest treasure without even seeking it.”
"The two ways of practice and the resulting virtues of Shakyamuni are inherent within the five characters of Myo-Ho-Ren-Ge-Kyo. If we embrace these five characters, we naturally will be granted the benefits of his cause and effect. The four great men of learning heard this teaching and realized, 'We can receive the benefit of the greatest treasure without even seeking it.'"-- The True Object of Worship
Proof of The Transmission Through the Sutra Scrolls and the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
"Do not put faith in traditions handed down orally." -- Nichiren Daishonin
The two kinds of wisdom
"There are two kinds of wisdom, correct and perverse. No matter how wise a person may appear, if his assertions are warped you should not listen to him.”
Nichiren on appropriating doctrines
"The translators of the newer versions of the sutras learned about T’ien-t’ai’s doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life when they came to China. When they translated Sanskrit sutras into Chinese, some put T’ien-t’ai’s principle into their translations, and others claimed that the originals they had brought from India already contained it. Some of the scholars of the T’ien-t’ai school were simply pleased that other schools were expounding the same doctrine as theirs, while others praised the Buddhism of India and slighted that of China, or discarded their original doctrines and adopted new ones. These scholars yielded to their devilish nature and to foolishness. Ultimately, however, without the seed of Buddhahood, that is, the three thousand realms in a single moment of life, sentient beings cannot become Buddhas, and any statue or painting would be an object of devotion in name only."
Similarly, Ikedaism has appropriated the Daimoku and is expounding many same doctrines as Nichiren Daishonin and calling them their own.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Blockbuster post from Reddit SGI Whistleblowers
Half of the latest WT was devoted to mentor and disciple.
"Ghandi was not great because he had publications tauting (touting) him, neither was Martin Luther King.
If President Ikeda is a great, wise, man, people will flock to him. We don't need the publications to tell us that.
I am ready to drop all of my subscriptions to SGI pubs.
I would rather read experiences (sanitized by the SGI to sound all the same) rather than read this mentor and disciple stuff.
What is going on with this M&D [sic] crap?
Re: Mentor & disciple, I am sick of it.
They are shoving it down our throats. I think it is their way of solidifying SGI doctrine, which is to be based on this concept. They've had to throw out much of the Shoshu doctrine, and so we have THIS. If we don't buy into it we're bound for the hell of incessant suffering. I wouldn't mind the concept so much if they didn't take it upon themselves to decide who my mentor is going to be. It might be a nice idea if the mentor wasn't mandated.
This summer's Living Buddhism is also almost entirely devoted to the "Mentor/Disciple relationship". This is a pretty strong push in the publications right now, and my feeling about it is that M/D has become a sort of "caulk" for the SGI. As long as the M/D relationship is a prime point of faith, it can be used to distract attention from any policy or doctrinal issue.
As I discussed last week, Japan (and perhaps to a limited extent our own study department in Santa Monica) is very engaged right now in trying to sort through exactly what form of Nichiren Buddhism we are going to be teaching as we nobly march forward into the 21st century. This involves a lot of interpretation, decision-making,and discussion to which we gaijin are cordially not invited. If faith becomes a matter of a personal loyalty oath to an individual rather than about our own inherent Buddhahood, or if we can somehow be convinced that our own inherent Buddhahood is contingent on a fantasy relationship with someone we've never met, then the subject can always be changed whenever there's a conflict. If (like some of us) you have problems with the Gakkai's choice to continue slandering other forms of Nichiren Buddhism, a layer of M/D caulk can be applied to sort of give the appearance of a flat wall of agreement,and the subject can be changed to the questioner's lack of faith and need to build a better fantasy relationship with his or her mentor. It is a strategic means whereby the organization can avoid dealing with the inevitable cultural conflicts which have arisen and will continue to arise. Personally , I think it is doomed to failure, since the caulk will only cosmeticallycover any cracks and not actually strengthen the structure.
At the end of the day, though, people will be able to meet together and chant without an emphasis on building a fantasy relationship if that's what they want to do. If the current emphasis is really disturbing to you,, you can always chant and study with people who feel likewise. The only thing I would offer as a caveat is to try to keep things positive. Our Fifth Wave gatherings out here are not about venting frustrations with any particular group or any particular organization's way of doing things. They are an opportunity for people to get together and do faith, practice and study of Nichiren Buddhism.
Hang in there, hope you are well, Best, Byrd in LA
Yes, I think you have expresse the reality pretty well here. And this is one of the reasons non-denominational meetings will continue to be interesting to a lot of people. Americans have a real aversion to being compelled to admire or emulate anyone. It may not be true, but we like to flatter ourselves that we choose our own leaders and we decide whom we will admire. Non-denominational gatherings will just simply continue to make it possible to understand Buddhism without using a mandatory Mentor as an intermediary between ourselves and the Lotus Sutra, or ourselves and Buddhism. That's one of the basic rules of the Fifth Wave, I think - no mandatory mentors.
Well, I hope everyone has a good week this week. I myself have started a new morning exercise routine. I'm hobbling a bit, but otherwwise feeling well. Best regards, Byrd in LA
"...If President Ikeda is a great, wise, man, people will flock to him. We don't need the publications to tell us that..."
Maybe we need a little reminding now and then...For example, the current issue of "Living Buddhism" repeats the name "Ikeda" some 200 times witnin its 13 pages..not counting footnotes or direct references Ikeda makes to himself...
That's right...the word "Ikeda" is printed over 200 times in one issue...mostly with gushing adulation about his mentorship, his wisom, his compassion...and of course, how the "lifeblood" of Nichiren flows through him to us...
Just reading one issue of Living Buddhism you see the name "Ikeda" 200 times...maybe the guys over there are slipping...I suggest they set a target for 1000 times in the next issue!
Welcome to Ikeda Buddhism. Well, has it really come to that? Is this truly the direction we've been on ALL ALONG? I REALLY do wonder.
I bring this up all the time with my SGI friends and either they are embarrassed about it or don't like it. Ikeda calls the shots in the SGI."
Heir disciples are chosen by their actions not by their affiliations
"Among the disciples of the school of Nichi-ju, nobody should be chosen, directly or indirectly, as an heir disciple. However, anybody among the priests or the laymen of my congregation who spreads the teaching in Kyoto and who swears that other sects are the root of all evils and that only the Lotus Sutra leads to Buddhahood, only these people can be my disciples. And if candidates are equally gifted, they should propagate during the summer, practicing in turns. You should consider a person who spreads the teaching in this manner as the true disciple of Nichi-ju. So, in the days to come, this shall be my will."
The Third Year of Meitoku Mizunoe Saru January 29th [1392] Seal of Nichi-ju
The Lotus Sutra itself chooses heir disciples, not the SGI, Kempon Hokke, nor Shamon Tsuchiya.
Nichiren proves our point yet again
"Usually teachers are persons. However, trustworthy teachers do not exist in the Latter Age; so there is much evidence of regarding the dharmas as teachers.." (Shugo Kokka-ron, noppa, p.2)
You got that right Shinichi. We wouldn't have it any other way.
From the The Human Revolution Vol. IX, Readings for September 2007 "Spark" pp. 1167-1168
"The Kempon Hokke school was founded by Nichiju in Kyoto about one hundred years after Nichiren Daishonin's death. It maintained that the Buddhist doctrines should be transmitted by the scriptures only and not from mentor to disciple..."
I accuse SGI of adopting many strategies other than the Lotus Sutra
For example, SGI features failed mediation expert Mari Fitzduff on their Ikeda Center website. She was [is?], among other things, a mediator between Palestinians and Israelis. We see how far even the mediation of nation states has taken us in resolving this crisis, let alone mediation through individuals such as Ms. Fitzduff. Yet, they feature one of her essays on conflict resolution involving fundamentalists.
Her approach, as is SGI's, is completely doomed to failure: http://www.ikedacenter.org/ikeda-forum/2014-dignity because it fails to take into account the wonderful power and influence of Myo to revive, revitalize, and restore. Once again we see SGI adopting all strategies other than the Lotus Sutra. How sad!
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