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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Fascinating articles on SGI mind control techniques


  1. It is said that the soka gakkai has spent $1billion over the last 10 years for mind control and buisness strategies from Acenture

  2. Replies
    1. The Soka Gakkai also has around $10 billion of art work at the Fuji Museum and has more assets than Toyota it seems

  3. i still say. even toda has been betrayed by his "so called" beloved disciple shinichi/ikeda. greedy megalomaniac.

    1. of course , the above "beloved disciple" is declared by ikeda not by toda.

  4. Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo (I devote myself to the mystic law of cause and effect through vibration). The law of vibration is a universal law that was not created by Buddhism or any religion. It exists independently of any religion. Religions that say that they have an ownership claim on the law of vibration are lying. No religion owns the universe or any part of it. Chanting the mantra must be accompanied with the goal of your desire. That goal is the vibration that attracts the results that you are trying to attain. Chanting without a desire in your mind gives you nothing.

    The Buddhist concept of Kyoshi Myogo means the oneness of subject and object. In other words the subject is your desire and the object is the result. While chanting, you are meditating on your desire and your determination (strong emotion) is the energy that you put into the vibration to attract your results. Kyoshi Myogo is the attraction force between subject and object that can be stated as the Law Of Attraction (LOA). Without using a religion the Law Of Vibration (Law Of Attraction) still exists and does not need any religion to exist and is not owned by any religion.

    SGI Buddhism does not own any universal law, but some people find comfort and group synergy in chanting and applying the Law Of Vibration and they need the doctrine that a religion provides. A person does not need SGI to use LOA and need not be controlled by the self serving leaders that twist the doctrine to promote their need to control other people by using leadership authority to manipulate members.

    LOA can be applied without SGI or chanting, by learning to meditate and focusing on their desires to manifest in the present moment and not in the future. A person can create their own life by learning to meditate, visualize and create the same vibration that SGI members do by chanting. Here is just one of many experts that can clearly explain LOA.

    The 12 Universal Laws

    Ethnographic and Historical Perspectives on Sōka Gakkai, Japan's Largest Active Religion

    World Religions Ranking

  5. All well and good but that is not the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren. However, you are welcome to comment.
