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Thursday, December 3, 2015

The SGI lie and the truth

The SGI lie:

"Soka Gakkai is a modern lay Buddhist movement. It is the largest Buddhist sect in Japan with 8 or more million members and an additional 4 million members in other countries. [8] “Soka Gakkai” translates as “Value-Creation Society.” The organization follows the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin (1222–82), a Japanese monk who crafted a reinterpretation of Buddhism based on the Lotus Sutra. Since its founding in1930, The Soka Gakkai has been the object of a lot of criticism and even persecution. Unlike other Nichiren sects, Soka Gakkai does not have a class of priests, and its emphasis is on the practitioner rather than dogma......"Daveler16 (talk) 21:51, 10 July 2014 (UTC)

The truth:

The organization follows the teachings of Nichiu, Nichikan, Nichigen, and the Three Presidents of the Soka Gakka. Like other Nichiren sects, Soka Gakkai has a priestly class [in Ghana, in Singapore, not to mention the business suited SGI priests of Shinanomachi*, Tokyo] but it's emphasis is on Daisaku Ikeda rather than doctrine.

* SGI Headquarters


  1. How many practicing members are there ?. This number that is quoted is probably largely made up of members that couldn't be bothered to resign. You couldn't depend on the Soka Gakkai for a straight answer on this because they are incapable of it , its not in their DNA to be honest, they are always looking ahead planning their next scam

  2. Namo Amitabha or Purelamd probably bigger than all Nichiren sects combined.

  3. The Japanese are saying that there is only two million of the bastards left in Japan
