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Monday, December 14, 2015

Buying Respect for Ikeda a damning post by Barbara O'Brien with commentary by high level SGI leaders

Dear Barbara:

You certainly have generated a lot of interest from the Soka Gakkai; two Vice General Directors, Ian McIlraith and Bill Aiken. I applaud you.

Ghandi, King, and Ikeda are all controversial men. I will leave aside Dr. King for the moment. The Dalits [untouchables], the oppressed peoples of India of whom I had contact through the editor of the Dalit Voice, VT Rajshekar, are certainly not impressed with the Mahatma [Ghandi]. Those million people who died in the forced March of 1947 too, would not be impressed. According to the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin, good intentions are fraught with unintended consequences when not based on the Lotus Sutra and the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha (Enlightenment).

It was only Shakyamuni Buddha, in the entire history of India, who had the Dalits best interest in mind. Buddha taught that one becomes a Brahmin through virtue, not through birth. Ghandi was too embroiled in the teachings of castism, to have been anything but a pawn of the Brahmanical power brokers.

Daisaku Ikeda is a pawn of the power brokers of the Club of Rome and their new world order while the Lotus Sutra teaches that peace and security in this life and a fortunate birth in the next is realized through the One Buddha Vehicle. The socio-political strategies of such men as Ghandi, Ikeda, and King, are doomed to failure.


  1. WILL you reveal your finances as a prolific doctor?????

    1. Yes, to the FBI and the IRS and they don't need to ask!

  2. Do you realize that your website resembles a Japanese Media outlet. Where there is a lot of rag time talk without much VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE? In America we base our debates on "VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE". Do yourself and your readers a favor.
    And I challenge you... to watch and read Japanese media for 30 days. Reflect on whether or not it resembles your website. Remember An American editor of any respectable publication will base their argument on atleast 2 Verifiable sources. thank you.

    1. I am a verifiable resource.Having been a member/mind controlled by the organization for many years.I can tell anyone first hand that every "leader"I ever met was the most arrogant manipulative fanatic hypocrite.I can verifiable say that my life is so much better since I left that mind control trap of an organization.

    2. And I have zero interest in watching Japanese media for a month And I hardly think that is the place to get verifiable evidence of anything.Why don't you read books in the library instead of news and sgi propaganda?I have wasted years of my life on reading his junk.I can get as much fluffy encouragement reading hallmark cards in the drugstore.

    3. Anonymous...Give us specifics or get lost.

  3. btw...I am not very familiar with Buddhism. But I am familiar with Japanese culture, media and news outlets. Trust me you don't want to go down that path.

    1. then watch and listen. No need to speak except to ask questions about Buddhism. Nearly everythng I write comes from actual quotes. I'm not going to do your homework for you and I'm not a journalist but rather a votary of the Lotus Sutra.

    2. You call yourself a "votary of the Lotus Sutra"? You are a slanderer of the Lotus Sutra. Anyone who would post a bunch of unfounded zero-fact articles that resembles the stuff that the Nichiren Shoshu used to put online - probably before they figured out that posting such stuff gets you a call from a lawyer - WHICH IT SHOULD! If you wrote this kind of garbage about me, and posted zero facts, I'd call a lawyer on you, too, probably, except that would dignify this blabfest of ignorant 'net trolls.

    3. Figures a troll who calls himself an actual Buddhist but can's discuss the teachings. Pitiful.

  4. then why don't you source anything on this blog. for all I know as a writer you are committing plagiarism. do you know how to source. It's very easy. go you really should do that. otherwise it makes your site look very baseless. you are running from my statement...and i will do my own research. i have a brain. a friend referred me here. I am studying all major religions. it is a free country. and I will exercise my constitutional rights. or shall we go to israel where the military does not allow one to freely express their views. As do many other countries.

  5. And the way you say "No need to speak except to ask questions about Buddhism" sounds like an angry parent speaking to a little child, which i am neither. this has not been my understanding of buddhism. of people talking down to someone else. I am allowed to voice my opinion that you do not paint a welcoming picture whatsoever of buddhism. thank you.

  6. You go do your homework. I already did mine. You can source nearly everything I have written on the internet save for any original articles by me. If you searched and couldn't find my sources for anything, I may be able to source them for you. If you really don't like the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren, the Eagle Peak Blog, or me, then get lost. We are not running for office.

    1. So your reply to "why don't you provide any sources" for your accusations is to say "yes I did". Haha, good job, Donald Trump!

    2. Everything is well sourced. You need to study. I will not do your homework for you.

  7. Now Mark, that's not how we do Shakabuku. Anonymous try the chant of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, just try it for a few days and see if you feel enlightened, happy, serene, free. If not, then you don't. All this theoretical bantering back-n-forth causes hate not love. Actual proof to absolute joy and overcoming our fundamental darkness is what we really seek, right?

  8. No. You perform interfaith prayers and disgrace the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. SGI members are as enlightened as rocks. You confuse Rapture for Buddha, shoju for shakubuku, and black for white [because you replace Shakyamuni Buddha with the pig-man Ikeda]. Shameful is what you are.

    1. So Buddhist! Why would I listen to someone like Ikeda who only talks about peace all the time? I should just listen to you since you use the word "pig-man".

    2. No. You should listen to me because I follow Nichiren and protect his teaching while the pig-man Ikeda teaches Yui Yoga [Guru Yoga].

  9. Sgi members are as enlightened as rocks. That is It in a nutshell.I can't believe that I was brainwashed by them. I was a member form10 years then I stoped because I was getting sick of the arrogance of leaders. I started chanting again when I hit a rough patch in my life.And if I wasn't so vulnerable I would have never bought into all of the crap. They are so so phoney. They are brainwashed by an organization that just wants money and power. But on the outside just wears a mask. I hate them all. And I don't feel anything bad about saying so. How many times did I hear chant for people you don't like to see there Buddha nature. I say that is just total bullshit.Why should I waste time worrying about the happiness of an asshole. Any body reading this do your self a favor and stay away from these dulsional nuts who think their mission is to save the world.They are brainwashed into believing this is what they are doing. They think if they spread " the law" they will get benefit for being a part of creating world peace. All they really want is benefit not world peace. I know people who sit in front of their gohonzon chanting for a high paying job. If they really gave a shit about world peace they would be chanting about how,to actually do it rather than chanting to a magic lantern that's going to bring them what they want. I'm not saying that they don't want world peace. Most normal human beings desire this. But tell me how on earth are they so brainwashed into believing that if they get their high paying job and are happy that's doing anything what so ever for world,peace. The sgi is filled with greedy arrogant self ritchious condescending idiots

  10. Correct Anonymous. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Good insight Jules. More evidence of their delusion.

  12. I would only disagree Jules that there is anything ever about Ikeda to respect. He altered the teachings and turned sandalwood into dung from the very beginning.

  13. What happened to deluded SGI Anonymous? Cat got your tongue? What about you Mr. fake "Actual Buddhist"? I remain here to destroy your perversion of the Daishonin's Buddhism.

  14. Still here to correct SGI's, Nichiren Shoshu's, and Nichiren Shu's delusions while the various Anonymouses are no where to be found.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Ikeda is a "Devil Incarnate" Just as the article states, mixing Politics and Religion never works. That is the main reason the Ikeda/SGI were excommunicated in 1991 from Nichiren Shoshu. Democracies seen to have the separation of Church and State correct. That is obvious from history and current Islamic Oligarchies. The SGI is probably even more pathetic than most religious oligarchies because they continue to hide the death or reveal the condition of Ikeda. They know the cult is falling apart as evidenced by the constant flow of SGI members leaving and returning to their Temple organizations.

  17. Hi Two Birds! I would love to hear your many experiences.

  18. It gives me so much pain and anxiety to explain.I was severely damaged.I was back stabbed by a person I thought was my friend.Its been 5 years and I am still in shock and how they scapegoated me had irreversible damage.I got ptsd which turned into psychosis and had a complete nervous breakdown and lost a family member.I can't go into details but I will say that they did this to me on purpose.They did it because they are sadistic and wanted me to go down because I wasn't into the sgi very much and didn't believe that chanting for stuff was normal.It was all planned.They pretended to care about me but wanted frontrow seats to see me fall apart so they could believe that people who slander the law go to hell.I didn't fall apart because I slandered the law.I was baited into their web.My life was destroyed by falling into their sadistic trap.The catalyst that helped me get my marbles back was when I was going to kodenes rufu gong yo.I never wanted to go to them because they were one big informercial.It was New Years gong yo and I really dreaded going.Well on the way there my "friend " was the cause of a three car accident because she slammed on her breaks.We had kids in the care and another member crying.My "friend" decided to use this opportunity to shakabuku every one in the accident including an older couple going to a furneral!,!!She could not even care less about me or those in the care with her.Even though I was still so deep in fog of having lost my sense of self from all the suffering and abuse I still had enough consiousness in me to see how fucked up it was for my "friend" to pass out her namyohorenge kyo cards and love bomb the people that she caused the accident.I just could not get it out of my head that someone could actually try and talk an older couple to chant with absolutely no awareness that they were prevented from going to a furneral because some bozo slammed on their breaks in front of them because they did not see the red light.A month latter I threw out my gohonzen.I really did like chanting and using it to connect to my buddanature but I simply cannot use this as a tool any more because the ties in my mind it has to sgi is too deep.I also have concluded they all are communal narsisist.They need to be looked up to as saving the world.Thats how they get their sense of self when all it really is is that they are control freaks who need to feel like a leader so that they can be looked up,to for their sense of self.That is why all of them are leaders.They need people to help to have people look up,to them to make them feel worthy and if anyone comes to their sences and says wait a minute Imdont need you or the sgi then immediately you are the evil enemy.Mr Ikead is the emperor with no clothes.He wanted to be looked up like MLK so now he is looked up to by millions of brainwashed fanatics and some scholars that he has paid off and gotten awards.All the awards the world could not satisfy the endless pit in his heart.He probably is dead now anyway.So now all these lunatics are even going to idolize him more like some Jesus.So glad Imhave my marbles but I will never get back what I lost and get over the devastation and consequences that was a result of being part of this cult.

  19. Hi Analagous. You can vent here any time. You have good insight about the $GI. Glad you woke up and are sane. I would say that worshiping Ikeda is a form of insanity. Sorry to hear that they soured you on Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism. Please remember that what they practice is Ikedaism, not Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism.
