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Friday, September 11, 2015

The SGI leaders and Nichiren Shoshu priests keep you in the dark to control you.

"Showing Gohonzon openly as you do is a total disgrace. And I promise you that you will answer to it, at the moment of death.  Do Zange and get away from the Kempon Hokke as soon as  possible. It is rotting your have no idea what you are doing....!!!!" -- proud member of the Ikeda sect

Since you refuse to study the various Gohonzon, it is you who knows not what he is doing. The "Scrolls of the Sutra" are Gohonzon and Nichiren Daishonin taught that one who merely sets his eyes on it will never fail to attain Buddhahood. If the Gohonzon couldn't be photographed, there would be no way for anyone to study Gohonzon, the quintessence of his teachings. You are the ignorant and superstitious ones thanks to the Soka Gakkai and your Sensei. You should rather study everything you can get your hands on pertaining to Gohonzon. The SGI leaders and Nichiren Shoshu priests keep you in the dark to control you.

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