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Monday, September 28, 2015

You're not chanting for Greg's happiness. You're chanting for him to think like you.

Rj Peters: Wow. Once upon a time NSA was a noble and inspiring movement. We all know that. But when the Gakkai took it over, what ensued was a Schism. It became a corporate money-making political organization - not that the Hokkeko is any much better. And anyone who was there knows this. 

And Patty, you pretty much used the same format in an open note in a public forum to me as you did with Greg. For whatever your reason, you you drag perfectly good laundry into a public forum. That's not at all correct.

And I for one resent your trying to manipulate anyone. You have no right to do that; despite the perverse training you and Jim passed on to the rank and file.

We disagree. I strongly disagree with the SGI and the Hokkeko and Shu and almost all religions, be they western or eastern.

But aside from the brainwashing and conditioning that NSA pushed on all of us, the effort was more than doubled down when the SGI took over; and you know that.

The SGI makes Manchurian Candidates in all levels of society. Doctors - remember the one that allowed Bill Goldman to die without medical tests or care and told him it was just a headache? What about others who've committed suicide like Carol? Lawyers - Beverly Hills is rife with them. Actors - don't even get me started. Security professionals - I was one, many of my Shakubuku were turned against me. For what? For speaking out?

You have no right to reach out and admonish Greg for speaking his mind. None. That's not even close to being a correct practice.

South Bay Chapter brainwashed it's members and when it couldn't do that, it humiliated them or denied them access to family, friends of different beliefs and even wouldn't allow them into meetings, arranged marriages that couldn't work, made people spend thousands and thousands of their own money to support a staff of Japanese administrator's life-styles and stole people's personal identities and lumped them into a horde of zealous fanatics prowling the streets, airports and malls for inductees.

This is a public forum. Here adults speak their mind. This is not a Jewish Synagogue where dissent is trounced with humiliation tactics and mind control or the SGI where brainwashing is standard practice.

And as you've probably noticed, mind control and manipulation simply doesn't fly with freedom-of-thought loving people.

You're not chanting for Greg's happiness. You're chanting for him to think like you.


  1. This this antisemitism or regret?

  2. I'm sure RJ meant "Mosque" Rita or maybe Pentecostal Church. Don't get your panties in a bunch.

  3. rita is a big cry baby. this is what the mentor and the sgi produceses.

  4. Don't get mad at me because your Treasure Tower isn't rising anymore. You so keen to take your frustration out on SGI and other faiths that make you question your cult mentality instead of learning to be tolerant like a normal, first world Westerner.

    Maybe the great stupa made its appearance to you the same place your head is at - where the sun don't shine.

  5. This blog's proprietor is a cult leader, and "Greg" is his discipline. Seek out Sensei while before it's too late.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "when i observe what people are doing, i realize that although they profess faith in the lotus sutra and clasp its scrolls, they act against the spirit of the sutra and thereby fall into the evil paths". nichiren.

    this applies to ugly rita and its silly mentor. both cowards who cannot uphold even a small piece of the myoho renege kyo. just like your senseless, you also are a liar. my teachers are the eternal shakyamuni and his emissary for the latter age nichiren. get it right or get lost.

  8. Not your type I take it?

    Tell me, what do you know about the Lotus Sutra? You claim to uphold it, but where is your proof? I think you should pluck those eyebrows of yours. Those fireflies between your eyes have confused you into thinking you've got 32 features - though for sure, awakening isn't one of them.

  9. sgi people such as your self don't know the teachings. ikeda doesn't know the teachings. or if he does he turns his back on them for profit and selves gain. if you were to follow the lotus sutra and the teachings of the man that brought you the daimoku(although truncated)that you chant , you could not remain in the gakkai. sgi people refuse to talk about the teachings because they have nothing to do with what ikedism teaches. if what i have said here is not true , then please through he teachings refute what mark posts. why don't you back up , with the teachings , what the gakkai teaches. feel free to try. it can't be done. hopefully through trying you will wake up to your japanese cult. hold up the clear mirror of the teachings so you can see yourself. you chant a preverted daimoku that nichiren brought you but you turn your back on what he actually taught. how crazy is that? nichirens buddhism(lotus sutra) is great but ikedism is nothing but serious slander.

  10. there are thousands and thousands of people who chose not to stick their head up ikeda's ass. you are not one of them. all cults are the same.

  11. Our proof are the writings itself. You think the Human Revolution fictional farce will be around for millennia? Think again Rita.

  12. If we are intolerant than there was no one more intolerant than Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin. SGI's tolerance for evil is only matched by its penchant for stupidity.

  13. Where are your voluminous commentaries on the Lotus Sutra? Simply lower the banner of your arrogance and apologize to Sensei Daisaku Ikeda.

  14. Nichiren's writings which you have all but forgotten.

  15. commentary on the lotus sutra - chant namu myoho renege kyo with the same mind and faith as the leader of the bodhisattvas of the earth(nichiren not ikeda).

    rita, find us one place in an authentic gosho that says nam and not namu. it can't be done. you lose.

  16. You're glorifying your own opinions and interpretations as though they were correct Buddhism. This is an immense mistake that leads down a winding path of cult membership and intolerance.

  17. No. We embrace the opinion of Shakyamuni of the Original Doctrine, the Eternal Buddha since time without beginning and his foremost disciple, Jogyo Nichiren. No interpretation of their opinions are necessary. They are very clear. It is you and your mentor whose mind is clouded with your own opinions and interpretations.

  18. rita, "slanders are like howling jackals but nichiren's followers are like roaring lions.............strength your faith day by day and month after month. should you slacken a bit demons will take advantage" - nichiren

    your demon is ikeda and the cult. beware. and consider yourself warned.
