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Sunday, October 25, 2015

SGI and totalitarianism

The SGI is not much different than totalitarian governments and our modern republics and democracies which too have become totalitarian. Since life isn't so great for a good many people who are burdened with heavy taxes [donations], engaged in wars, and their leaders lining their pockets [corruption], the governments attempt to keep the people entertained and uneducated, with endless sport programming, talent shows, reality shows, stupid "newsworthy" events, community activism for shallow causes, poor educational systems, etc. Likewise, the SGI doesn't want the youth to think and to really explore Buddhism, lest their free labor and donations stop, so it promotes mindless culture festivals like Rock the Era for Sensei while drumming into their heads that they are contributing to world peace and "human revolution" through these banal activities.


  1. I was thinking the same thing earlier about how SGI IS LIKE POLITICS AND GOVERNEMENTS. Oligarchs and totalitarian regimes.

  2. I am so happy I had the courage to finally leave. So much superstition and fear. It was fear that kept me from leaving for many years. My intellect and instinct finally won out. When I came to a point that I was embarrassed to take a family member to a meeting, I knew I could not longer keep up the pretense that I believed everything they were saying. The "benefits" testimonials was more than I could stomach, especially the "material benefits". I see it as a scam now, as I see most organized religions. Power and money........Although, I do believe in any person practicing their religion as long as it is not harmful to others.

  3. It has been asserted that all cult members like SGI, Scientology, Unification Church cult members, even those believers in the so-called world religions such as Catholicism and Islam, to a greater or lesser extent exhibit confirmation bias when they relate their testimonials:

  4. I think the most important lesson I recived all week was reading about confirmation bias. It made me analyze everything with a new filter. Allot of people have this bias.
