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Friday, September 11, 2015

SGI leader Kathy Ruby should be eating crow [now that that the SGI too is repudiating their formerly most highly revered DaiGohonzon]

"The truth is the Gakkai reveres the Dai-Gohonzon far more than the Nikken sect ever has. We honor the inscription on it -- the thing that makes this Gohonzon so special -- "For the sake of all living beings." -- Kathy Ruby 

Then, she should honor the other ninety-five Nichiren Gohonzon that have the same or similar inscriptions instead of slandering them like her Sensei. And, for slandering me day in day out for more than five years [for asserting the exact same thing as the SGI is now asserting], she should send me her Nichikan No-Honzon and I will mount the beautiful Gohonzon for the Transmission of the Dharma for her, "The Great Mandala that was never known in the whole of Jambudvipa for the 2200 years since the Buddha's paranirvana."

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