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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Could someone [anyone] cite one exhortation to kill or to violence in the Lotus Sutra?


  1. By virtue of this alone, the Lotus Sutra is superior to the Bible and Q'uran.

  2. The Lotus Sutra is the king of Sutras and of all scriptures.

  3. Notice on the cover, three-fold lotus sutra including Infinite Meanings, what the Buddha was meditating on before going in to expedient means.

    有一法門無量義 疾令菩薩成菩提
    There is one Dharma-door that allows Bodhisattvas to readily attain Bodhi
    自本來今最真諦 萬物性相本空寂
    All things have always been Empty and still in nature and in appearance
    只因眾生虛妄計 六趣輪迴苦難離
    Sentient beings’ false discriminations lead to their own suffering in the cyclic existence of the Six Realms
    佛陀宣說第一義 普令一切復無疑
    Hence the Buddha expounded this great Truth, which shall expel all doubts
    所發慈悲明不虛 諸眾菩薩應修習
    The compassion developed is clear and true. All Bodhisattvas must practice it
    一聞能持一切法 令諸眾生得大益
    Hearing one teaching, the Bodhisattva can realize all Dharma, and bring great benefits to all sentient beings
    斯經譬如一種子 百千萬億從它生
    This Sutra is like a seed. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of millions arise from it
    千億種子復又生 展轉乃至無盡量
    Thousands and hundreds of millions of seeds each produce more until the number is infinite and countless
    一法能生無量義 無量義者一法生
    One Dharma can give rise to infinite meanings. Infinite meanings arise from one Dharma
    一句一偈能得聞 百千萬億能通達
