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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Every last pioneer SGI member, man or woman, is a devil who will fall into the unremitting hell.

For nearly 80 years the cornerstone of the Soka Gakkai faith, the very prime point of their faith, was the DaiGohonzon of Sanctuary. Before 1991, millions of Japanese SGI had visited the Head Temple of Taisekeji to worship this Gohonzon, some more than a thousand times. It was the very bedrock of the Soka Gakkai's silent prayers, its heart and soul and the inviolate principle to which all members were taught to revere more than life itself. The slanders heaped upon us and me personally for questioning the DaiGohonzon, number in the thousands. I am angry and at the same time amused at SGI members rank stupidity, lack of seeking spirit, and vitriole. I am not surprised however because the DaiGohonzon breeds evil men and women. Every last pioneer SGI member, man or woman, is a devil who will fall into the unremitting hell. Pity. 


  1. That sounds a bit harsh

    1. Yet it accords with the warnings Nichiren himself explained to his followers. There are numerous examples in Nichiren's writings, but I will share from "The One Essential Phrase":

      "The heart of all these passages is the admonition to embrace and believe in the Lotus sutra in this Latter Day of the Law. The learned authorities in Japan, china, and India have all failed to comprehend this obvious meaning and have slandered the sutra... They misunderstand the Buddha's teachings, but the people are ignorant of their mistakes. Because they appear to be true priests , the people trust them without the slightest doubt about what they preach. Therefore, without realizing it, the people who follow them have become enemies of the Lotus sutra and foes of Shakyamuni Buddha. It is obvious from the sutra that not only will all their wishes remain unfulfilled, but their lives will be cut short, and after this life, they will be doomed to the greatest citadel of the hell of incessant suffering." (WND, Vol I; pg. 923)

      When you stop to consider how many *trusted* SGI leaders blew this off, it seems that even Nichiren's admonitions were not harsh enough.


  2. Fair enough then

  3. It's harsh like gravity is harsh. Steep off the edge of a 10 story building that surrounded by a stone plaza and gravity is exceptionally harsh (unless you happen to be a very small creature) It's not gravity's "fault", it doesn't "think" about you as it pulls you to the ground, it's not trying to "punish you", it's just the way reality is set up. So the point of the admonitions, the point of trying to get the message through is to get people to understand that's the way things work and put them in a position where they avoid stepping of the edges of tall buildings.

    I guess every parent knows this approach doesn't work with kids who are in immediate life threatening danger (softly spoken) "now you really must be careful" or "I might upset or frighten them if I tell them about the big truck speeding towards them, I'll pick a better time later". So why would we do less for adults?

    Because their adults? The smoking lobby would love that, profits galore. It's no different for spiritual corporations who make their bucks leading people into dependency and keeping them their at harm to their being. Profits galore but it's OK, they're adults...

    Of course adults do have a choice that can continue to smoke just as they can continue to follow which ever brand of religion ticks their box bit if it's going to be Nichiren based, at least let them have a chance of thinking things through and being better informed. The rest is up to them...

    1. Soz for the "their" typos auto fill going crazy tonight! I'd delete and correct but I'd probs mess something else up! Please substitute "they're" "there" as appropriate. Thanks

    2. Thanks Mudpie,

      I realized reading your *scared straight* analogy that we should also reiterate the *poison drum* relationship -- and that one who falls to the ground due to slander of the True Law, can push himself/herself upright again via faith in the True Law-- fits in with the law of gravity analogy--

      And we should not forget that practitioners of the Lotus Sutra offering prayers for the deceased, especially relatives of the deceased who practice according to Nichiren's teachings, can mitigate the suffering of their deceased loved one--

      The Mystic Law exists eternally-- throughout the phases of life and death. the deceased cannot chant or make causes themselves, but can experience *joy* from the Law via the prayers of believers in the Mystic Law.

      I chant daimoku for 2 deceased pioneer leaders - Jerry Hicks and Mrs. Morgan - Washington, D.C.

