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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How Nichiren interprets the Lotus Sutra

The Treatise On Protecting The Nation by Nichiren Daishonin reads:

“Again, it is written, 'Whosoever receives and keeps this Lotus Sutra, reads it, correctly bears it in mind, practices it, writes and copies it, let it be known that such a person beholds Sakyamuni Buddha face to face, and hears the words of this sutra directly from the Buddha’s mouth. Such a one thus, also venerates Sakyamuni Buddha in person.'

This passage means that the Lotus Sutra and Sakyamuni Buddha are one. For those who don’t believe in the Lotus Sutra, Sakyamuni Buddha has gone to extinction and does not appear anymore, but for those who believe in this sutra, even though it is said that he has gone to extinction, the Buddha is present in this world.

Again it is written,

'After I have attained Buddhahood and have gone on to nirvana, if there is any place in the ten directions where the Lotus Sutra is preached, with my stupa, I will be there and manifest myself in that place to hear the sutra being preached, and will attest to the truth of the sutra.'

This passage means that when we ordinary beings of this latter age of the dharma recite the august title of the Lotus Sutra, Prabaratna Tathagata, on account of his vow, will come and be present.” (STN 1, 123: 8–14-9)


  1. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.
    the Buddha is present with you.....

  2. >This passage means that when we ordinary beings of this latter age of the dharma recite the august title of the Lotus Sutra,

    The World Honored One could have easily said to recite the title.

    Retain all teachings and uphold all goodness
    Listen to all teachings, take them to heart
    And do not forget them
    Uphold the ten good deeds
    And enter the path of sentient beings
    Learn and uphold the dharanis,
    The Dharma essence of blessings and wisdom

    Doesn't mean reciting a dogmatic mantra.
    '"retain all teachings and uphold all goodness." This is what we call "dharani"
    Translated, the word means retaining all teachings and upholding all goodness. When we learn the Buddha's way, we must learn the great vehicle Dharma. The great can encompass the small, but the small cannot encompass the great truths. So, as Buddhist practitioners, we must form great aspirations and make great vows. With everything that we learn, with all the Dharma, we must earnestly practice according to the teachings. To understand the great vehicle, we must listen; we must hear. We must all hear how we can return to our nature of true suchness so our nature can become one with the universe. Achieving this state is easier said than done. So, the Buddha must use many different methods, the great and small vehicle Dharma, to accommodate varying capabilities. The teachings are all spoken from his mouth and then enter through people's ears. When we listen to all teachings, we must then take them to heart. By grasping one truth we understand all truths. Having understood and taken it to heart, we must compare it with the way we are living. We hear about the problems families have, their suffering and unresolved issues. We listen to them, then use the Buddha Dharma to open their minds and dissolve their mental entanglements to prevent them from giving rise to turmoil. Thus, according to their capabilities, we use the Dharma we have learned to transform others. So, we must never forget the Dharma in our hearts.

    We must also uphold the ten good deeds. The most important things to uphold in this world are the Five Precepts and 10 good deeds. We all know what the Five Precepts are, no killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying or drinking alcohol. These of the Five Precepts. The ten good deeds go beyond the Five Precepts to the threefold, following body, speech and mind. If we practice the for good deeds of speech, the tree of the mind and the three of the body, we are practicing the ten good deeds. We must strictly uphold them. Not only must we uphold The Five Precepts, we must practice the ten good deeds. Not only must we avoid gossip. Not only must we avoid harsh speech, we must use language that is gentle and kind. Not only must we avoid flattery, we must always speak truthfully, etc. We must be able to practice all this. Moreover, our minds must be without greed, without anger and without endurance. Not only must we not be greedy, we must give to others. Not only must we not get angry, we must train ourselves to become good natured. No matter what happens, we must be understanding and accommodating. Then we will not lose our temper. Furthermore, we must not be ignorant. We must accommodate everything and be content. We must be very content and very understanding. In this way, our minds will not be deluded. So, not only can we turn the four evils of speech into the for good deeds of speech, we can even turn around the three evils of the mind.

  3. Tzu Chi is mole cricket compared to Nichiren.

    1. A confused mind suffers agony;an enlightened mind feels at ease....
